Edward Haberek, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Jason Hair-Wynn
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Jodi Hall
Executive Assistant
Office: Holway House
Tel: (617) 243-2136
Staci Halt, MA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Moonsu Han, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
James Hanna, MEd
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
James Hannon, MBA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Shannon Hanson, MS
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Sharon Harrington-Hope
Director of Counseling
Office: Mott House
Tel: (617) 243-2145
Jonathan Harris
Athletic Trainer
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2420
Ernix Harris williams
Assistant Track And Field Coach
Office: Athletic Center
Jessica Hart, MS
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Elizabeth Hartmann, PhD
Professor of Education/Graduate Chair of Education
Office: Klingbeil House
Tel: (617) 243-2177
Neil Hatem, EdD
Professor of Mathematics
Office: Science and Technology Center
Tel: (617) 243-2364
Cristina Haverty, MEd
Assistant Vice President of Workforce Development and Global Engagement/ Professor, Athletic Training
Office: Bancroft House
Tel: (617) 243-2131
Stephen Hawthorne, MEd
Director of Accessibility Services and Academic Support
Office: Brennan Library
Tel: (617) 243-2212
Wayne Hederstedt, MS
Licensed Trade HVAC - Per Diem
Office: 26 Maple Terrace
Tel: (617) 243-2460
David Hennessey, MEd
Associate Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs
Office: Edwards Student Center
Tel: (617) 243-2478
Erica Herman, EdD
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Jeffrey Higman, MBA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Coleman Hill
Admission Counselor
Office: Hamel House
Amy Hoffman, MFA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Zachary Hohl
Customer Service Coordinator
Office: Potter Hall
Tel: (617) 243-2112
Erika Holshoe, MS
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Randall Hopkins, MBA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Randall Horton, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Rachel Householder, MS
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
William Householder, BS
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Craig Hovey, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Kim Howard, JD
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Sam Hoyo, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
John Hrabar, EdD
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Adela Hruby
Associate Director of Health Education and Clinical Counselor
Office: Mott House
Tel: (617) 243-2334
Michelle Hubbard, MS
Per Diem Dispatcher
Office: Winslow Hall Lower Level
Tel: (617) 243-2000
Janet Huetteman, MBA
Associate Professor of Marketing/Graduate Chair of Business
Office: DeArment House
Tel: (617) 243-2419
Steven Huff, BA
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Oscar Hughes, MEd
Adjunct Faculty
Office: Unassigned
Tiesha Hughes, BS
Director of Center for Community Based Learning (CCBL)
Office: Klingbeil House
Tel: (617) 243-2348
Thomas Hunt, BA
Associate Director of Financial Aid
Office: Potter House
Tel: (617) 243-2227
Joseph Hutchinson
Assistant Baseball Coach
Office: Athletic Center