Career Readiness Competencies
Get Career Ready
Our goal is to ensure that all Lasell graduates are not only technically trained for their professional fields but acquire essential competencies that are highly sought after by all employers. Career readiness is the attainment and demonstration of requisite competencies that broadly prepare college graduates for a successful transition into the workplace.
Articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively in written and oral forms to persons inside and outside of the organization. |
Build collaborative relationships with colleagues and customers representing diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, religions, lifestyles, and viewpoints. |
Leverage existing digital technologies ethically and efficiently to solve problems, complete tasks, and accomplish goals. |
Leverage the strengths of others to achieve common goals, and use interpersonal skills to coach and develop others. |
Demonstrate personal accountability and effective work habits, e.g., punctuality, working productively with others, and time workload management, and understand the impact of non-verbal communication on professional work image. |
Identify and articulate one's skills, strengths, knowledge, and experiences relevant to the position desired and career goals, and identify areas necessary for professional growth. |
Value, respect, and learn from diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, sexual orientations, and religions. |
Adapted from the NACE Career Readiness Competencies