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2018-2019 Academic Catalog


The  MBA program at Lasell College explores aspects of leadership in a changing world, including the study of marketing, economics and entrepreneurship. The MBA program consists of 36 credits that can be completed in 18 months.

Graduate and Professional Studies, in collaboration with the Management/Marketing Department, has established the following Goals and Outcomes for the Master's in Management degree and the MBA.  The program is structured to support students to achieve these goals and outcomes by the time they complete the program. 

Goal 1: Organizational Understanding
Upon completion of the major program of study in Management, students will be able to

1.      Describe organizations and their cultures
2.      Demonstrate how organizations work and how they fit into and interact with a broader complex of economic, market, political, socio-cultural and technological environments.
3 .     Apply various theories of effective management practices and explain the impact on individual and organizational performance.

Goal 2: Strategic Management
Upon completion of the major program of study in Management, students will be able to

1. Develop management strategies that support organizational goals and are responsive to internal, external, and global changes
2. Develop ethical decision-making abilities that support employment practices, policies, procedures, and integrity within an organization.
3.  Apply analytical, technical, and research skills to assess and measure the effectiveness of management goals and performance within an organization.
4. Demonstrate they have gained breadth and depth of understanding of key organizational management concepts and theories and leadership models and applications

Goal 3: Managerial Self-Development
Upon completion of the major program of study in Management, students will be able to

1.  Assess their own approaches and commitment to learning and their obligation to personal and professional growth
2.  Demonstrate an ability to motivate individuals and teams toward organizational goals through the application of leadership practices

Goal 4: Communication
Upon completion of the major program of study in Management, students will be able to

1.      Effectively use communication skills to convey management policies and practices throughout an organization.
2.      Exhibit poise and confidence in verbal and written communication demonstrating strong higher-order critical thinking and analysis.

Goal 5: Diversity and Global Awareness
Upon completion of the major program of study in Management, students will be able to

1.      Develop management practices that foster an appreciation for multiple cultures, ethnicities, and other diverse populations.
2.      Understand how technology links nations and individuals, as well as how it enables the global economy.
3.      Understand the interconnectedness of the global economy.
4.      Analyze how the global economy impacts political decision-making - including the formal and informal pacts nations enter into.
5.      Analyze the social, environmental, and micro-economic impacts of global decisions made by both national and international (e.g. the UN, the IMF) organizations.
6.      Understand how cultural differences (e.g. beliefs, traditions, religions) impact personal and national participation at the global level.
7.      Understand the impact of ideology and culture on national decisions about access to and use of technology.
8.      Participate in the global society through interactions with persons in another country or culture.

MBA Curriculum
The program is delivered 100 percent online and is taught in 8-week sessions.   


Course Code Course Title Credits
MBA Requirement
MBA705 Org Development, Theory & Leadership 3
MBA706 Ldrships Role in the 21st Century Org 3
MBA707 Org Role in Ethics & Social Justice 3
MBA708 Quant Anlys for Manag Decision-Making 3
MBA709 Stat Tech & Analysis for Decision-Making 3
MBA710 Managerial Economics 3
MBA711 Accounting for Managers 3
MBA712 Financial Analysis for Managers 3
MBA713 Strategic IT Alignment 3
MBA714 Entrepreneurial Strat & Venture Creation 3
MBA715 Glb Mrkt Strat & Dynamic Supply & Chain 3
MBA716 Global Strategy for Continual Success 3

MBA705 - Org Development, Theory & Leadership

This course emphasizes application of behavioral science knowledge to major organizational issues such as performance, decision making, communication, conflict, and leadership. Students will explore organizational development as a process of continuous diagnosis, action planning, implementation and evaluation, with the goal of transferring knowledge and skills to organizations to improve their capacity for solving problems and managing future change.

MBA706 - Ldrships Role in the 21st Century Org

Examines the role of managers as ethical and responsible thought leaders, problem solvers and change agents. The complexities of, and challenges associated with, managing and leading change in a rapidly changing, international, diverse and information-based environment are emphasized. Through discussion, case analysis, role playing, decision-making simulations, and experiential exercises, students explore the responsibilities of contemporary business and the complex issues of leading and guiding organizations in a turbulent environment.

MBA707 - Org Role in Ethics & Social Justice

This course deals with the roles and responsibilities of business in a global society; teaches models of ethical decision-making that incorporate multiple points of view, including diverse cultural worldviews and legal perspectives; and addresses those factors that contribute to and constrain ethical behavior in and by organizations. Students will then apply these concepts to current business problems, such as anti-trust, accounting fraud, deceptive advertising, and environmental dumping.

MBA708 - Quant Anlys for Manag Decision-Making

Quantitative and statistical skills provide managers with more confidence in dealing with uncertainty in spite of the flood of available data. The course encourages students to think analytically and to reason logically using available information and appropriate technology in order to solve problems and make decisions. Course topics include decision making under uncertainty, time series forecasting, linear programming and the transportation method.

MBA709 - Stat Tech & Analysis for Decision-Making

his course covers basic statistical techniques in a managerial setting featuring case studies and conceptual exercises. Statistical topics include effective use of numerical and graphical summaries, estimation and confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and regression. A few more advanced topics such as data mining, the Bayesian paradigm and principles of model building may be encountered during projects.

MBA710 - Managerial Economics

Managerial Economics is the application of economic theory and methodology to managerial decision making problems within various organizational settings such as a firm or a government agency. The emphasis in this course will be on demand analysis and estimation, production and cost analysis under different market conditions, forecasting and decision making under uncertainty. The course provides an understanding of the microeconomic forces that influence firm decision making. Topics include competitive markets and market failure, benefit-cost analysis, demand estimation and forecasting, decision making under risk and uncertainty, production and cost estimation, and market structure analysis

MBA711 - Accounting for Managers

As the language of business and the cornerstone of our capital markets, accounting provides terminology, frameworks, and concepts with which to analyze and understand the financial consequences of business activities. This course explains the basics of accounting, links accounting to financial statements, analyzes financial statements and works through economic analysis of investments. As these activities have become increasingly complex and global, the task of presenting timely, relevant, and reliable financial information to interested internal and external users has become more challenging. The course highlights how managers use cost, cash flow and financial reporting information in their decisions. Pre-requisites: PMBA 708, 709, 710 with a grade of B- or better

MBA712 - Financial Analysis for Managers

The primary purpose of this course is to help you develop a high degree of financial statement, financial analysis, and financial management expertise in order to enhance your capabilities as an informed manager and decision maker. In addition, this course has a global perspective which examines the operation of the foreign exchange markets, foreign exchange risk management, sources and instruments of international financing, foreign direct investment and the management of political risk, multinational capital budgeting, and financing control systems for the multinational firm.

MBA713 - Strategic IT Alignment

This course provides an enterprise-wide perspective on IT management, focusing on how IT professionals, non-technical managers, and external service providers work together to ensure that applications, data, and knowledge align with organizational strategy and business processes (i.e., Strategic IT Alignment). Cases and readings examine how companies in various industries use IT to serve customers well, manage operations efficiently, coordinate with business partners, and make better business decisions. The course places equal weight on technical and managerial skills. Our primary objective is to help students prepare to be effective contributors to IT initiatives in partnership with IT professionals, including external service providers here and abroad.

MBA714 - Entrepreneurial Strat & Venture Creation

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating and growing new businesses and is fundamentally concerned with the identification and exploitation of opportunities for wealth creation (profit). Successful entrepreneurs generate wealth by identifying opportunities for value creation and then develop competitive advantages to exploit them. The broad objective of this course will be to apply insights from the fields of strategic management and economics to the process of entrepreneurship in order to understand what differentiates successful from unsuccessful entrepreneurial firms.

MBA715 - Glb Mrkt Strat & Dynamic Supply & Chain

This course covers the processes involved in the creation, distribution and sale of products and services, and explores the tasks and decisions facing marketing managers. It focuses on market and competitive analysis, customer behavior, and the design and implementation of marketing strategies in domestic, international and global markets, including product, price, promotion, distribution and customer service decisions. It also focuses on the successful navigation of multinational free trade agreements the knowledge of which is required for success within the global business sphere.

MBA716 - Global Strategy for Continual Success

This course focuses on how multinational companies and other firms create and sustain competitive advantage in a highly competitive, networked economy. Students learn about models of competition such as Porter's Five Forces model and D'Aveni's Hyper-Competition. Strategic innovation, the resource-based view of the firm, and new business models are other important topics. Emphasis is placed on formulating strategy at the corporate and business levels and on implementing strategy at all levels of the firm. The macro global environment, ethics, risk management and government regulation are covered.

Cristina Haverty

Associate Vice President of Workforce Development and Global Engagement

Office: Alexander STC

Lori Rosenthal

Assistant Provost; Professor of Psychology

Office: Plummer

Janice Barrett

Professor Emerita

Keith Belmore

Associate Professor of Athletic Training and Graduate Chair of Athletic Training

Office: Alexander STC 104N

Linda Bucci

Professor & Program Chair of Justice Studies, Graduate Chair of Criminal Justice

Office: Plummer

Sarah Giasullo

Assistant Professor of Athletic Training; Graduate Chair of Health Sciences

Office: Alexander STC 104T

Elizabeth Hartmann

Professor of Education

Office: Brennan Library

Janet Huetteman

Graduate Chair of Management and Marketing; Associate Professor of Marketing

Office: 23 Maple Street, Office #5

Young-Tae Kim

Associate Professor of Sport Management; Graduate Interim Chair of Sport Management

Office: Alexandar STC

Ron Laham

Assistant Professor of Athletic Training/ Exercise Science

Office: Alexander STC

Amy Maynard

Professor of Education

Office: Brennan Library

Meryl Perlson

Chair of Communication; Professor of Communication

Office: Donahue 107

Matthew Reilly

Chair of Business and Interim Chair of Sport Management; Assistant Professor of Business

Office: DeArment

Claudia Rinaldi

The Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Professor/Professor of Education, Chair of Education

Office: Brennan Library

Nancy Waldron

Assistant Provost; Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management

Office: DeArment

Brian Wardyga

Professor of Communication; General Manager, 109.2FM WLAS & LCTV

Office: Brennan Library, G04F

Edward Weeks

Associate Professor of Justice Studies

Office: Winslow

Catherine Zeek

Professor Emerita

MBA705 - Org Development, Theory & Leadership

This course emphasizes application of behavioral science knowledge to major organizational issues such as performance, decision making, communication, conflict, and leadership. Students will explore organizational development as a process of continuous diagnosis, action planning, implementation and evaluation, with the goal of transferring knowledge and skills to organizations to improve their capacity for solving problems and managing future change.

MBA706 - Ldrships Role in the 21st Century Org

Examines the role of managers as ethical and responsible thought leaders, problem solvers and change agents. The complexities of, and challenges associated with, managing and leading change in a rapidly changing, international, diverse and information-based environment are emphasized. Through discussion, case analysis, role playing, decision-making simulations, and experiential exercises, students explore the responsibilities of contemporary business and the complex issues of leading and guiding organizations in a turbulent environment.

MBA707 - Org Role in Ethics & Social Justice

This course deals with the roles and responsibilities of business in a global society; teaches models of ethical decision-making that incorporate multiple points of view, including diverse cultural worldviews and legal perspectives; and addresses those factors that contribute to and constrain ethical behavior in and by organizations. Students will then apply these concepts to current business problems, such as anti-trust, accounting fraud, deceptive advertising, and environmental dumping.

MBA708 - Quant Anlys for Manag Decision-Making

Quantitative and statistical skills provide managers with more confidence in dealing with uncertainty in spite of the flood of available data. The course encourages students to think analytically and to reason logically using available information and appropriate technology in order to solve problems and make decisions. Course topics include decision making under uncertainty, time series forecasting, linear programming and the transportation method.

MBA709 - Stat Tech & Analysis for Decision-Making

his course covers basic statistical techniques in a managerial setting featuring case studies and conceptual exercises. Statistical topics include effective use of numerical and graphical summaries, estimation and confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and regression. A few more advanced topics such as data mining, the Bayesian paradigm and principles of model building may be encountered during projects.

MBA710 - Managerial Economics

Managerial Economics is the application of economic theory and methodology to managerial decision making problems within various organizational settings such as a firm or a government agency. The emphasis in this course will be on demand analysis and estimation, production and cost analysis under different market conditions, forecasting and decision making under uncertainty. The course provides an understanding of the microeconomic forces that influence firm decision making. Topics include competitive markets and market failure, benefit-cost analysis, demand estimation and forecasting, decision making under risk and uncertainty, production and cost estimation, and market structure analysis

MBA711 - Accounting for Managers

As the language of business and the cornerstone of our capital markets, accounting provides terminology, frameworks, and concepts with which to analyze and understand the financial consequences of business activities. This course explains the basics of accounting, links accounting to financial statements, analyzes financial statements and works through economic analysis of investments. As these activities have become increasingly complex and global, the task of presenting timely, relevant, and reliable financial information to interested internal and external users has become more challenging. The course highlights how managers use cost, cash flow and financial reporting information in their decisions. Pre-requisites: PMBA 708, 709, 710 with a grade of B- or better

MBA712 - Financial Analysis for Managers

The primary purpose of this course is to help you develop a high degree of financial statement, financial analysis, and financial management expertise in order to enhance your capabilities as an informed manager and decision maker. In addition, this course has a global perspective which examines the operation of the foreign exchange markets, foreign exchange risk management, sources and instruments of international financing, foreign direct investment and the management of political risk, multinational capital budgeting, and financing control systems for the multinational firm.

MBA713 - Strategic IT Alignment

This course provides an enterprise-wide perspective on IT management, focusing on how IT professionals, non-technical managers, and external service providers work together to ensure that applications, data, and knowledge align with organizational strategy and business processes (i.e., Strategic IT Alignment). Cases and readings examine how companies in various industries use IT to serve customers well, manage operations efficiently, coordinate with business partners, and make better business decisions. The course places equal weight on technical and managerial skills. Our primary objective is to help students prepare to be effective contributors to IT initiatives in partnership with IT professionals, including external service providers here and abroad.

MBA714 - Entrepreneurial Strat & Venture Creation

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating and growing new businesses and is fundamentally concerned with the identification and exploitation of opportunities for wealth creation (profit). Successful entrepreneurs generate wealth by identifying opportunities for value creation and then develop competitive advantages to exploit them. The broad objective of this course will be to apply insights from the fields of strategic management and economics to the process of entrepreneurship in order to understand what differentiates successful from unsuccessful entrepreneurial firms.

MBA715 - Glb Mrkt Strat & Dynamic Supply & Chain

This course covers the processes involved in the creation, distribution and sale of products and services, and explores the tasks and decisions facing marketing managers. It focuses on market and competitive analysis, customer behavior, and the design and implementation of marketing strategies in domestic, international and global markets, including product, price, promotion, distribution and customer service decisions. It also focuses on the successful navigation of multinational free trade agreements the knowledge of which is required for success within the global business sphere.

MBA716 - Global Strategy for Continual Success

This course focuses on how multinational companies and other firms create and sustain competitive advantage in a highly competitive, networked economy. Students learn about models of competition such as Porter's Five Forces model and D'Aveni's Hyper-Competition. Strategic innovation, the resource-based view of the firm, and new business models are other important topics. Emphasis is placed on formulating strategy at the corporate and business levels and on implementing strategy at all levels of the firm. The macro global environment, ethics, risk management and government regulation are covered.