Bryanna Restelli Testimonial

How has your master’s program impacted your personal and professional growth?  

- My master’s in rehabilitation science has greatly impacted my personal and professional growth in a number of ways. On a personal level, my master’s program has provided me with opportunities to develop critical thinking skills, expand my knowledge base, and improve my ability to communicate effectively with others. Professionally, my master’s program has opened numerous doors, allowing me to follow any opportunities that I desire in the field of rehabilitation

How has the master’s program prepared you for your future career goals?

- My master’s program has prepared me for my future career goals by greatly expanding my knowledge of human movement and function. My time at Lasell allowed me to develop advanced knowledge of skills and topics that I learned in undergrad, as well as build upon them.

For instance, I had enrolled in an ethics in healthcare class where we had to research and discuss many topics that may make individuals uncomfortable. The class had a wide range of topics, but I
found it to be one of my most valuable classes. We touched upon many topics that are very common in the world we live in today, such as abortion with regard to people with Down syndrome, IVF treatments, and even cloning.

I believe that Lasell’s curriculum provided me with the skills to take on any career in the rehabilitation science field that I desire to pursue. Personally, I hope to continue expanding my knowledge on these topics to research and develop exercise programs for individuals suffering from various neurological disorders.

Can you share a particular project or experience you found especially valuable during your time in the program?

- One project that I found especially valuable during my time at Lasell University would have to be the capstone project. Although the capstone seems like a daunting task involving a lot of work and dedication, I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. For my capstone project, I decided to focus on two passions of mine: dance and the brain. To execute this, I researched dance movement therapy for Parkinson’s patients. This capstone project allowed me to learn more about how
dance movement therapy can help those with Parkinson’s disease approve upon their movement impairments and quality of life. Since completing the project, I have applied this newfound knowledge to my professional career and cannot wait to learn more about it. To this day this is one of my favorite and most prideful assignments I have ever created in my academic career

How has your perspective on your field of study or industry changed since the beginning of the program? 

- My perspective on the rehabilitation science industry has changed tremendously since the beginning of my program. Completing a master’s program in the midst of a global pandemic truly changes your view on the healthcare industry as a whole. Prior to starting my master’s program I already had respect and admiration for numerous healthcare workers. After completing my master’s program and beginning to work with these professionals I had admired and aspired to be, I am so appreciative of the sacrifices many healthcare workers take to provide excellent care and service to those in need. I hope that in my future career endeavors, I can take what I have learned from healthcare workers and my time at Lasell to improve the lives of so many seeking help.