Athletic Administration
Lasell's Athletic Administration Certificate is designed for the working individual looking to focus on the current and future trends facing the sport industry in order to be an effective administrator in any sports related capacity. The certificate will be helpful for career advancement in professional sports as well as in administrative roles at the high school and collegiate levels. The certificate can be used as a base for career advancement or as an entrance into Lasell's Master of Science in Sport Management Program. Candidates to the certificate programs must hold a bachelor's degree and submit an application for study in the graduate program along with all necessary documents.
Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
Core Courses | ||
MGMT705 | Organizational Theory | 3 |
SMGT710 | Principals of Athletic Administration | 3 |
Choose 1 | ||
SMGT713 | International Sport Management | 3 |
SMGT722 | Managing Sport Facilities/Special Events | 3 |
SMGT732 | The Use of Psychology in Leisure Studies | 3 |
The certificate program is structured as follows:
15 credits are required for a graduate certificate
9 required concentration credits (3 courses)
6 elective credits (2 courses)
Students in this certificate program must choose two electives to complete their certificate requirements. Electives can be drawn from any courses offered within the Criminal Justice, Communication, Management and Sport Management programs of study.
MGMT700 - 21st Century Global Leadership
21st Century Global Leadership
MGMT701 - Fundamentals of Executive Management
This course introduces the fundamentals of management principles. It emphasizes creative management in dynamic organizations, assessing business opportunities, organizational linkages, ethics and social responsibility, and bench-marking.
MGMT702 - Research Methods
This course introduces both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, providing the student with an overview of the different steps in the research process. The course evaluates common methods of data analysis, develops skills in critical thinking, and provides experience in data analysis using SPSS.
MGMT703 - Strategic Information Management
This course presents the conceptual foundations of information technology and examines the development, application, and advances of information technology resources in organizations. With a focus on the managerial perspective, students investigate issues related to the development of contemporary systems development approaches.Formerly - Management Information Systems
MGMT704 - Financial Management
This course focuses on understanding the fundamental principles of finance, including financial statement analysis, present/future value/ NPV/discounted cash flows, capital budgeting, and risk analysis.
MGMT705 - Organizational Theory
This course studies the behavior of individuals and groups within organizations, and the influence that the environment has on such behaviors. The course is primarily experiential and case-based. Formerly - Organizational Behavior
MGMT706 - Marketing Management
This course provides a decision-oriented overview of marketing management in modern organizations. The emphasis is on developing skills in identifying marketing opportunities, utilizing segmenting, targeting and positioning, and planning and communicating integrated marketing strategies.
MGMT707 - Operations Strategy
This course involves the study of concepts relating to the operations function in both manufacturing and service organizations. Students study how the operations process is responsible for planning, organizing, and controlling resources in order to effectively and efficiently produce goods and services. Formerly - Operations Management
MGMT708 - Aging & Technology
This course identifies and explores aging demographic trends as they relate to technological products, prototypes, and processes and the effect of technology on healthcare, long term care facilities, and the home.
MGMT713 - Fundraising & Development
This course examines the critical role of fundraising and development in successful nonprofit organizations. Students learn to analyze, plan, and evaluate a comprehensive fundraising program and to create elements of a professional fundraising portfolio. The course explores management and leadership issues associated with the rapidly changing field of development and philanthropy.
MGMT714 - Principles of Project Management
This course focuses on the essentials of project management. It approaches project management from the standpoint of managing a single, stand-alone project that is small to medium in size. The course takes attendees through the project life cycle in the same sequence they would face when managing a real project in the workplace. Topics covered include the product and project life cycles, including initiation, planning, executing, controlling, and closing.
MGMT720 - Social Gerontology
This course develops the student's understanding of the physiological, psychological, and social effects of aging.
MGMT721 - Elder Care Policy & Politics
This course examines the environment in which elder care services are delivered. The course examines legal, regulatory and public policy issues, as well as some of the resulting financing options (e.g. Medicare, Medicaid, and private long-term care insurance).
MGMT722 - Housing & Long-Term Care Options
This course introduces issues related to housing and long-term care options for older adults. The course examines the continuum of care available, including home care, adult day care, assisted living, CCRCs, nursing homes, and general retirement communities.
MGMT724 - Marketing to Seniors
This course utilizes a combination of family life cycle and cohort marketing frameworks to understand the issues in marketing products and services to elderly consumers. Students prepare detailed marketing plans and implementation programs for firms or organizations specializing in senior customers.
MGMT726 - Services & Programs for Older Adults
This course examines the theory and practices relevant to the management and administration of programs for the elderly. Deficiencies in current programs and alternative modes of care for the elderly are explored.
MGMT728 - Human Resources Management
This course examines the staffing function of management including planning, recruiting, selection, training, motivation, appraisal, compensation, labor laws, and organizational development. The course also addresses the current issues affecting the human resource manager including the changing work force and need to increase productivity as well as changes in the areas of unions and affirmative action.
MGMT730 - Health Management for Seniors
Health management for older adults is a major issue in contemporary society. This course provides the knowledge base and skill set necessary for interdisciplinary professional practice. The course is conducted in collaboration among Harvard Medical School, Simmons School of Social Work, Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions, Boston University Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, and Northeastern University School of Pharmacy.
MGMT731 - Human Resource Law
This course introduces students to individual employment law, which is concerned with rules that govern the relations between employers and employees, primarily as applicable to non-unionized workers. The course includes such subject areas as identifying a contract of employment, creation and modification of the employment relationship, the common law obligations of employee and employer, the employer’s statutory obligations to its employees, privacy in the workplace, human rights legislation in the workplace, and the termination of employment.
MGMT733X - Navigating Fin Systems in Elder Care
This course describes and analyzes the financing of the health and long term care system for the elderly and adults with disabilities. Course will review the current long term care system; core financing public mechanisms of Medicare and Medicaid; integration of Medicare and Medicaid for dual eligibilities; intersection of long term care finance with different models of care (PACE, Special Needs Plans); additional mechanisms of long term financing along with relative strengths and limitations; role of government, private sector, and individuals in financing long term care; shortcomings of the current long care system and needs for the future delivery and financing of care; exploration of future policy directions and agendas.
MGMT734 - Aging in American Society
Aging in American Society
MGMT735 - Planning & Writing Grant Proposals
Federal, state and local governments and private foundations have billions of dollars in grant funding to help non-profit organizations carry out their missions. But demand for these resources has increased tremendously in recent years. If an organization is going to compete effectively for the funds it needs, it must develop and carry out a coherent fundraising strategy. Course presentations and exercises cover differences among funding sources, how to research these sources and match a group's mission to a funder's philosophy, and a detailed discussion of how to convert an organization's needs and assets into a successful grant proposal.
MGMT737 - Capital Campaigns & Major Gifts
The core of any fundraising effort is the annual campaign. This course focuses on development of skills for entry or advancement in the fundraising profession. Topics include campaign organization (goals, plan, and calendar); the board and volunteers (their roles, responsibilities, recognition, care and handling); expanding the donor base; solicitation techniques and methods, prospects, ratings, and assignments; direct mail; special events; meetings and agendas; major gifts; and the organizational process.
MGMT740 - Consumer Behavior
This course explores how and why consumers behave the way they do. Consumers can be individual households buying goods and services for their own consumption or they can be buyers in industrial and other business-related markets. The course takes an interdisciplinary, in-depth approach to the study of buyer behavior.
MGMT741 - Marketing Research
This course provides an understanding of the theory and the methods of marketing research through class discussions and project work. The emphasis in this course is on marketing research as an aid to management decision making.
MGMT743 - Fundraising Concepts/ Practices
Fundraising Concepts/ Practices
MGMT744 - Global Marketing
The purpose of this course is to explore the nature of marketing in a global context. This includes the decision of extending or adapting domestic marketing strategies for use abroad and the special demands of managing the marketing functions globally. Major emphasis is on developing global marketing strategies. However, the course also addresses issues of importance to entrepreneurs just entering global markets.
MGMT745 - Marketing Strategy
This course emphasizes the development of analytical skills for marketing decision making, strategic marketing management concepts, and the effective formulation/implementation of strategic market plans. A variety of teaching methods are used, including cases, lectures, discussion and a computerized marketing simulation. Prerequisite: completion of at least two marketing courses.
MGMT746 - E-Commerce
This course addresses issues related to developing an Internet strategy for both pure play e-tailers and existing brick and mortar organizations. In particular, the course investigates opportunities and threats created by e-commerce, driving Web traffic and developing a customer focus, dealing with disruptive technologies, implementation strategies for new technologies, building trust through security, electronic payment systems, and the international, ethical and public policy challenges raised by electronic commerce.
MGMT748 - Social Marketing
This course is an application-based course that concentrates on marketing plans for non-profit organizations and marketing plans to implement changes in social policy.
MGMT749 - Ethical Theory & Management
This introduces the discipline of ethical analysis and its application to management. The course examines different methods of value clarifications, the sources of ethical conflict in management practices, the structure of ethical arguments, as well as the ethical theories and principles associated with management. The course also explores how these concepts are concretely applied in organizations and professional life.
MGMT751 - Business Strategy
This course studies strategy formulation and implementation in international and domestic business enterprise. Case analysis and other appropriate methodologies are used to develop the skills and judgment necessary to provide overall direction to the organization. In particular, the course emphasizes the translation of strategy formulation to strategy implementation.
MGMT752 - Change Management
This course focuses on how organizational change can be managed. In order to survive in rapidly changing and highly competitive operating environments, organizations must learn how to continually adapt, evolve, contract, expand, and innovate. Organizational change management is about implementation of business strategies, and more generally, new ideas and practices.
MGMT798 - Research Project Capstone
In this course, students undertake comprehensive research projects under the direction of a faculty mentor. The project is an intensive study based on action research models from the behavioral sciences enabling the student to demonstrate the mastery of the concepts, ideas, knowledge, and insights implicit in the Master of Science in Management curriculum. No later than the semester preceding the undertaking of the Research Project, the student should present to the designated faculty mentor a two-page summary of the proposed research. Each student makes a public and professional presentation of their Capstone Project findings. This course is taken during the student's final graduate semester.The internship is a hands-on working experience in the student’s field of concentration requiring a minimum of 150 hours of placement under the supervision of both an employer and a faculty member. Beginning in the semester preceding the internship placement, the student identifies what type of organization they desire for their internship. The student holds primary responsibility for obtaining a field experience site and is responsible for setting up interviews with prospective internship sites.. The internship supervisor monitors student performance and visits internships sites as needed. On completion of the internship, the student submits a reflection paper to the faculty supervisor on their experience. Students may not perform internships at their current place of employment without prior consent of the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies. Each student makes a public and professional presentation of the Graduate Internship experience. This course is taken during the student’s final graduate semester.
MGMT799 - Internship Capstone
The internship is a hands-on working experience in the student’s field of concentration requiring a minimum of 150 hours of placement under the supervision of both an employer and a faculty member. Beginning in the semester preceding the internship placement, the student identifies what type of organization they desire for their internship. The student holds primary responsibility for obtaining a field experience site and is responsible for setting up interviews with prospective internship sites.. The internship supervisor monitors student performance and visits internships sites as needed. On completion of the internship, the student submits a reflection paper to the faculty supervisor on their experience. Students may not perform internships at their current place of employment without prior consent of the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies. Each student makes a public and professional presentation of the Graduate Internship experience. This course is taken during the student’s final graduate semester.
SMGT701 - Current Issues in Sports
This course analyzes contemporary issues including the use of performance enhancing drugs, gambling, escalating salaries, violence, and institutional cheating in sports. Case studies are investigated and students engage in critical thinking and discussions to understand what has created these issues.
SMGT702 - Hist & Func of Sport in Society
This course provides a historical, sociological, and operational analysis of sport and how it shapes our world. As a microcosm of society, the effect that sport has on the moral, ethical, economic, social, political, and religious landscape of society is investigated.
SMGT703 - Sport Sponsorship & Marketing
This course gives students a thorough overview of the multi-billion dollar sport sponsorship and marketing industry. In this era of globalization, all facets of this growing industry are analyzed including advertising, promotions, sponsorships, product licensing, and market segmentation. Principles of marketing and marketing management are introduced and how they relate to the global sport industry.
SMGT704 - Sport & the Law
This course introduces the fundamental tenets of the law and familiarizes students with legal structure and basic legal terminology. Various aspects of law are examined including negligence, tort law and risk management, and how they impact the sports industry. In addition, legal issues that relate to professional sport leagues and amateur governing bodies are analyzed.
SMGT705 - Fin Management in the Sport Industry
Financial Management in the Sport Industry is a study of the principles, theories, and competencies essential for working with the fiscal and economic conditions and factors involved in global sport organizations. This course will provide students with basic fiscal and economic principles, strategies, and techniques essential for the leadership, management, and administration of global sports programs. Course activities and requirements have been designed to familiarize the student with the fiscal, economic, budgeting, sources of funding, and impact analyses issues associated with sport in a global society.
SMGT707 - Exec & Strat leadership in the Sport Ind
Executive and Strategic leadership is often referred to as the highest level and most complex planning activity in any organization. This is also true for sport organizations. As such, it falls to the League Commissioner, Athletic Director, Director of Recreation, and his or her top leadership teams to design, chart, and evaluate corporate level strategy. This course introduces you to the executive and strategic leadership processes in the sport industry and does so by placing you in the role of Commissioner, Athletic Director or Sport manager. In this role, you will be required to make and defend a broad range of strategic decisions. This class will dwell almost exclusively on comprehensive case analysis, or as it is generally called, the Strategic Analysis and the strategic decision-making processes used in the sport industry.
SMGT711 - Sport Leadership to Shape the Future
In this course, students explore the role of leadership in shaping sport organizations. The role of leadership of individuals and groups to generate and sustain significant processes of change is explored.
SMGT712 - Intercollegiate Rules & Procedures
This course explores the policies and procedures of intercollegiate governing bodies. Areas discussed are bylaws, rules, compliance, and athlete eligibility that apply to member institutions in America.
SMGT721 - Introduction to Sport Hospitality
This course provides an overview of the basic organizational and business structure of the sport hospitality industry. Students examine the role hospitality plays in professional and collegiate sports, with particular focus on hosting patrons of sporting events.
SMGT722 - Managing Sport Facilities/Special Events
This course examines the processes for planning and managing major sporting events and their specific venues. Topics include crowd management, concession and alcohol management, medical emergency/evacuation plans, and facility design and maintenance.
SMGT723 - Sport Sales Strategies
This course provides an overview of strategies for premium seating, season ticket, group ticket and luxury suite sales. Box office ticket operations and database management as well as customer service and client retention principles are presented.
SMGT731 - Ethical Non-Profit Sport Management
In this course, leaders in the sport non-profit sector demonstrate best practices by being cognizant of legal mandates, as well as ethical and fiscal responsibilities within the strategic organizational framework.
SMGT780 - Research & Design in the Sport Industry
Research in Sport Management requires students to identify, describe, analyze, and report on a sport industry issue or problem at their own workplace by drawing on the relevant literature. The issue could be related to collective bargaining, the introduction of new technology in sport, sexual harassment, sport marketing, employment equity, overtime working, worker motivation and productivity, seniority, discipline, or management rights. By the end of the course students must submit a research project, paper, or report stating the sport industry problem or issue examined, setting out their analysis of the causes of the problem, data collected, analysis of findings, summary or conclusions with recommendations for their proposed remedies, and discussion of the potential impact of their proposed recommendation on the sport industry
SMGT781 - Capstone Thesis
Capstone Thesis
SMGT798 - Capstone Thesis
In this course, students complete research and a written project/research thesis under the direction of a graduate faculty advisor. It is the culminating work of the Sport Management Masters program and must include research, analysis design, evaluation, organization, a literature review, and conclusions relating to the findings of the research. A written thesis should be augmented by the use of PowerPoint or web portfolio application.
SMGT799 - Capstone Internship
The field experience includes supervised work for 400 hours in a sport management setting. Practical experience can be gained in any number of positions in the sport industry, including sales, marketing, public relations, operations, facilities, and event management.

Cristina Haverty
Associate Vice President of Workforce Development and Global Engagement
Office: Alexander STC

Lori Rosenthal
Assistant Provost; Professor of Psychology
Office: Plummer

Keith Belmore
Associate Professor of Athletic Training and Graduate Chair of Athletic Training
Office: Alexander STC 104N

Linda Bucci
Professor & Program Chair of Justice Studies, Graduate Chair of Criminal Justice
Office: Plummer

Sarah Giasullo
Assistant Professor of Athletic Training; Graduate Chair of Health Sciences
Office: Alexander STC 104T

Janet Huetteman
Graduate Chair of Management and Marketing; Associate Professor of Marketing
Office: 23 Maple Street, Office #5

Young-Tae Kim
Associate Professor of Sport Management; Graduate Interim Chair of Sport Management
Office: Alexandar STC

Ron Laham
Assistant Professor of Athletic Training/ Exercise Science
Office: Alexander STC

Meryl Perlson
Chair of Communication; Professor of Communication
Office: Donahue 107

Matthew Reilly
Chair of Business and Interim Chair of Sport Management; Assistant Professor of Business
Office: DeArment

Claudia Rinaldi
The Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Professor/Professor of Education, Chair of Education
Office: Brennan Library

Nancy Waldron
Assistant Provost; Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management
Office: DeArment

Brian Wardyga
Professor of Communication; General Manager, 109.2FM WLAS & LCTV
Office: Brennan Library, G04F
- Academic Policies
- Admission to Graduate Studies
- Course Descriptions
- Graduate Financial Information
Programs of Study
- Master of Education
- Master of Science in Communication
- Master of Science in Criminal Justice
- Master of Science in Management
- Master of Science in Nutrition for Human Performance
- Master of Science in Rehabilitation Science
- Master of Science in Sport Management
Graduate Certificates
- Athletic Administration
- Emergency and Crisis Management
- Health Communication
- Homeland Security and Global Justice
- Hospitality and Event Management
- Human Resources Management
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Management
- Marketing
- Parks and Recreation
- Project Management
- Public Relations
- Sport Leadership
- Sport Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Violence Prevention and Advocacy
- Teaching English Learners with Disabilities Certificate