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School of Communication & the Arts

B.A. in Journalism

Journalism and Media Writing

Journalism at Lasell

The B.A. in Journalism major prepares students for jobs as news reporters and editors, magazine writers and social media managers. They develop professional portfolios to showcase their news, feature, and digital writing projects for prospective employers.

The degree program offers students a mix of journalism, digital media and communication courses, as well as opportunities to apply their knowledge in student media outlets including the 1851 Chronicle print and digital newspaper, Lasell Community Television (LCTV) and WLAS radio.

Program Features

The program features many extracurricular opportunities to give students leadership/team experience and portfolio material. These experiences include:

  • The program culminates with students completing at least one required internship and a capstone experience in which they develop a digital portfolio to showcase their undergraduate projects and skills. 
  • Students complete at least one internship and encouraged to study either abroad or domestically.

What You'll Learn

From your first day, you’ll take courses in your major and advance towards graduation with a yearly plan. Not sure what classes to take? We’ll help you create the perfect plan. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Communicate clearly and effectively with diverse audiences through writing, oral and non-verbal methods in styles demanded by platform and discipline.
  • Critically analyze the content, functions, effects and ethics of media in a diverse, global society.
  • Formulate applied communication research questions and employ quantitative or qualitative methods to gather, analyze, and share findings.
  • Employ tools and technology within industry standards to produce accurate, engaging, news and feature content for print, broadcast and digital platforms.
  • Identify and articulate one’s skills, strengths and experiences relative to journalism career goals, and identify areas necessary for professional growth.

For a complete list of courses and learning outcomes, view the Academic Catalog >>

Accelerated Master's Program

Save time and money — earn your graduate degree in just 1 year with the Accelerated Master's program. Learn more and how to apply >>

Undergraduate alumni return to Lasell for second (or third!) degrees 
Read their stories >>

Career Success in the Journalism Industry

Lasell’s program in Journalism prepares students for careers in print, television, long-form, editorial and more.

Our students have interned with:

  • NESN
  • NECN
  • Viacom
  • The New England Patriots
  • The Boston Globe
  • The Boston Herald
  • iHeart Media
  • Boston Magazine 

Our alumni work for:

  • Kraft Sport Group
  • Marriott
  • CNBC, as a Video Editor
  • US Department of Transportation
  • MLB Network




Request more information about the Journalism major:

"The Communication program has given me hands-on experience that I can bring to my first job."

Courtney Hannon '27

Communication major

Read more about Courtney
Courtney Hannon

ARTS219 - Digital Photography I

This course provides an introduction to the basic concepts of digital imaging as applied to Photography. Students combine traditional photographic methods with the latest digital techniques, using image manipulation software, scanning equipment and other computer-based tools. Students are responsible for providing their own digital camera.

COM208 - Public Relations

In this course, students explore the evolution, theoretical basis for, and practice of professional Public Relations. Students review the history and current practices of Public Relations and examine the differences between PR and advertising; press relations and public affairs; promotions and news events; marketing and media placements. Students gain insights into the Public Relations function for corporations, high tech companies, government agencies, politics, education, the entertainment industry, sports, and non-profit institutions. Lectures, case studies, readings, group work, guest speakers, and class discussions focus on techniques useful in such areas as local and national publicity, special events, and community and government relations for organizations. Prerequisite: COM101

COM209 - Journalism

Journalism is a fast changing industry and this course prepares students for the change. Students learn to report and produce a variety of news and feature pieces, for print and multi-media platforms, including Q and A interviews, news and feature stories, opinion pieces, reviews, photo galleries, social media campaigns and more. Assignments can be produced on sports, fashion, entertainment, arts and culture, business, politics and more. Students have the opportunity to publish their work in The 1851 Chronicle newspaper and website. Prerequisite: WRT102

COM306 - Broadcast Journalism

This class introduces students to the basic skills in writing for radio and TV news, including beat reporting, writing, interviewing, and editing. Students critically evaluate newscasts and are introduced to the components of producing them. They also examine ethical challenges that arise when manipulation of images and sound can distort reality and compromise journalistic integrity. Prerequisite: COM 209

COM314 - Magazine and Digital Content

The magazine industry is evolving from print only to multi-media and digital. The skills needed to produce this type of content are also changing. This course focuses on producing feature and entertainment-oriented content across platforms, including print, video, digital and social media. Students engage in connected learning projects and produce photo galleries and videos, blogs and podcasts, as well as the creation of an original magazine and a social media campaign to build its brand. Writing is emphasized as students improve their skills across platforms, learn to target audiences, and curate content. Students will write profiles, reviews, and 1st person columns, among other projects. Students will also be encouraged to submit feature work to The 1851 Chronicle website as well as Polished and Tarnished Magazines. Prerequisite: COM209.

COM324 - Investigative and Beat Reporting

This course requires students to do the work of the field by covering a campus or community beat like a professional reporter. Students learn how to come up with unique and powerful story ideas, how to cultivate sources, and how to tell stories across all platforms, such as print, digital, video and social media. This class also teaches students how to do the work of an investigative journalist, as portrayed in the Oscar winning “Spotlight” film. Students work in teams to research important campus issues to uncover the truth and produce multi-media packages to tell their stories. The course also examines global journalism trends. Prerequisite: COM209