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entertainment media minor


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The Entertainment Media minor provide students with an insider look at the ways entertainment media, from film, television, podcasts and radio to video games and social media, is produced and culturally consumed.

 Entertainment Media Minor - Course Catalog

Sample Courses

This course surveys the theories, history, economics, audience, and regulations of the major forms of mass media, including newspapers, magazines, motion pictures, radio, television, and new electronic communication. Students develop a basic understanding of the roles of mass media and their effects on society and the individual. The course focuses on the relationship between mass media and society, so students can identify current trends that are changing the nature and function of traditional mass communication. Students examine and debate many current controversial issues concerning the mass media and their effects on our society and culture. 

This course explores TV and film as both art forms and artifacts of cultural communication. Students analyze TV and film through various perspectives such as narrative structure, genres, aesthetics, audience reception and social functions. Through these lenses, the course explores the interplay between industry developments, content, and delivery methods such as streaming, moviegoing, and broadcasting. 

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