Mission statement
The mission of the Winslow Archives of Lasell University is to:
- Serve as the institutional memory of Lasell University by collecting, arranging, describing, preserving, and making accessible records that document the history and growth of Lasell from its beginnings as the Auburndale Female Seminary in 1851
- Provide environmentally safe conditions for the storage, preservation, and security of all archival materials
- Provide reference assistance to Lasell students, faculty, and staff, as well as, to visitors who wish to research and explore Lasell's rich history
General use policy
- The archives are accepting a limited amount of donations.
- Archives materials do not circulate and may not be removed from the reading room.
- Some materials in the archives have restricted access due to fragility or to privacy concerns.
- Food and drink are not permitted in the archives.
- Pens and markers are not permitted in the archives. Pencils and notebooks are allowed.
- Backpacks and purses must be left by the entrance to the reading room.
If you have questions about the archives, please email archives@lasell.edu.