Patrick Macdonald
Assistant Men`s Volleyball Coach
Office: Athletic Center
Tel: (617) 243-2000
John Maclean
Office: Winslow Hall Lower Level
Jennifer Madonna, MS
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Deborah Mael, MEd
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Michael Maggio
Assistant Men`s Lacrosse Coach
Office: Athletic Center
Kelly Magowan, MEd
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Ellen Makynen, MEd
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Deborah Maniace, EdD
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Varshitha Manjunath, MS
Assistant Professor of Cyber Security/ Coordinator of Cyber Security
Office: Unassigned
Kelly Mann, MLITT
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Robert Manning
Police Captain
Office: Winslow Hall Lower Level
Tel: (617) 243-2308
Janice Maravalli, MBA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Jamie Marcoux
Assistant Vice President of Athletics
Office: Cushing House
Kristina Markos, MLS
Associate Professor, Visiting, Communications/ Graduate Chair of Communication
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Nora Martin, DBA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Betty Martinelle, MEd
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Lisa Martinez, AA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Julie Matos, BA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Meaghan Matthews, MS
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Andrew Maylor
Vice President of Finance and Operations and Chief Financial Officer
Office: Bancroft House
Tel: (617) 243-2384
Amy Maynard, PhD
Professor of Education
Office: Klingbeil House
Tel: (617) 243-2311
Bethany Mayott
Holway ECC Lead Educator
Office: The Barn
William Mazza
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Julie McBrien
Library Director
Office: Brennan Library
Tel: (617) 243-2242
Laura McCaffrey, BA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Mariana McCarthy, MS
Athletic Trainer
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Jim McCleskey, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Robert McGeough, MBA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Katherine McGough, BFA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Peg McGuirk
Payroll Specialist
Office: Eager House
Bruce McKinnon, MBA
Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship
Office: DeArment House
Tel: (617) 243-2023
Angus McQuilken, BA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Lee Means, BS
Administrative Assistant for Academic Affairs
Office: Klingbeil House
Tel: (617) 243-2424
Pedro Medina
Lead Utility Worker
Office: Buildings and Grounds
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Hector Melendez, BS
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Ian Meropol, BA
Chief Communications Officer
Office: Hamel House
Tel: (617) 243-2150
Renee Meshon, MS
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Robert Michaud, EdD
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Elizabeth Milano, MA
Director of Graduate Student Services
Office: Bancroft House
Tel: (617) 243-2086
Amber miller Miller
Medical Science Classroom Moderator
Office: Science and Technology Center
Kellee Miller, MS
Executive Director, Holway Early Childhood Centers
Office: The Barn
Tel: (617) 243-2289
Sara Miller, MEd
Lead Teacher
Office: The Barn
Tel: (617) 243-2352
Celeste Mischenko, EdM
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Janay Mitchell, MPA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Siddharth Mobar, MBA
Associate Professor of Hospitality & Event Management
Office: DeArment House
Tel: (617) 243-2327
Samantha Mocle
Senior Associate Director of Strategic Communications
Office: Irwin House
Tel: (617) 243-2386
Sharon Moliken, MSW
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Warren Moliken, MEd
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Aissatou Monti, MS
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Sabrina Morais
Volunteer Coach, Soccer
Office: Athletic Center
Tel: (14) -
Diana Morales, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Robert Morrison, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Jennifer Muldowney
Dean of Student Financial Services
Office: Potter House
Tel: (617) 243-2360
Anne Mullaney
Administrative Assistant for Academic Affairs
Office: Donahue Center
Tel: (617) 243-2030
Michelle Muller, MS
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Jennifer Murphy
Lead Teacher
Office: The Barn
Jennifer Murvin, MFA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned