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School of Humanities, Education, Justice & Social Sciences

Secondary Education Licensure (grades 5-12) and History

History Secondary student

Secondary Education Licensure (Grades 5-12) and History Majors at Lasell

The Secondary Education Licensure (grades 5-12) and History provides a specialization in History while preparing graduates to teach in secondary classrooms in grades 5-12. Students complete practicum experiences all four years in suburban and urban school settings through our partner school district sites.

The Education degree program has a Fifth Year option, which allows students to graduate with a Master on Education.

Program Features

  • From their first semester at Lasell, students begin their classroom experience and build their resumes.
  • Gain additional teaching skills using innovative technologies like TeachLiveE which simulates a real classroom and allows you to try out strategies and methodologies.
  • Complete pre and full practicums in urban and suburban school districts.
  • Students are expected and supported to complete their MTELs so that they can be licensed and ready to teach once leaving Lasell.

Note: Lasell offers licensure and non-licensure degree programs in education that are designed to meet the licensure requirements in the state of Massachusetts. Licensure may be valid in other states but may require additional steps and cannot be guaranteed. To learn more about licensure requirements in other states, please visit the Licensure Disclosure page.

What You'll Learn

From your first day, you’ll take courses in your major and advance towards graduation with a yearly plan. Not sure what classes to take? We’ll help you create the perfect plan. 

Colleges of Distinction - Education 2020-2021
Lasell University's education program has been recognized by Colleges of Distinction for its excellence.


Learning Outcomes

  • Become am effective and engaging teacher who can write a lesson plan and lead a classroom.
  • Create learning environments to support:
    • learners’ diverse needs (e.g., hearing or vision needs, learning styles, multiple intelligences)
    • students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds
    • opportunities for all students to demonstrate academic ability
  • Be understanding of own learning style and be able to to evaluate and modify your own teaching methods. plan and implement their own professional development based on their critical reflections.

For a complete list of courses and Learrning outcomes, view the Academic Catalog >>

Accelerated Master's Program

Save time and money — earn your graduate degree in just 1 year with the Accelerated Master's program. Learn more and how to apply >>

Undergraduate alumni return to Lasell for second (or third!) degrees 
Read their stories >>

Career Success with a Secondary Education Licensure with History Degree

Lasell’s degree in Secondary Education Licensure with History degree prepares students for careers in teaching and education.

Our students have had practicums with:

  • Boston Public Schools
  • Dedham Public Schools
  • Newton Public Schools
  • Waltham Public Schools
  • Watertown Public Schools
  • Other school districts and private schools in the metropolitan Boston area








Request more information about the Secondary Education Licensure and History major:

“I love the close-knit campus community Lasell offers. I truly feel supported by my peers and professors every day.”

Isabelle Conway '25

Elementary Education major with a History minor

Read more about Isabelle
Isabelle Conway

HIST103 - World Civilization I

Beginning with prehistory, this course explores early civilizations and then follows developments in a global context, showing interconnections between Asia, Africa, and Europe. Emphasis is placed on cultural, social, economic, religious, and political developments.

HIST104 - World Civ II:

This Knowledge Perspective course will provide students with the opportunity to interpret and analyze the complex interrelationships and inequities in human societies in a global historical context. Emphasizing the interrelatedness and mutuality of influence between East and West, we examine questions of exclusiveness, intolerance, and cooperation. Prerequisite: ENG101 with a C or better

HIST123 - American Civilization I

This course examines the chief political, social, and cultural features of American society as they have developed through the period of Reconstruction. Emphasis is on Colonial America, the War of Independence, the Constitution, and the emergence of the Republic through the Civil War.

HIST124 - American Civilization II

This course is a continuation of HIST 123 from the period of Reconstruction to the present. Emphasis is on reconstruction, industrialization, immigration, constitutional issues, and the emergence of American foreign policy. There is some examination of American political life in the nuclear age.

HIST352 - Nature & Meaning of History

The first half of this course examines selective theories of history from Herodotus through Braudel. The second part investigates the historiography of a single topic according to student interest. Readings are selected to introduce the student to interpretive issues surrounding the selected topic. The perspectives of several practicing historians are considered. Students write a research paper. This course is intended for history majors and as a capstone course for history minors; it is open to others who have successfully completed at least three history courses and have the permission of the instructor. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 200-level history course and permission of instructor.

HIST400 - Individual Seminar in Reading & Research

This course will serve as the first semester of a two-semester individualized history capstone sequence. Students will work closely on an individual basis with a full-time faculty member, meeting weekly to define a topic for in-depth examination through reading, research, and writing. Reading and research will begin during HIST 400 and will continue during the following semester in HIST 401. Students must complete HIST 400 before enrolling in HIST 401. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing and HIST 352 (can be taken concurrently).

HIST401 - Tutorial in History

This capstone course focuses on research methodology and practice in history. The student must gain the written agreement of the faculty member who oversees the project. Each student defines a topic by the end of the first week of the semester. Subsequent weekly meetings address progress and problems encountered in research of the topic. The finished product is a substantial paper (ca. 30 pages) with full scholarly apparatus. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing, HIST 352, and HIST 400.

POLS101 - American Government

This is an examination of the basic principles that form the foundation for the structure and practice of American government. The impact of the political system on the citizen is explored along with the central assumptions and concepts that serve as the basis for the field of political science.

SOC101 - Sociological Imagination (KP)

In this course we explore our awareness of the relationship between our experience and broader society. How are our lives shaped by our social positions in society – our social class, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, and more? How do the members of different groups view each other and interact with each other? Why do inequalities exist and how do these affect us? How does culture shape our behavior, and why do religions, schools, families, and other institutions remain stable but also change over time?