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2020 - 2021 Academic Catalog

Homeland Security & Global Justice

Designed for the working professional who wants to focus on a particular area of study, the certificate provides a substantial base that can be used for career advancement or continuation in Lasell's Master of Science  Program. Each certificate is composed of five three-credit courses and can be completed within nine months. 

Candidates to the certificate programs must hold a bachelor's degree and submit an application for study in the graduate program along with all necessary documents.

15 credits are required for a graduate certificate

  • 9 required concentration credits (3 courses)
  • 6 elective credits (2 courses)
Course Code Course Title Credits
Core Courses
CJ730 Terrorism & Homeland Security 3
CJ731 Transnational Crime 3
CJ732 Cybercrime & Data Security 3

Elective* 3
CJXXX Elective* 3

·       Two additional courses (6 credits) are required to complete the certificate. The courses can be any graduate Criminal Justice course.

CJ101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (KP)

This course is an overview of the history, philosophy, ethics, and legal issues related to the criminal justice system. The course provides an overview of the criminal justice system, focusing on critical decisions with an emphasis on contemporary issues, controversies, and trends.

CJ103 - Principles of Human Rights

This course takes a global perspective defining human rights, reflecting on violations of these rights, considering arguments in support of human rights, and examining various new initiatives designed to protect human rights in different countries in all parts of the world. This course focuses on issues pertaining to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights such as slavery, personal security and equality before the law, freedom of marriage, freedom of assembly, and freedom of movement.

CJ201 - Criminology

In this course, contemporary criminological theories are analyzed and evaluated with an emphasis on the social construction of crime, criminal offending, and victimization. Theories of crime are distinguished from theories of criminality. Assessments of theoretical advances, including theory integration and general theories of crime are examined. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: CJ 101, LS 101, PSYC 101, or SOC 101

CJ202 - Juvenile Justice

This course focuses on the history and philosophy of juvenile justice, landmark court cases, police handling of juveniles, the juvenile court, the deinstitutionalization of status offenders, and juvenile rehabilitation. Prerequisites: CJ 101, LS 101, PSYC101, or SOC 101.

CJ203 - Juvenile Delinquency & Gangs

This course examines juvenile delinquency in relation to the general problem of crime. There is consideration of factors and theories that attempt to explain delinquency, gangs, and status offending. The course also examines delinquent subculture, and programs for control and prevention. Prerequisite: CJ 101, LS 101, PSYC 101 or SOC 101.

CJ205 - Forensics

This course provides an introduction to the modern methods used in the detection, investigation, and solution of crimes. Practical analysis of evidence such as: fingerprints and other impressions, ballistics, glass, hair, handwriting and document examination, and drug analysis are studied. Prerequisite: CJ 101 or LS 101.

CJ206 - Drugs & Society

This course examines the social origins and consequences of the use and abuse of consciousness-altering substances (including alcohol) within American society. It considers how society defines drug use, drug abuse, and social harm, as well as how society responds to drug use and abuse. Included is examination of socio-historical perspectives on drug consumption and control, the structure of legal and illegal drug markets, the relationship between drugs and crime, and competing models of drug policy and enforcement. Prerequisite: CJ 101, PSYC 101, SOC 101, or LS101

CJ207 - Criminal Investigations

This course examines the fundamentals of criminal investigation including scientific aids, interviews, interrogations, collection and preservation of evidence, methods of surveillance, follow-up and case preparation. Prerequisite: CJ 101 or LS 101.

CJ210 - Special Topics in Criminal Justice

This course provides special subjects in Criminal Justice in order to satisfy interests of both faculty and students. Examples of such topics are: restorative justice, global violence against women, or computer crime.

CJ211 - Terrorism

No other issues generate as much discussion and controversy as the contemporary debate over "terrorism". But what is terrorism? And how should we respond to it? This course examines terrorism with a critical eye, looking at the different ways that the subject is framed by various disciplines and examines the ways that terrorism has been presented, debated, and analyzed. The course addresses the social-political conditions that spawn terrorist organizations, examines terrorism in a historical context, and looks at methods of terrorism. The course explores the psychological processes that create a terrorist, the psychological impact of terrorist activities, and explores counter-terrorism strategies through creative problem-solving.

CJ213 - Ethics in Criminal Justice

The field of criminal justice operates most effectively when it relies on a core of ethical principles to guide discretionary actions. If criminal justice professionals are to maintain our personal integrity in light of organizational and social demands can be difficult. As criminal justice professionals our choices and policies emanate from our personal beliefs and values. In principle we intend to come to an understanding of what various ethical considerations can assist us to make the right decision when exercising our discretion. Prerequisite: CJ101 or LS101 & ENG102

CJ303 - Domestic Violence

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of the law relating to domestic violence. In addition, the course examines the existence of violence among family members and in relationships in today's society. Topics include child abuse, partner abuse, and elder abuse. Prerequisite: LS101, CJ101 or any introductory social science course.

CJ305 - Crime & Popular Culture

Crime is considered a major social problem in our country, but our understanding of crime and justice are derived more from indirect mediated images than direct personal experience. Popular culture, distributed through mass media and composed of popular news and entertainment, is a major source for shaping this understanding, especially when it comes to crime a staple of mass media. This course will examine images of crime and justice in popular culture and consider the sources of these popular culture accounts of crime and justice. It also will evaluate the influence popular culture has on our understanding of crime and criminal justice policy. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing & ENG102

CJ309 - Children & Violence

This course examines the psychological, criminal justice, and legal issues surrounding children who experience violence in their lives, either as victims or perpetrators of violence. Topics include child maltreatment, pedophilia, online child predators, school victimization, domestic violence, juvenile delinquency, child sex offenders, and youth homicide. Prerequisite: PSYC 221, PSYC 223, CJ 201, or LS 204.

CJ312 - Corrections

Corrections is the vast collection of persons, agencies, and organizations that manage convicted criminals. This course examines theories of punishment, the history of corrections, classification and sentencing schemes, prisons, probation and parole, and alternative sanctions. It also explores corrections-related personnel issues, legal issues, and specific concerns dealing with race, age, and gender. Prerequisite: CJ101 or LS101 & Sophomore standing

CJ313 - Police & Society

This course examines policing from a variety of perspectives. The philosophical foundations of social control in relation to policing, as well as the emergence, organization, and structure of police systems are examined. There is also an examination of the relationship between the police and the public in different historical, political, and economic contexts. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

CJ314 - White Collar and Organized Crime

This course addresses the definition, detection, prosecution, sentencing, and impact of white collar, occupational, and organized crime. Special consideration is given to the role of federal law and enforcement practices due to the frequent national and international scope of these types of crimes.

CJ315 - Global Technology & Crime

In this course the advances in technology developed in crime investigation will be examined, like crime mapping. The impact of technology and media on international crime and new globally-oriented cooperative enforcement strategies will also be examined. Students will gain a better understanding of crime control in a global society.”

CJ316 - Criminal Procedure

Criminal procedure refers to the process whereby the criminal law is enforced. Major topics to be covered in this course include: the exclusionary rule, search and seizure, identification, interrogation, trial rights, sentencing, and due process. Special emphasis is placed upon how the rules of procedure affect the components of the criminal justice system. Prerequisite: CJ 101 or LS 101.

CJ317 - Comparative Justice Systems

This course analyzes differences in global approaches to law enforcement, criminal procedure, criminal law, corrections, juvenile justice, and prevention. The material provides a worldwide overview of cultural and legal traditions that are related to crime. Through cross-cultural comparisons, the course examines whether due process rights must be sacrificed in order to achieve crime control effectiveness and efficiency. Prerequisite: CJ 101 or LS 101.

CJ318 - Violence & Aggression

This course investigates and analyzes aggression and violence as forms of individual, group, and societal behavior. It includes an assessment of anthropological, biological, philosophical, political, and sociological theories of violence. Prerequisite: CJ101, LS 101, PSYC101 or SOC101 or Permission of Program Chair.

CJ319 - Victimology

This course presents an overview of the history and theories of victimology. Students analyze victimization patterns with special emphasis on types of victims and crimes. The course also examines the interaction between victims of crime and the criminal justice system, the victim’s rights movement, and services offered to victims of crime. Prerequisite: CJ 101, LS 101, PSYC 101 or SOC 101.

CJ321 - Probation, Parole & Other Sanctions

This course examines the development and application of traditional forms of conditional and unconditional prison release, as well as a variety of new intermediate or alternative sanctions. Different sentencing options are evaluated to determine which, if any, of the theories of criminology or philosophies of sentencing are satisfied by their use. Current research and analytical perspectives are examined. Prerequisite: CJ 101, LS 101, or SOC 101.

CJ323 - Justice, Class, Race & Gender

This course explores issues unique to individuals of different classes, gender, and/or races or ethnic groups. The course focuses on these issues specifically in the context of the American criminal justice and legal systems. Issues of diversity relevant to all aspects of the criminal justice system are examined. Prerequisites: CJ 101, LS 101, PSYC 101 or SOC 101, Sophomore standing.

CJ331 - Research Methods in Criminal Justice

The course is an introduction to quantitative and qualitative research using the field of criminal justice as the backdrop. The purpose of this course is to provide the background that will help the student to read, understand, and critique data and studies in the field. Students will acquire a working knowledge of programs like excel to collect and also analyze federal and other statistical studies. Required for all CJ majors. Prerequisite: MATH208

CJ332 - Criminal Profiling Strategies

Criminal Profiling Strategies

CJ335 - Sexual Violence Advocacy

This sexual violence class uses the Boston Area Rape Crisis Curriculum to teach students how to recognize, advocate for and support survivors of sexual assault in an advocacy capacity. Through articles, role plays, videos and active participation, students will learn the importance of identifying the impacts and symptoms of sexual violence and will receive training in how to lend support and offer a myriad of resources to survivors of sexual violence. The class will explore historical and cultural components of sexual violence as well as activist movements led by student survivors to change the landscape of how sexual violence is perceived and addressed on college campuses. Turning our lens toward college campuses, students will develop and institute a service project designed to change or inform sexual violence on college campuses. Upon successful completion of the course as defined by the professor, students will receive 30 hours of sexual violence training which they can use to leverage internships and professional opportunities. This class is designed to inform, educate and professionally prepare students who may encounter sexual violence survivors in their work such as human services, legal services, education, athletic training, law enforcement and psychology.

CJ421 - Investigative Methods & Procedures

This upper level introductory course focuses on crime classification and uses the standard manual for investigating and classifying violent crimes. Gang and cult investigative methods are discussed. Up-to-date information on forensic investigations, collecting evidence, and processing crime scenes is presented as well.

CJ422 - Principles of Crime Analysis

This course will enable the student to understand the principles of crime analysis. It will cover the five principles consisting of data collection, collation, analysis, feedback and evaluation. It will also explain forecasting of criminal events as well as identification of crime trends, series and patterns. Students will also learn statistical analysis in crime patterns.

CJ441 - Topics in Crime & Public Policy I

This course is the first portion of the Capstone course offered in the fall semester to introduce seniors to a general understanding of policy studies. Students examine what policy analysis consists of, stages of policy analysis, and assessment of policy change. The class examines current policy issues in Criminal Justice such as community policing, sentencing, and minority overrepresentation in prison populations. The course examines various research strategies, design and methods and addresses research problem definition and how to produce a state-of-the-art policy paper and literature review. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisites: PSYC331, CJ331 or SOC331

CJ442 - Topics in Crime & Public Policy II

In this part of the Capstone course offered in the spring semester, the student can use the field internship placement as the target for the individual policy analysis paper. The student can acquire data available at the agency or use generally available data from different sources to answer a policy question that can be applied to the agency the student works in or to similar agencies. The student is required to submit a detailed policy analysis and produce a paper and project to be presented at the Connected Learning Symposium. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisites: CJ 441, SR Standing & CJ331X or SOC331.

CJ443 - Justice Studies Internship & Seminar I

This course provides an opportunity for participants to be in an individually arranged, college-supervised internship for 120 hours during the fall semester in a professional work setting related to the student’s interest. Each student is monitored throughout the internship by the faculty advisor and attends a corresponding classroom seminar each week. Prerequisite: Program Chair approval.

CJ444 - Justice Studies Internship & Seminar II

This course provides an opportunity for participants to be in an individually arranged, college-supervised internship for 120 hours during the spring semester in a professional work setting related to the student’s interest. Each student is monitored throughout the internship by the faculty advisor and attends a corresponding classroom seminar each week. Prerequisites: CJ/LS443, Senior standing and Program Chair approval.

CJ701 - The Criminal Justice System & Process

This course provides a foundation and overview of the criminal justice system and process. The major components include crime, law, criminology, law enforcement, adjudication by the courts, corrections, juvenile justice, and current issues and policies.

CJ702 - Critical Legal Issues in Crim Justice

This course provides the student with current and critical information regarding legal issues in criminal justice with a focus on constitutional criminal procedure. The course explores new perspectives on historical issues and takes into account new appellate cases and events, including current debates over important legal controversies in the criminal justice arena.

CJ703 - Advanced Criminological Thought

This course consists of an in-depth analysis of various explanations of criminal behavior. Readings include selections from a broad range of disciplines like political science, sociology, and psychology as they relate to crime, social deviance, and causation. Ethical and legal foundations in defining social deviance and crime are also considered. This course is well suited for criminal justice practitioners, as students apply criminological theory to contemporary issues

CJ704 - Ethical Theory & Criminal Justice Policy

This course examines the ethical issues relevant to the administration of criminal justice. The origins of ethical standards, the effect of these standards on the administration of justice, and issues of ethical leadership will be addressed. Emphasis will be placed on the integration of ethics into criminal justice policy making and the establishment of defined values for the field.

CJ705 - Criminal Justice Leadership & Management

This course analyzes the structures, functions, and operations of criminal justice agencies including the police, the courts, and corrections (jail, probation, prison, and parole) within the context of the entire criminal justice system. The course will provide a comprehensive overview of criminal justice administration and management with an emphasis on organizational theories. These diverse theories of organizational behavior will be explored specifically as to how they relate to the administration of criminal justice agencies .Three credits.

CJ706 - Advanced Applied Forensics

This course is designed to provide students with a greater understanding of the principles used in the analysis of physical and biological evidence. The course topics include toxicology, serology, DNA analysis, firearms and mobile device forensics. Scientific integrity of physical evidence and professional standards will also be discussed. Case studies will be used to integrate concepts with practical applications.

CJ709 - Research Methods & Statistical Analysis

This course provides students with the necessary tools for evaluating, designing and implementing applied research in criminal justice. The association between theories and research methods used in the study of criminal justice is explored through a variety of relevant and related data sources. Topics covered include: the principles of research design; issues in measurement; modes of observation; and basic methods of both quantitative and qualitative analysis.

CJ720 - Crisis & Emergency Management

This course is designed to provide graduate level students with core knowledge of emergency management related concepts, theories and principles through an in depth analysis of past and current emergency management policies, practices and events. Students will analyze and discuss national, state and local government structure, responsibilities, authorities and relationships and will analyze cases that provide the framework for applying crisis control principles. The nature of disaster, the complexities of disaster response operations, and the roles and responsibilities of various emergency management personnel will be examined. Students will gain an understanding of common post-disaster problems and how the emergency management community can overcome these challenges.

CJ721 - Risk Management & Planning

Risk management planning provides a general philosophy, description, and use of tools and methods that can be utilized to manage the risk associated with all types of crises. This course will review the crises that can impact a community and the methods for determining the risk and vulnerability due to these perils and discuss ways of preventing and/or mitigating their impact The course will examine the best practices and proper methodologies for regulating and enforcing techniques to lessen the impacts of hazardous events. The course will also provide the tools (operational, statistical and technological) required to mitigate these risks. Another purpose of the course is to examine and critically discuss current and future methods to create best practices for security management planning.

CJ730 - Terrorism & Homeland Security

This course provides a critical analysis of the Department of Homeland Security and the political and organizational factors involved in its structure and administration. Students will explore the evolution of homeland security as a concept and a redirection of national policies and priorities, including any related issues and challenges with implementation. Homeland security is a continuously changing field with close connections to numerous academic disciplines and practitioner communities (i.e. law enforcement, emergency management, public safety, the military). This course is designed to draw on insights from these connections as well as useful insights from other areas, such as business, economics and organizational studies, to examine how homeland security strategy and policy is made.

CJ731 - Transnational Crime

This course addresses the nature and scope of international and transnational crime and the emerging legal framework for its prevention and control. The course will emphasize international aspects of the work of different criminal justice agencies, such as formal and informal police cooperation and the use of mutual assistance and extradition agreements, on the international structures created for crime prevention, punishment and control. The course also explores current issues and controversies of transnational crime, international law, and/or human rights. Possible topics include terrorism, genocide, human trafficking, and immigration issues.

CJ732 - Cybercrime & Data Security

In this class, students analyze methods criminals use on the Internet to commit crimes. The course also covers various methods of computer security, their complexity and adequacy. Students study methods for creating backup information systems and developing means for recovering data in case it is destroyed or stolen. Potential threats to Internet systems and how they could affect the way individuals and companies use and rely on the systems are introduced.This course also examines the political, legal and policy aspects of the use of information technologies by governmental organizations

CJ740 - Theories of Violence & Aggression

This course investigates and analyzes aggression and violence as forms of individual, group, and societal behavior. The course also includes an assessment of anthropological, biological, philosophical, political, and sociological theories on the causes of violence and aggression.

CJ741 - Interpersonal & Relationship Violence

This course utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to examining interpersonal violence as a critical and complex social issue. Specific types of interpersonal violence covered include child abuse and neglect, child sexual violence, spousal abuse, elder abuse, date rape and other forms of intimate sexual and physical violence. The course includes a comprehensive examination of theoretical perspectives regarding the nature and origins of interpersonal violence as well as a critical examination of the effectiveness of the mental health, child welfare, and criminal justice system’s approach to interpersonal violence prevention, intervention, and policy.

CJ742 - Violence Prev, Advocacy, & Social Change

This course provides students with an understanding of different models of social change and the various strategies of social movements and campaigns that accomplish social change. The course will examine the strategies, tactics, strengths and weaknesses of other historical contemporary movements such as the civil rights or women’s movement. Students will explore how victims of violence might develop successful public discourses that advocate their cause, transform public policy, and build or reform public institutions such as the justice system. The course will also identify successful modes of public address and tactics of activism that produce changes in public policy and reform institutional practices.

CJ750 - Global Criminal Justice Systems

This course analyzes crime and criminal justice systems in selected countries and cultures. The course also focuses on the ways these different societies define and respond to criminal behavior and specifically addresses how different societies structure their justice systems to meet their goals and reflect their values. The course engages students in comparative issues and research to reveal political, historical, and cultural factors that have influenced criminal justice and law in both the United States and other countries.

CJ751 - Victimology

This course involves a scientific study of crime victims and public policy responses to them. The course will focus on the nature and extent of criminal victimization, the dynamics of victim-offender relationships, theories of victimization, a historical analysis of the victim’s role in the criminal justice process, the restorative justice model, and the contemporary victim rights and victim services’ movements.

CJ752 - Class, Race, Ethic and Gender Issues CJ

This course is an examination of how class, race, gender and ethnicity impact the criminal justice system. It will explore these topics in depth, focusing on criminal victimization and patterns of offending and how these concepts affect equal treatment by the police, courts and corrections.

CJ798 - Research Project Capstone

This culminating experience helps students integrate their knowledge of criminological theory and justice policy with research and analytical skills, synthesizing this knowledge with practical skills. Under the supervision of a faculty mentor, students engage in a comprehensive research project enabling the student to demonstrate the mastery of the concepts, ideas, knowledge and insights implicit in the Criminal Justice curriculum. Prerequisite: This course requires a student to have completed at least 27 credits, CJ709 & permission of Program Chair of Justice Studies.

CJ799 - Internship

This culminating experience helps students integrate their knowledge of criminological theory and justice policy with research and analytical skills, synthesizing this knowledge with practical skills. Students engage in an internship and complete 150 hours in organizations that are committed to providing interns a high quality educational experience. As a part of their internship, students engage in meaningful projects, including written reflection and analysis. Prerequisite: This course requires a student to have completed at least 27 credits & permission of Program Chair of Justice Studies.

COM701 - Communication, Ethics & Society

This course is designed to present students with a graduate-level overview of contemporary mass communication. We focus on the relationship between mass media and society and the ethical issues inherent in that relationship; in the process, we identify current trends, particularly in technology, that are changing the nature and function of traditional mass communication. Students gain insight into the influences of mass communication on business, government, politics, education, the home environment, and non-profit institutions, as well as related ethical issues.

COM702 - Organizational Communication

This course focuses on both theoretical understanding and practical knowledge of the context and applications for organizational communication. Topics include: leadership, new technologies and their impact on organizations, organizational climate and culture, ethics, formal and informal channels of communication within organizations, management of diversity and conflict, relational communication (with interpersonal and group work), and issues of power and politics within the context of organizational settings.

COM703 - Communication Research

This course provides students with an understanding of the concepts, roles, processes, techniques, and strategies of communication research. The course examines research conducted in both the professional and academic settings, and includes quantitative (surveys, experiments, content analyses) and qualitative (focus groups, etc.) methods. The main goal of this course is to help students become intelligent "consumers" of research -- to provide the tools needed to evaluate and interpret research, as well as the ability to make knowledgeable decisions about the uses and benefits of research.

COM704 - Corporate Communication

This course is designed to present an overview of corporate public relations in contemporary society. The rapidly changing nature of global markets and the convergence of new information technologies are influencing the ways that communication professionals achieve their goals. The course explores the trends and issues affecting corporations, crisis management, public affairs communication, consumer affairs, employee relations, environmental issues, investor relations, issues of multinationals, ethics, and governmental relations.

COM705 - Media Relations

Managing media relations for organizations is the focus of this course. The course is intended to increase knowledge of the principles and methods of generating publicity as well as the basics of planning and writing media relations campaigns. The rapidly changing nature of global companies and the convergence of new information technologies are influencing the ways that communication professionals achieve their goals. Students work individually or in teams to plan a comprehensive media relations program, to communicate a clear message, and to evaluate the effectiveness of public relations strategies for a chosen client. Lectures, readings, group work, guest speakers, and class discussions focus on techniques useful in such areas as local & national publicity, special events, and in community and government relations for organizations.

COM706 - Global Media

This course introduces students to theory, trends, and issues in the global media landscape. Students are exposed to a number of topics including: theoretical perspectives of global media, global media development, challenges and barriers of global media, ethical considerations in global media, the role of advertising and public relations in global media, and case studies from regions around the world.

COM709 - Negotiations & Conflict Resolution

This is a communication skills course designed to better understand the nature of conflict and its resolution through persuasion, collaboration, and negotiation. Students learn theories of interpersonal and organizational conflict and its resolution as applied to personal, corporate, historical, and political contexts. Students assess their own styles, skills, and values, and develop techniques to better resolve disputes, achieve objectives, and exert influence.

COM713 - Writing for Public Relations

Public relations writing focuses on multiple aspects of communication such as client needs, target audiences, and various formats. In this course, students learn how to craft effective written and visual messages for press releases, speeches, brochures, newsletters, broadcast outlets, web pages etc., and they develop strategies for soliciting and evaluating feedback from designated target audiences.

COM715 - Corporate Social Responsibility

This course will examine the global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) movement, explore the unique communications challenges it presents and offer practical suggestions and tactics to respond to this trend. The class will feature in-class activities, discussions, and advice from CSR experts on how to meet challenges here and in the global marketplace. We will utilize case studies and industry research to explore the topic and develop a comprehensive CSR communications strategy as the final project for the class. This course will help you learn the difference between “true” corporate social responsibility (CSR) (“doing well by doing good”) and “false” CSR- maintaining the appearance of doing good while continuing to operate in the old, less socially and environmentally sensitive ways. This will be accomplished through lectures; readings; independent and group learning; access to leading practitioners of CSR communications and student research and discussion. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) movement, more recently referred to as Corporate Sustainability, is a worldwide phenomenon and corporations, trade associations, and non-profits are being asked to be accountable to a whole new group of stakeholders. Public relations and communications professionals are the logical people to prepare strategic communications and operational plans that reflect their organization's commitment to CSR and enhance their employer's reputation. To not do so is at best a missed opportunity and in the worst case you risk exposing your organization to the harsh glare of the public spotlight.

COM721 - Principles of Public Relations

This course is in-depth study of the profession of public relations with a focus on contemporary issues, problems, and challenges using guided discussion and analysis of case studies. The course examines public relations and its role in mass media and in society and the challenges facing public relations professionals today. Upon completing this course, each student should: 1) understand what the field of public relations is and how to recognize best practices for public relations professionals; 2) be able to evaluate the effectiveness of public relations strategies; 3) be familiar with issues and concerns public relations professionals face in today’s increasingly global society; and 4) understand the importance of ethical behavior in public relations.

COM722 - Crisis Communication

This course prepares students for anticipating the seven major types of crises faced by communication managers in organizations (skewed values and ethics, deception, management misconduct, natural disasters, technological crises, confrontations and boycotts, malevolence, and disinformation) and how to make preparations to deal with them effectively and competently. The course examines appropriate leadership styles, management actions, and communications strategies before, during, and after a crisis. Students review issues such as leadership initiatives, management monitoring, crisis analysis, action strategy and determination, and implementation of communication strategies.

COM725 - Advertising

The emphasis in this course is on the role of strategic thinking about promotional elements in the field of advertising. The development of an integrated marketing communications program requires an understanding of the overall marketing process, including how organizations plan for advertising and determine their advertising goals and objectives. Students in this course examine the process of planning, developing, and executing an advertising campaign and related integrated marketing communications programs, as well as the various factors and considerations that influence this process. Advertising starts with research, and moves through analysis, planning, action and evaluation; hence, this course requires students to undertake the kind of strategic thinking, planning, and execution that is done by marketers, researchers, media planners, and copywriters. Throughout the course, students learn how advertising is regulated and about the key social issues and consumer problems with advertising.

COM726 - Public Speaking

Professionals working in a variety of organizations often need to organize, develop, and deliver concise speeches that meet a target audience’s needs. This course will help students prepare and develop speaking and presentation skills, as well as critical and analytical skills that focus on how to organize a presentation, build an argument, and use creativity. Students will be required to prepare, deliver, and evaluate a variety of speaking presentations during the course.

COM727 - Professional Presentations

In this course, students will be required to have some basic knowledge of Microsoft Power Point or Apple Keynote software. The course covers universal design principles of Power Point with regard to templates, colors, type faces, slides’ typography, photos, and making meaningful charts and diagrams. Also, students will look at how they prepare a speech; how to deal with fear and anxiety; voice, pace, and gesture-how to speak; and receiving feedback-how to interact with their audience and listen. By the end of the course, you should be able to explain complex ideas vividly and accessibly, design clear and compelling presentation slides, convey your passion for a topic while maintaining your professional credibility, and speak dynamically from notes and/or a manuscript. Learners will record presentations, providing and receiving peer feedback.

COM728 - Advanced Public Speaking

In the professional realm, we need to be able to argue without being confrontational. Whether addressing a crisis, fundraising for a nonprofit, pitching a business plan, or suggesting a change to company policy, a professional is creating and making arguments. In making the case for one’s topic, the speaker often want to raise awareness, identify a pressing problem, discuss appropriate solutions, and outline specific steps for the audience. To be persuasive, one must be clear (the audience may have little to no existing knowledge), one must be convincing (trying to sway the audience that the argument is valid), and one must be compelling (with the goal of motivating the audience to take specific actions). Persuasive speaking thus requires clarity, strategy, topic mastery, and a sense of style and presence. Students will record their speeches, and engage in providing and receiving peer feedback.

COM729 - Mediation&Facilitation:Tech to Intervene

Everyone experiences conflict. What sets us apart is how we choose to engage and resolve it. Whether you believe it or not, YOU have been mediating conflict all your life. Through readings, discussions, exercises, feedback and debriefs, this course allows you to THINK & ACT like a mediator. The aim of this course is for you to develop mediation skills and intervention techniques that you can apply to any given professional negotiation or difficult conversation you encounter. We will explore mediation models, intervention strategies and reflect on your own intervention style.

COM732 - Adv Negotiations:Skills to Influence

This course goes beyond basics negotiations and provides students with advanced strategies and tactics to influence others, create value, and get more. Students will survey theories and practical tools found in fields such as behavioral economics, law, psychology and dispute resolution in-order to build additional skills-sets in their negotiation toolbox. From hostage negotiations, to mergers & acquisitions, employment mediation, and multiparty negotiations, students will dive into real-life advanced negotiations, extract the effective technique, and use the strategy to improve their next negotiation. The aim of this course is for you to develop advanced negotiation techniques that you can apply to any professional negotiation or difficult conversation you may encounter.

COM733 - Social Media

Communication technology has changed rapidly over the past 20 years, with the key development being the emergence of social media. While social media has changed the ways in which we communicate worldwide, it has also drastically changed how organizations communicate with multiple stakeholders. It has opened up numerous new communication channels for companies to connect with current and potential audiences, and thus, the importance of social media’s role is significant in both modern marketing efforts and branding. There is an irrefutable need for organizations to be able to utilize different social media platforms to both engage consumers and increase brand impact and influence. Through case studies, interactive assignments, and a social media project, this course will introduce students to best social media practices, while they acquire the necessary skills for managing a social media platform and developing a strategic social media plan.

COM734 - Digital Media Analytics

Leaders, analysts and managers across the communication industry have to grapple with the implications of ever-increasing volume of data and detail of information captured by many enterprises. Communication has flourished and enhanced the use of Data Analytics in that, news, PR campaigns and Advertising messages are currently now very data driven, and campaign strategies and evaluation of them are based on the analytics of that data. This course aims to introduce Data Analytics concepts to students. Students will examine and apply topics such as Analytics, Social Media, SEO and SEM through hands-on project based learning and teaching.

COM735 - Digital Storytelling

This course introduces students to the strategic use of digital storytelling to achieve professional communication goals in areas such as public relations, advertising and integrated marketing communications. Stories have always been powerful communication vehicles that transcend barriers and build memorable connections. With the exponential growth of digital communication channels, the ability to identify strategic stories and develop them for multiple media platforms is essential to engage and influence key stakeholders. Using case studies and primary sources, students will analyze content strategies for digital storytelling. They will examine communication practices and narrative techniques used to create compelling brand, organizational and social impact stories from images, audio, text and visual media. Students will also learn to identify and develop digital story ideas that align with professional and organizational communication objectives.

COM738 - Persuasion & Public Opinion

This course introduces students to the dynamics of social influence. Students learn the theories, strategies, and techniques of persuasion as a means of shaping public opinion and attitudes. The course examines how individuals, business, government, and institutions craft messages and communicate through the press, entertainment media, advertising, and public relations. Primarily through public opinion research, students can ascertain and understand the beliefs, attitudes, and values of groups and society. Students learn how to craft persuasive messages, how to evaluate the attempts of others to persuade audiences, and how to recognize and avoid unethical attempts at persuasion.

COM742 - Integrated Marketing Communications

This course introduces students to the theory and practice of integrated marketing communication (IMC) and provide an overview of developments in the field. Students learn about the profession of corporate communication and its interface with society. Some of the topics addressed in the course include the relationship between public relations (PR) and marketing, the history and development of advertising and public relations, public opinion and its role in IMC planning, media relations, research for campaign design, global communication, and crisis management.

COM743 - Integrated Marketing Com & the Internet

This course introduces students to web based public relations and marketing strategies and emphasizes the effectiveness of the Internet as a direct and interactive communication channel with target audiences. Emphasis is placed on the role of the Internet as a critical element of the marketing communications mix with a focus on how the web has altered traditional marketing and public relations strategies.

COM744 - Integrated Marketing Com Planning

This course introduces students to the four-step process in planning and solving corporate communication problems. Students learn to apply course concepts to hypothetical situations through individual and group work on IMC cases. Group project assignments enable students to (1) gain experience in doing collaborative work and (2) develop a problem-solving approach to on-the-job situations that an IMC professional is likely to encounter. An important aspect of working on problems in class is an introduction to the various techniques and strategies of communicating with target audiences. In addition to the assigned reading material, the course also features guest speakers from the advertising and public relations professions to bring a real world dimension to the material.

COM750 - Intercultural Communication

This course examines communication issues that arise from contact between people from different cultural backgrounds in everyday life, social service encounters, and business transactions. The course uses interdisciplinary approaches to study how verbal and nonverbal presentation, ethnic, gender, and cultural differences affect communication. The course provides exercises in participation, analysis, and criticism of interethnic and interracial communications in small group settings. Students examine factors of international communication, such as the cultural, economic, political, and social influences and the role of communication in affecting social change in a wide variety of cultures and countries.

COM751 - Health Communication

This course provides students with an understanding of how to design and deliver media support services for health media productions, health communication campaigns, and organizations developing their health communication capacity. Focused activities reflect health and science themes to benefit the public at large, as well as special populations and health care institutions, such as hospitals. Students learn to use and value the media in its potential to be a resource for lifelong learning, health promotion, and positive social change through educating the population about health messages and wellness themes.

COM756 - Health Promotions & Campaigns

This course takes an applied approach to researching, planning, implementing, and evaluating health communication efforts. Through exposure to rich health communication campaign cases, students learn where and why some campaigns worked and others failed. Students design their own heath campaigns informed by theory and health models.

COM758 - Branding Health Services

Students in this course learn about branding as a marketing tool applied to health products, services, and campaigns. This course integrates theory with applications through the analysis of multiple case studies and branding strategies.

COM761 - Communicating in Groups and Teams

This course focuses on communication skills needed to lead teams and groups in interpersonal communication contexts. It examines leadership skills and communication strategies necessary for developing and maintaining effective professional relationships. Leading teams involves the use of communication skills in facilitating different personalities, cultures and competing agendas. Topics include enhancing professional relationships, attitudes and values, nonverbal communication, language, and methods of conflict resolution in group interactions.

COM762 - Communication Strategies for Leaders

This course provides a foundation for understanding the significance of communication strategies and skills and their application to developing capabilities for leadership in today’s complex and multi-faceted organizations. Students are exposed to many different styles of communication used by effective leaders, including contemporary collaborative models. The theoretical frames for communication and leadership provide students with perspectives that assist them in developing their own personal model for effective communication in their leadership roles.

COM795 - Thesis: Research Design

In this elective course, students work on completing their Thesis Proposal. Students will work independently, under the guidance of their professor, on identifying a research topic, completing a comprehensive literature review, and designing a research study on the topic. Accordingly, students will prepare a Thesis Proposal. Prerequisites: COM701, COM703, and having completed 18 graduate credits.

COM796 - Comprehensive Examination

The comprehensive examination provides evidence of student knowledge of key concepts, skills, and other important materials related to the communication field. Preparation throughout the semester includes reading and analyzing case studies related to the major with the completion of two Mock Exams for which students review previous course materials in order to analyze relevant issues and concepts in various case studies. The timed half day Final Comprehensive Exam requires the student to analyze case studies in the major and/ or in the area of concentration, by developing written responses that integrate skills, concepts and an understanding of course materials, coursework and other educational experiences in the degree program.

COM797 - Thesis

Students completing a master’s thesis design, conduct, and report original research related to their concentration, working closely with a faculty advisor in the department and following detailed guidelines provided by the department. Prerequisites: COM795

COM798 - Special Study Project

The project can be a document, a video, or a multi-media presentation developed under the guidance of a Lasell College faculty member to applying communication skills and professional expertise derived from the student's program of graduate study. Such projects are designed to solve some problem in communication that is relevant to the student's area of concentration in public relations or integrated marketing communications.Prerequsite: COM703

COM799 - Professional Internship

The internship is a hands-on working experience in the student’s field of concentration requiring a minimum of 150 hours of placement under the supervision of both an employer and a faculty member. Beginning in the semester preceding the internship placement, the student identifies what type of organization they desire for their internship. The student holds primary responsibility for obtaining a field experience site and is responsible for setting up interviews with prospective internship sites. Students may not perform internships at their current place of employment without prior consent of the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies. This course is taken during the student’s final graduate semester.

Cristina Haverty

Associate Vice President of Workforce Development and Global Engagement

Office: Alexander STC

Lori Rosenthal

Assistant Provost; Professor of Psychology

Office: Plummer

Janice Barrett

Professor Emerita

Keith Belmore

Associate Professor of Athletic Training and Graduate Chair of Athletic Training

Office: Alexander STC 104N

Linda Bucci

Professor & Program Chair of Justice Studies, Graduate Chair of Criminal Justice

Office: Plummer

Sarah Giasullo

Assistant Professor of Athletic Training; Graduate Chair of Health Sciences

Office: Alexander STC 104T

Elizabeth Hartmann

Professor of Education

Office: Brennan Library

Janet Huetteman

Graduate Chair of Management and Marketing; Associate Professor of Marketing

Office: 23 Maple Street, Office #5

Young-Tae Kim

Associate Professor of Sport Management; Graduate Interim Chair of Sport Management

Office: Alexandar STC

Ron Laham

Assistant Professor of Athletic Training/ Exercise Science

Office: Alexander STC

Amy Maynard

Professor of Education

Office: Brennan Library

Meryl Perlson

Chair of Communication; Professor of Communication

Office: Donahue 107

Matthew Reilly

Chair of Business and Interim Chair of Sport Management; Assistant Professor of Business

Office: DeArment

Claudia Rinaldi

The Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Professor/Professor of Education, Chair of Education

Office: Brennan Library

Daniel Sargeant

Associate Professor of Sport Management

Office: Alexander STC

Nancy Waldron

Assistant Provost; Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management

Office: DeArment

Brian Wardyga

Professor of Communication; General Manager, 109.2FM WLAS & LCTV

Office: Brennan Library, G04F

Edward Weeks

Associate Professor of Justice Studies

Office: Winslow

Catherine Zeek

Professor Emerita

CJ730 - Terrorism & Homeland Security

This course provides a critical analysis of the Department of Homeland Security and the political and organizational factors involved in its structure and administration. Students will explore the evolution of homeland security as a concept and a redirection of national policies and priorities, including any related issues and challenges with implementation. Homeland security is a continuously changing field with close connections to numerous academic disciplines and practitioner communities (i.e. law enforcement, emergency management, public safety, the military). This course is designed to draw on insights from these connections as well as useful insights from other areas, such as business, economics and organizational studies, to examine how homeland security strategy and policy is made.

CJ731 - Transnational Crime

This course addresses the nature and scope of international and transnational crime and the emerging legal framework for its prevention and control. The course will emphasize international aspects of the work of different criminal justice agencies, such as formal and informal police cooperation and the use of mutual assistance and extradition agreements, on the international structures created for crime prevention, punishment and control. The course also explores current issues and controversies of transnational crime, international law, and/or human rights. Possible topics include terrorism, genocide, human trafficking, and immigration issues.

CJ732 - Cybercrime & Data Security

In this class, students analyze methods criminals use on the Internet to commit crimes. The course also covers various methods of computer security, their complexity and adequacy. Students study methods for creating backup information systems and developing means for recovering data in case it is destroyed or stolen. Potential threats to Internet systems and how they could affect the way individuals and companies use and rely on the systems are introduced.This course also examines the political, legal and policy aspects of the use of information technologies by governmental organizations