Professor of Cultural Studies, Director of the Honors Program
Expertise: race, gender and literary studies, particularly women and gender studies and American literatures in transnational perspective
Professor & Program Chair of Justice Studies, Graduate Chair of Criminal Justice
Expertise: criminology, study of violence against disenfranchised groups, criminal procedure, criminal law
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
Expertise: community corrections, restorative justice, juvenile justice and delinquency, and substance use among offenders
Assistant Professor of Justice Studies
Expertise: American government and politics, American political institutions, policymaking and the political process
Chair of Social Sciences; Associate Professor of Social Sciences
Dean of Curricular Integration, Director of Rosemary B Fuss Teaching and Learning Center, Professor of History
Assistant Professor of Education
Expertise: school improvement, teacher leadership and social change, bilingualism and second language acquisition
Professor of Humanities, Coordinator of World Language Program
Professor of Education
Expertise: Universal Design for Learning (UDL), inclusive education, cultural competence, supporting learner variability
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, The Nancy Lawson Donahue '49 Professor of Ethics, and Coordinator of the Junior Ethics Program
Expertise: ethics, social philosophy, and epistemology
Associate Professor of Sociology
Expertise: DEI, social justice, anti-racism, and social inequality
Professor of Education
Expertise: early literacy, elementary literacy and assessment, elementary literacy
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Expertise: counseling psychology, health psychology, play & art therapy, group therapy, and psychological testing
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
Expertise: cybercrime, cybercrime offender decision making, terrorism, terrorist activity online
Chair of Humanities; Associate Professor of Humanities
The Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Professor/Professor of Education, Chair of Education
Expertise: response to intervention, issues related to English language learners, multiculturalism in education
Assistant Provost; Professor of Psychology
Expertise: psychological perspectives, personality psychology, social psychology
Associate Professor of Psychology; Director of the Donahue Institute for Ethics, Diversity, and Inclusion
Expertise: transformative education, cultural competence, clinical psychology
Associate Professor of Justice Studies
Expertise: criminology, corrections, research methods in the social sciences
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
Expertise: criminology, criminal justice, mental health, veterinary forensic science
Professor of Psychology and Chair of Academic Research at Lasell University; Research Director, Psi Chi
Expertise: cognitive neuroscience, speech perception, biological basis of behavior, psychological perspectives
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus, English
Professor Emerita
Professor Emerita
Associate Professor Emerita, Humanities
Professor Emerita
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emerita
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emerita