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2021 - 2022 Academic Catalog

Fitness Management

The mission of the Fitness Management Program is to immerse students in a multidisciplinary field of study, blending the field of fitness and wellness with a strong foundation in business management.  The program offers students an opportunity to gain proficiency in the areas of kinesiology, human performance assessment, fitness skills, wellness concepts, and strength and conditioning techniques while developing expertise in business management principles, theories and concepts.  As business experts dedicated to fitness and wellness enhancement, Fitness Management program graduates will be responsible for the development and coordination of exercise programs for clients at health clubs, fitness facilities, private clubs, resort fitness centers and casinos while overseeing the business management of such settings.

The fitness aspect of the curriculum focuses on the study of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, human metabolism, human movement, group exercise, strength and conditioning techniques and personal training skills. The business management aspect of the curriculum focuses on business management, marketing, and sales principles, entrepreneurship and private club management.  Students will culminate their educational journey with a capstone and an internship opportunity.  While completing this multidisciplinary program, Fitness Management majors have the option to participate in domestic and international service- learning programs and study abroad programs.  This program also offers an opportunity to be a part of the Lasell Works program. Utilizing our connected learning philosophy, discipline specific principles, concepts, theories and skills will be reinforced through their application in problem-based collaborative projects, laboratory activities and internship experiences.

Students are immediately introduced to discipline specific concepts and skills during the first year in the program. Throughout the second and third year of the program students will navigate through classes and educational experiences in management, marketing, fitness and wellness.  During the final year of the program, students are actively engaged in undergraduate research through the research concepts and capstone courses, and two multidisciplinary field experiences that immerse students in professional settings designed to allow students an opportunity to apply their knowledge, skills and abilities with supervised autonomy Academic standards for the Fitness Management Program include grades of "C" or better in all EXSC and BUSS courses.

Program Fee
Each Fitness Management student is charged a program fee for each semester. The program fee is used to provide instructional supplies, discipline specific technology, guest speaker honoraria, educational opportunities outside of the classroom and miscellaneous materials/supplies needed to maximize student learning.  In addition to this fee, students will incur additional expenses including but not limited to professional certifications (i.e. Personal Training of Group Exercise Instructor) and Adult CPR/AED certification.  CPR Certification - Students must obtain their Adult CPR/AED Certification before they begin their internships.  Students are expected to renew their certification after the 2-year certification in order to be eligible for certification exams.  Several local options are available.  Please see Program Chair for options.

Retention Policy
The Fitness Management program coursework, with associated prerequisites, requires a grade of "C" or better in all EXSC and BUSS courses.  Additionally, Fitness Management majors must maintain a 2.0 GPA to remain in the program. Failure to maintain required academic standards will necessitate the repetition of a major required course and consultation with the Program Chair to determine a student's academic eligibility to remain in the program.

Goals and Outcomes
The following goals and learning outcomes delineate what we strive for students to achieve when they complete the major program of study in Fitness Management:

Goal 1: Communication
Upon completion of the major program of study in Fitness Management, students will be able to:

  1. Interpret, develop, produce and disseminate disciplinary research
  2. Understand and create discipline specific written work
  3. Deliver professional oral presentations
  4. Interact professionally and educate clients, peers and colleagues
  5. Apply a collaborative, team approach to client-services

Goal 2: Professional Behaviors
Upon completion of the major program of study in Fitness Management, students will be able to:

  1. Identify ethical issues 
  2. Model professional conduct and behavior
  3. Respect the role and responsibilities of each professional member of a multidisciplinary team
  4. Advance knowledge through the use of evidence-based practice and professional development
  5. Practice cultural competence in delivery of client-centered services
  6. Adhere to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and National Strength and Conditioning Association codes of ethics

Goal 3: Knowledge and Skills
Upon completion of the major program of study in Fitness Management, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of organizational behavior and cross-cultural management
  2. Demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of human resource management
  3. Demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of information technology
  4. Demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of strategic planning within management
  5. Demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of fitness and wellness knowledge
  6. Demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the application of fitness and wellness skills and techniques

  Goal 4: Professional Decision Making
Upon completion of the major program of study in Fitness Management, students will be able to
          1.     Incorporate evidence-based practice into professional decision making
          2.     Create, implement and modify fitness and wellness programs to address individual needs of the client    

Course Code Course Title Credits
Core Courses
BIO205 Anatomy & Physiology I 4
BIO206 Anatomy & Physiology II 4
BUSS101 Fund of Bus in a Global Environment 3
BUSS205 Business Law 3
BUSS220 Principles of Marketing 3
BUSS224 Org Behavior in the Global Workplace 3
BUSS226 Financial Accounting 3
BUSS231 Entrepreneurship & Venture Creation 3
BUSS232 Global Operation Strategies 3
BUSS336 Human Resource Management 3
COM103 Human Communication (KP) 3
ECON101 Principles of Econ-Micro 3
EXSC103 Skills & Techniques for the Exercise Sci 3
EXSC106 Functional Anatomy & Resistance Trainig 3
EXSC108 Group Exercise 3
EXSC209 Performance Nutrition 3
EXSC211 Principles of Personal Training 3
EXSC340 Research Concepts 3
EXSC405 Org & Admin of Health & Sports Programs 3
EXSC410 Exercise Science Field Experience I 3
HEM205 Private Club Management 3
MATH208 Statistics 3
PSYC101 Psychological Perspectives (KP) 3
Choose 1 from the following:
BUSS440 Business Capstone 3
EXSC430 Exercise Science Capstone 3
Choose 1 from the following:
PSYC218 Dynamics of Small Groups 3
PSYC220 Social Psychology 3
PSYC240 Sport Psychology 3
PSYC302 Biological Basis of Behavior 3
Choose 1 from the following:
EXSC302 Exercise Physiology 4
EXSC305 Strength Training & Conditioning 4

Electives: 9 credits

Major Requirements: 81 credits

A minimum of 120 credits is required for graduation. This total includes the Core Curriculum Requirements as described elsewhere in this catalog. Some courses required for the major meet Core Curriculum requirements. 
For a complete explanation of graduation requirements, see Graduation Requirements in the Undergraduate Academic Policies section of this catalog.

* Students are required to show proof of CPR/AED Professional Rescuer certification to register for field experience.

** The following courses may require additional coursework depending upon Math placement:
MATH203: Precalculus
MATH208: Statistics

BIO101 - Principles of Biology I (KP)

This is an introductory lecture and laboratory course in biology to develop an appreciation for the patterns and functions that characterize living organisms. Emphasis is placed on cellular biology. Topics include: the chemistry of life, cell structure, and cell metabolism (respiration, photosynthesis, protein synthesis.) Co-requisites: BIO101L.

BIO102 - Principles of Biology II (KP)

This lecture and laboratory course is the second semester of a year-long introductory biology sequence which explores the scientific study of life. Topics include introductions to Darwinian evolution, principles of inheritance, evolution & immunity, and a survey of human body systems & homeostatic mechanisms. The laboratory provides an environment for active learning to support understanding of concepts presented in the course. Prerequisite: BIO101 with a C or better. Corequisite: BIO102L.

BIO104 - Foundations in the Health Professions

This course provides a description of the various health care professions including educational and licensing requirements. The concepts of professionalism, health care teams, and current health care policies will be covered. Students will increase their knowledge of the various health care professions through job shadowing.

BIO114 - Drugs and the Brain (KP)

This course introduces the brain and molecular interactions that affect it, including those that lead to addiction. Topics include basic anatomy of the brain, electrical and chemical interactions that affect the brain, substances and experiences that cause these interactions, and the possible resulting behavioral outcomes. Social and societal dimensions of the issues are also explored. The course includes two laboratory experiences.

BIO117 - Marine Biology (KP)

In this course, students will examine the challenges of the marine environment before learning about the impact humans have on the ecosystem. Topics include pollution, climate change, overharvesting, and artificial selection. Additionally, students will analyze fisheries data as a representation of catch trends and population abundance. The diversity of ocean life will also be explored.

BIO205 - Anatomy & Physiology I

This is a comprehensive course focusing on the structure and function of the human body. The course introduces students to aspects of human biology ranging from the chemical basis of life and cell biology to the anatomy and physiology of the major organ systems. Topics covered include: cell biology, major body tissues, and the structure and function of the following systems: skin, skeletal, muscular, and nervous. The laboratory component includes dissection. Students should have successfully completed one year of at least secondary (high school) level Biology before electing this course. Corequisite: BIO 205L.

BIO206 - Anatomy & Physiology II

This course is a continuation of BIO 205. The following systems are covered during the semester: endocrine, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, urinary, and reproductive. The laboratory component includes dissection. Prerequisite: BIO205 with a C or better. Corequisite: BIO206L.

BIO207 - Environmental Science (KP)

In this course, students will study the basic functions of the environment and the impact humans have on biodiversity, including the effects of pollution, climate change, and resource demands. Students will evaluate their own energy consumption and the demands of everyday appliances and electronics. Sustainability, environmental activism, and the impact the environment has on human health will also be examined.

BIO209 - Molecular Biology

This lecture and laboratory will present the basic principles of molecular biology. Topics include nucleic acid-protein interactions, the Central Dogma, gene regulation, and genetic evolution. The laboratory experiments are designed to introduce the methodology and research used in molecular biology, including nucleic acid extraction, PCR, Western Blot, and gel electrophoresis. Prerequisite: BIO101 Corequisite: BIO209L

BIO211 - Microbiology

This lecture and laboratory introduces the microbial world and the laboratory techniques required for its study. Topics include the basic characteristics of fungi, algae, bacteria, and viruses. Topics and applications that relate to humans are emphasized. Prerequisite: BIO101. Corequisite: BIO211L

BIO216 - Zoology

This course provides an introduction to the classification, relationships, structure, and function of major animal phyla. Emphasis is on levels of organization, reproduction and development, comparative systems, and a survey of selected phyla.

BIO220 - World Geography (KP)

This course surveys the earth’s social, cultural and economic patterns and their relationship to the physical geography of the earth. A regional approach is taken to provide a foundation for more intensive systematic studies of important environmental/political issues.

BIO301 - Pathophysiology

In this course, major pathophysiologic concepts are explored using a body systems approach relating them to the practice of the health care professional. Theories relating etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations are used to study common disease processes. The course introduces students to medical terminology, and describes the impact of cellular dysfunction, interpretation of medical laboratory tests and drug interaction and pharmacology for the health care provider. The course encourages critical analysis of clinical data to identify logical connections and integration. Prerequisites: BIO205, BIO206 or by permission

BIO303 - Plant Biology

This course presents a comprehensive introduction to plant biology including an overview of major groups of plants, plant cells and cell types, plant anatomy & physiology, and ecology. Prerequisite: BIO101 with C or better

BIO310 - Genetics

This lecture and laboratory will focus on principles related to the inheritance of traits regulated by genes. The chemical and physical nature of chromosomes and genes and gene expression and regulation will be covered. Systems in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms exemplifying Mendelian and modern molecular genetic principles will be discussed. Prerequisite: BIO101. Corequisite: BIO310L

BIO340 - Research Methods

This course covers research concepts in the healthcare and fitness industry including the logic of experimental and correlational designs, issues of control, sampling, measurement of variables, ethical issues in research, use of online professional search procedures, and writing in APA style. Students engage in various aspects of the research process culminating in a research paper on a discipline specific topic. Prerequisite: MATH 208

BIO406 - Evolutionary Biology

Evolution is the unifying theory of biology, applicable to all biological organisms including humans. Understanding evolutionary biology is critical for biologists and anyone who seeks an understanding of the natural world. This class employs an analytical approach to explore the pattern and process of evolution in all life forms, from viruses to single celled organisms to plants to Homo sapiens. Evolutionary genetics will be considered as the foundation underlying all aspects of evolutionary biology, and concepts in speciation, adaptation, classification, population genetics, and macroevolution will be covered in depth. The importance of evolutionary concepts to all facets of biology will be emphasized, particularly the interplay between evolution and ecology, genetics, development, and medicine. Prerequisite: BIO310 with a C or better.

BIO420 - Field Experience in Health Science

This is an off-campus experience in a hospital, clinic, corporate, university or commercial setting, as appropriate. Concepts, theories, and practices learned in the classroom are applied in a supervised setting. Students must successfully complete at least 200 hours of field experience in addition to written assignments. Prerequisites: BIO 211, BIO 340 and Permission of Program Chair.

BIO430 - Health Science Capstone

The capstone course prepares students to engage in research at the graduate level and to create an opportunity for students to apply various concepts and theories attained throughout the curriculum. The content of this course focuses on opportunities for undergraduate research. Students will develop an original research question, with focus on methodology, data collection and statistical analysis. Prerequisite: BIO 340 with a C or better.

BUSS101 - Fund of Bus in a Global Environment

This course is designed to familiarize students with various aspects of the business world. Areas covered include: private enterprise; forms of ownership; legal aspects; management practices in a diverse and global business environment; marketing; human resources; global operations management; labor relations; and finance. In addition, students become aware of how business functions are integrated into an organization to achieve specific goals both locally and internationally.

BUSS104 - Professional Development in Business

For freshman only. This is a comprehensive course that introduces students to the skills they need to develop themselves professionally. It cultivates and hones the skills necessary for students to communicate effectively and professionally in a business environment. This course provides students with the skills necessary to engage in field experience, internship and post-graduate employment searches as well as for the general business world around them. Using myriad methods, students will develop the necessary professional skills for professional presentation, professional communication, negotiation, personal branding, networking and team building. Students will also be introduced to the concept of emotional intelligence and its impact on overall career and academic outcomes. Students will complete a minimum of three professional presentations as part of this course.Prerequisites: None

BUSS105 - Excel for Business

This course introduces students to basic Microsoft Excel skills. Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program used for storing, organizing and manipulating data. It is critical to the business world today as the volume of data generated has exploded. This introductory course will provide students with information and skills needed to create basic workbooks and worksheets, create simple formulas, copy and move data, format data and cells, work in large spreadsheets and with data series, create pivot tables, and more. As part of this course, all students will have the opportunity to become certified in Microsoft Excel through the professional certification called Microsoft Office Specialist: Excel 2016 – Core Data Analysis, Manipulation, and Presentation. The certification also comes with an electronic badge. Students are also introduced to Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Statement of Cash Flows, Ratios, and the Basic Accounting Cycle.

BUSS107X - Esport Management

Introduction to Esports Management starts with an introduction to the history of competitive gaming and continues with an exploration of its emerging ecosystem. Students will learn the complexities involved in understanding the dynamics of the esports industry and all of its stakeholders from gamers to billion-dollar media companies. We will dive into each element of this value chain and provide you with insight on the inter-operations of all companies included in the landscape of esports. Students will learn to navigate the structure of esports leagues, teams, players, gaming publishers, tournament operators, media and affiliate organizations. Relevant projects, market analysis and critical thinking will be utilized to understand management approaches that have succeeded and failed with recent esports ventures. Students will also learn baseline skills in esports streaming, broadcasting, marketing, public relations and written communication.

BUSS203 - Financial Management

This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of finance. Various techniques of analysis that reveal the relationships of risk, return, and value are demonstrated. Topics include: financial reporting; long- and short-term forecasting; managing working capital; capital budgeting; and the nature of corporate securities and debt-equity mix. Prerequisites: BUSS 202 with a grade C or better & ECON 102.

BUSS205 - Business Law

This course provides a working knowledge of everyday law as it applies to both business and personal needs. The primary focus is on contract law and property law. Different sections offered are specific to majors and/or interests (Section A – General Business, Section B – Sport Management, Section C – Hospitality Management). Students can choose any section that they prefer, regardless of major.

BUSS208 - Financial Statement Analysis

In this course, students will examine financial statements and other financial reports with a view towards using accounting information in making investing, lending, and other potential management decisions. Students explore methods of constructing, comparing, and analyzing these statements and reports and the various uses of such analyses. Prerequisite: BUSS202 or BUSS227 with a grade of C or higher

BUSS210 - Federal Income Taxes

This course provides students with a basic understanding of the fundamentals of federal income tax laws as they apply to individuals, businesses, and not-for-profit, taxable entities. Students will explore a broad range of tax topics, emphasizing the role of taxation in business decision-making process, tax research, and tax planning. Prerequisite: BUSS201 with a grade C or better.

BUSS211 - Fundamentals of Financial Modeling

In this course, students will build applications and models in Excel to support financial analysis and decision-making. Students will begin by building financial documents using basic Excel applications and functions. They will then move into more advanced skills that include time value of money and statistical functions, text and date usage, regression, conditionals, data tables and random number generation. All techniques will be applied to the most common financial applications and models including present value, cost of capital, financial statement forecasting, and valuation. Also included are the preparation of charts and graphs for use in professional presentations and reports. Problem-solving cases will serve as the foundation for the course. Prerequisite: BUSS 227 with a “C” or better.

BUSS215 - Introduction to Esports Management

Intro to Esports Management starts with an introduction to the history of competitive gaming and continues with an exploration of its emerging ecosystem. Students will learn the complexities involved in understanding the dynamics of the esports industry and all of its stakeholders from gamers to billion-dollar media companies. We will dive into each element of this value chain and provide you with insight on the inter-operations of all companies included in the landscape of esports. Students will learn to navigate the structure of esports leagues, teams, players, gaming publishers, tournament operators, media and affiliate organizations. Relevant projects, market analysis and critical thinking will be utilized to understand management approaches that have succeeded and failed with recent esports ventures. Students will also learn baseline skills in esports streaming, broadcasting, marketing, public relations and written communication

BUSS218X - Business Operations Simulation

This one-credit course utilizes the exciting business simulation program GoVenture CEO. It is a revolutionary business simulation where students manage companies on their own or in teams. Choosing from dozens of ready-to-play industries, students will engage in a simulation that models current events, historical successes or failures, and targets specific challenges or learning outcomes. Students manage their own strategies while monitoring competitive positioning, actions, and other market forces that arise. This simulation is appropriate for any major and any business student who wants a hands-on business management experience. Prerequisite: BUSS101 or HEM101.

BUSS220 - Principles of Marketing

In this course, the fundamentals of marketing are explored for practical application in today's business environment. The process of creating value for customers by utilizing the tools of marketing -- market segmentation, targeting and positioning, marketing research and communications, product development, channels of distribution, and pricing -- are explored with a project-based, interactive approach. Additionally, there is a service learning component included in this course that enables students to further apply the course concepts while working to advance a participating non-profit organization. Prerequisites: BUSS101, COM101, HEM101, HEM102, FASH101, or SMGT102 AND ENG102 or WRT102.

BUSS224 - Org Behavior in the Global Workplace

In this course, students study individuals and their interactions within group settings as they affect efficiencies in diverse business organizations. Group dynamics and intergroup dynamics are emphasized in relation to productivity and work satisfaction along with the examination of specific aspects of organizations that influence behavior on a global scale. Areas covered include structure, leadership, and change as they affect a multitude of cultures. Teaching modalities include case studies and role-playing. This is a writing intensive course.

BUSS225X - Supply Chain Mgmt 1:Log & Forecasting

This course provides a broad overview of the planning and execution of customer demand. It is divided into two parts: Logistics and Planning. In the first segment, we cover the three major building blocks of logistics networks: transportation, warehousing, and inventory. After completing this course, students will be able to differentiate the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of transportation. Students will also understand what goes into designing and setting up a warehousing facility. Finally, students will be able to discuss the development of logistics networks that minimize costs and deliver top customer service. In the second half, planning and forecasting will be covered. Matching supply and demand requires planning. Students will master different forecasting techniques essential for building a sales and operations plan. At the completion of this course, you will have the tools and techniques to analyze demand data, construct different forecasting techniques, and discuss the most suitable one for projecting future demand. In addition, you will be exposed to planning software such as Oracle and SAP, which weave complicated networks of distribution and shipping together in one easy platform and dashboard. This is an introductory course designed to provide you with a start on your learning journey in Logistics and Planning.

BUSS226 - Financial Accounting

This course provides students with the fundamentals of accounting processes and procedures used in business. Students learn how to identify and record business transactions. In addition, students learn how to create financial statements and how to become intelligent users of financial information. Prerequisite: BUSS105.

BUSS227 - Managerial Accounting

In this course, students gain experience in the development and use of information within an organization. Course topics include: cost terms; production costing; cost allocation for planning and control; cost behavior patterns; cost-volume-profit relationships; budgeting; inventory planning and control; pricing decisions; and aspects of investment decisions.Prerequisite: BUSS105

BUSS228 - Federal Income Taxes

This course provides students with a basic understanding of the fundamentals of federal income tax laws as they apply to individuals, businesses, and not-for-profit, taxable entities. Students will explore a broad range of tax topics, emphasizing the role of taxation in business decision-making processes, tax research, and tax planning. Prerequisite: BUSS201 with a grade C or better.

BUSS229 - Supply Chain Mgmt II:Sourcing/Operations

This course provides an overview of Sourcing and Operations, and is divided into two parts. In the first part, students will learn the key components of sourcing: supplier selection; pricing constraints; supplier segmentation; make vs. buy decisions; and supplier relationships. In the second part, students will learn both the Lean Inventory business model, ISO900, issues surrounding quality control, and Six Sigma methodology. This will offer students an overview of sourcing logistics, choices surrounding those logistics and the parameters in place to ensure quality and production efficiencies. Students will have the opportunity to apply this knowledge to various product categories in a number of industries. Lastly, the course will be supplemented by guest lecturers, relevant videos, white papers and journal research to supplement their engagement with the course. About the Lasell/RIZE Supply Chain Management: This is the second course in a three-course track designed by Rutgers Supply Chain Management Professor Rudolph Leuschner alongside faculty from Lasell University. As global networks have continued to expand in the age of the internet, Supply Chain Management has become one of the most critical areas for companies with a global presence to create value. The goal of these courses is to deliver students a full skill set in supply chain management, one of the fastest-growing job segments at Fortune 500 companies across the country. Prerequisite: BUSS225.

BUSS231 - Entrepreneurship & Venture Creation

Entrepreneurship drives global innovation and economic growth. This course exposes business students to the study of entrepreneurship and the venture-creation process. Topics include analyzing new business opportunities, developing business propositions, new venture planning and financing, marketing activities, financial controls, and other topics relevant to the entrepreneurial process. Students interact with faculty, local entrepreneurs, and small business owners/managers. As a culmination activity of this course, students are responsible for the development and presentation of a business plan. Prerequisite: BUSS101, HEM101, HEM102, FASH101 or SMGT102.

BUSS232 - Global Operation Strategies

This course examines how operations can be used as sources of competitive advantage in international business. The class will focus on understanding the need to formulate an operational strategy (long-term plan) and making strategic operational decisions. The old view of operations management as the task of maintaining a comparatively static production or service facility has given way to one characterized by a need for renewed flexibility, relentless improvement, and the development of new capabilities at the operating unit level. As a result of this changing environment, the skills required of operations managers across the globe have changed as well. This course is based primarily on case studies supported by conceptual frameworks.

BUSS233 - American Enterprise Experience

This course examines the American enterprise experience from colonial times until the present. The course touches upon the business component of the American experience beginning with the individual artisan-merchant through the great innovators and organizers of the 19th and 20th centuries and beyond. The historical events, cultural changes, social upheavals, and political shifts that have influenced the development of the American business environment are the core of the study. Prerequisite: BUSS101, HEM101, FASH101, or SMGT102.

BUSS235 - Ethics in Business

This course analyzes ethical issues that arise in a wide range of contemporary business practices, both domestically and globally. It is designed to stimulate critical thinking on ethical issues, corporate social responsibility, and professional challenges encountered in business. The course material enables students to recognize and manage ethical issues and to develop their own standards of integrity and professionalism as applied to the business world. Prerequisite: BUSS101, HEM101, HEM102, FASH101, or SMGT102.

BUSS237 - Global Leadership

In this course, students analyze what it means to be a global leader in the 21st century and identify the skills necessary to be successful in an increasingly global business climate. Students explore this question personally, collectively, and globally in a creative and collaborative atmosphere. Students examine classic as well as contemporary theories of leadership and how they apply to the dynamic global business culture. The course provides students with the opportunity to acquire perspectives and skills essential to successful management in the emerging markets that are increasingly becoming key contenders in world commercial enterprise. Prerequisite: BUSS224.

BUSS240 - PMM I Intro to Project Management

According to a recent study of Human Resource Managers, effective project management is one of the most coveted skills for new hires in the modern economy. This course will introduce you to the power of effective project management through two primary frameworks: waterfall and agile. You will also learn vital project-management concepts that can be applied to a wide range of industries and occupations. This online class has optional live sessions.

BUSS301 - Intermediate Accounting I

This course builds on concepts developed in Financial Accounting. Concentration is on the application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to the preparation of financial statements with an in-depth review of cash, receivables, inventories, and plant assets. The course also covers the concept of the time value of money and the application of present value techniques to accounting valuations. Prerequisite: BUSS226 with a grade C or better.

BUSS302 - Intermediate Accounting II

This course is designed to continue the concepts of financial accounting and present a more thorough analysis of the requirements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Included in this course are earnings per share calculations, lease accounting, and pension accounting. The cash flow statement is also studied. Prerequisite: BUSS 301 with a grade C or better.

BUSS304 - Working Capital Management

This course explores working capital management, credit management, working capital funding, and the major sources of financing debt and equity. Students undertake financial analyses of theoretical models and real-world firms and organizations, recommend financing strategies, and present their findings by using management reporting methods. Prerequisite: BUSS203 with a grade C or better.

BUSS306 - Accounting Information Systems

The course teaches conceptual, analytic and technical skills necessary to work efficiently and productively as an accountant or auditor in an automated environment. The course focuses on today’s typical business that is heavily dependent on information and how the business entity collects enormous volumes of data, stores that data and when needed, transforms that data into usable business information. The course involve hands on use of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet skills and will further develop these skills to use Excel's more advanced functions suitable for data storage and analysis. Hands on use of Microsoft Access is also utilized to teach data modelling skills. Prerequisite: BUSS202 with a C or better.

BUSS307 - International Finance

This course explores the ways and means to reduce financial risk involved in international financial management. The course deals with the interrelationship between the international monetary environment and financial planning for corporations with overseas operations. Students will analyze the effects on international financial planning of such factors as exchange rate fluctuations, currency restrictions, and tax regulations. Students will examine financial aspects of multinational businesses including foreign investment, trade, and transfer of funds. Prerequisite: BUSS203 with a grade C or better.

BUSS308 - Government & Not-for-Profit Accounting

This course introduces financial accounting and reporting issues related to state and local government and non-profit organizations, including universities and health care facilities. Prerequisite: BUSS201 with a grade of C or better.

BUSS309 - Fraud Examination

This course covers techniques for identification and detection of asset misappropriation schemes and fraudulent financial statements, who commits fraud and why, and controls to prevent and detect problems. Prerequisite: BUSS201 with a grade of C or better.

BUSS310 - Advanced Financial Management

This course builds on the concepts introduced in BUSS203 and focuses on financial decisions made within corporate environments. Financial risk and return, capital budgeting, valuation, capital structure, working capital management, and distribution policy are emphasized. Current topics in financial management will also be included. Prerequisite: BUSS203 with a grade of C or better.

BUSS311 - Investments

This course explores the fundamentals of investing. The strategies used to create money from financial capital are thoroughly examined. Financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, futures, options, and commodities are explored. The measurement tools used to assign risk and rate of return, performance, and value are covered. Students learn how to develop, analyze, and maintain a portfolio. Regulatory and ethical issues are examined and considered in the decision-making process. Prerequisite: BUSS201 with a grade of C or better.

BUSS312 - Risk Management

The basics of risk management are covered in this course. Problems of liability and personal loss exposures of a business are examined. Private insurance programs such as health and life insurance, and employee benefit plans are examined and assessed. Prerequisite: BUSS203 with a grade of C or better.

BUSS313 - Business Negotiations

This course examines various negotiating tactics and techniques as they relate to different situations and environments. Particular attention is paid to buyer-seller communications, including negotiations of contracts and agreements. Students study the strengths and weaknesses of strategies used by both buyers and sellers. Prerequisites: BUSS 226, BUSS 220 and MATH 106 or higher.

BUSS315 - Emerging Global Markets

This course focuses on developing skills, strategies and insights crucial to conducting successful business operations in the emerging markets of Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Africa, including the BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China. Globalization offers these countries the opportunity for unprecedented economic development. By participating in the international marketplace, emerging countries increase their chances of raising wages and incomes, accumulating wealth, and reducing poverty. These countries also provide opportunities for companies, mostly from developed countries, to extend their markets. In this course, students study the institutions of emerging markets that are relevant for managers; explore the differences in the contexts and roles of various actors (such as the government and NGOs); analyze opportunities and risks presented by emerging markets; and analyze the strategies of firms dealing with emerging markets. Prerequisite: BUSS101

BUSS318 - Convention, Event & Trade Show Planning

One of the major ways in which games are marketed to consumers is the convention. Shows like the Tokyo Game Show, PAX and E3 attract audiences ranging from 60,000 -300,000 and serve as one of the best opportunities for game studios to generate excitement and favorable word-of-mouth for upcoming projects. Successfully executing a company presence at one of these shows requires a working understanding of budgeting, goal-setting, demo creation, logistics, staffing, merchandising, and ROI evaluation, all topics covered in this course.This course is required for the Rize Business Management in Esports & Gaming degree program. It is also recommended for Game Development and Design majors who wish to pursue a production role in the industry.

BUSS319 - Cost Accounting

This course focuses on a typical firm’s cost data and how that data can be transformed into information for business analysis and decision making. Topics include how to identify fixed versus variable cost, cost volume profit analysis, flexible budgeting, Activity Based Costing, and standard cost systems with detail variance analysis. Process and job order costing systems are examined in terms of how these systems are used to accumulate cost to determine accurate product or service costs and why this is necessary in setting product/service selling prices to maximize profits. Other topics include the numerous cost allocation processes that take place in the typical manufacturing and service industries, and transfer pricing within companies that are doing business internationally. Prerequisite: BUSS202 with a grade of C or better.

BUSS320 - Consumer Behavior

This course examines the behavior of individuals and markets in relation to the purchase decision, including post-purchase evaluation and con­sumption. A behavioral science approach is taken. Prerequisite: BUSS220

BUSS322 - Marketing Communications

This course focuses on a broad view of advertising dealing with planning, creation, and execution in relation to the marketing cycle. Topics include: organization and operation of the advertising agency; publicity; public relations; behavioral sciences as applied to advertising; budgeting; and planning. Prerequisite: BUSS220

BUSS324 - E-Business

This course explores, in detail, how the Internet affects the buying and selling of goods and services in the marketplace. Topics include Internet and mobile business models, electronic commerce infrastructure issues, designing effective web sites, payment and security issues, and the legal and ethical challenges of electronic commerce. The course will culminate in the development of an e-business plan and webpage. Prerequisite: BUSS101, HEM101, HEM102, FASH101 or SMGT102

BUSS325 - Sales Principles

Students in this course will analyze salesmanship in modern business with emphasis placed on the principles and techniques of individual selling styles in both retail and wholesale markets. Topics covered include: dramatization of the sale presentation; the selling role; buyer characteristics and motivations; modern sales practices; corporate sales planning; sales-force policies; time and territory management; forecasting, budgeting; and expense control. Prerequisite: BUSS220

BUSS327 - Life, Health, and Disability Insurance

This course studies the financial implications of death, disability and retirement, and multiple types of life insurance and annuity contracts and their uses. Regulations of life and health insurers, insurer operations and functions, legal aspects, group and individual life and health insurance products including medical, disability income and long-term care policies are covered. Prerequsite: BUSS203 with a grade C or better

BUSS328 - Entertainment Marketing

This course will provide students with a framework for understanding the dynamics of several major sectors within the entertainment industry. Students will compare and contrast successful entertainment marketing strategies with traditional product-based companies. Entertainment Marketing surveys the strategy, techniques and communication media employed to market the range of entertainment available to the American audience. The course examines the organizations and people who conceive, create and distribute video, film, print, interactive and new technology within the framework of the entertainment promotion landscape. The course demonstrates how advertising, publicity, promotion, research and overall marketing campaigns are created and the impact on the creative and business operations of entertainment companies.The objective of this course is to give students an understanding of the marketing issues faced by entertainment companies, highlighting the experiential nature of the products and the fast-pace of change within the industry. Prerequisite: COM216 or COM302

BUSS329 - New Product Development

New products and services are crucial to successful growth and increased profits in many industries. A major goal of this course is to help students learn to use an analytic decision-making approach in developing and marketing new products and services that meet customer needs in the consumer, industrial, and service settings. At the end of the course, the student should understand the role of decision models in analytic marketing decision-making; be able to follow the basic steps in opportunity identification, design, testing, and implementation; and know how to read and interpret new product and service market research. Prerequisite: BUSS220

BUSS330 - Managing Change in a Global Marketplace

This course examines the unique problems associated with managing organizations, including those who compete in markets outside of the U.S., during mergers, reorganizations, and other times of significant change. Strategies to cope with change, as well as induce it across cultures, are examined.Prerequisite: BSS101

BUSS331 - Money and Capital Markets

The course offers an extensive examination of the money and capital markets and their importance to the US and global economy. This course will provide students with analytic tools to assess risks faced by investors and savers interacting through financial institutions and financial markets, as well as strategies for assessing and controlling these risks. The course places a heavy emphasis on the study of interest rates due to its importance in all capital markets and as one of the key determinants of the price of any financial asset. Prerequisite: BUSS203 with a grade of C or better

BUSS332 - Cross Cultural Management

In this course, students will explore the process of cross-cultural management and the challenges of working internationally. The course focuses on international organizational behavior, human resource issues and practices in global organizations. The course is divided into three parts: The first focuses on understanding the cultural roots of behavior in organizations; the second on the Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management issues that are relevant to international managers; and the third seeks to prepare students for international assignments. Prerequisite: BUSS224

BUSS333 - Estate Planning and Trust

This course provides students with the knowledge base and analytical skills needed for effective financial planning and administration. Topics include wills, lifetime transfers, trusts, gifts, estate reduction techniques, tax implications in estate planning, business and inter-family transfers, dealing with incompetency, post mortem techniques, and the role of fiduciaries. Prerequsite: BUSS210 with a grade of C or better and BUSS207 with a grade of C or better

BUSS334 - Nonprofit Management

In this course students explore businesses that do not intend to maximize profit and retain it for future expenditures. Managers for nonprofit operations must operate under more regulated conditions and must be well prepared to interact within the public sector. Not-for-profit managers must be well versed in public policy and other regulations that affect them. Students will engage in real projects with non-profit organizations. Prerequisite: BUSS101, HEM101, HEM102, FASH101, or SMGT102.

BUSS336 - Human Resource Management

In this course, students will examine the staffing function of management including planning, recruitment, selection, training, motivation, appraisal, compensation, labor laws, and organizational development. The course also addresses current issues affecting the human resource manager, including the changing work force and need to increase productivity, as well as changes in the area of unions and affirmative action. Both class discussions and case studies are used to prepare students for the personnel and related tasks involved in a management position. Prerequisite: BUSS224

BUSS337 - Managing the Growing Company

This course focuses on the challenges and opportunities of managing a growing entrepreneurial venture. Using practical management techniques, students address the management of rapidly growing entrepreneurial firms. Through a variety of learning activities, including case studies, reading, and visiting entrepreneurs, students examine companies, often family-run, during dynamic transition. The course specifically addresses the challenges faced by companies in various stages of growth and the exceptional challenges of rapid growth. Prerequisites: BUSS 226 & BUSS 231.

BUSS340 - Supply Chain Management III - Practicum

This course encapsulates all of the skills that students have learned in Supply Chain Management I and II, and asks students to apply these skills toward solving full scale supply chain challenges. It consists of two parts-in the first part, students will use their knowledge in supply chain management to solve the challenges faced by a mock company. Each semester the company will be rotated. We will work to solve “the companies” hypothetical issues (created by the professor) in the four key areas covered in SCM I & II: Logistics, Operations, Planning, and Sourcing. At the end of this section of the course, students will have a strong understanding of how the core components of a supply chain fit together. In the second part, students are tasked with addressing a real supply chain problem, and will work in online groups to produce a solution, which will consist of a report and a video presentation. In this practicum project, students will take on the role of supply chain consultants, redesigning the existing supply chain of a consumer products company with the goals of implementing lean inventory management, and using six sigma processes to improve efficiency and allow the company to bring new products to market more rapidly. An alternative scenario would be to repositioning manufacturing and sourcing due to unexpected economic or social fluctuations.The practicum has been researched and designed in conjunction with real world employers who face similar issues in their supply chain. At the end of the course, students will therefore have real world experience that they can show employers as part of a larger degree. Students will also have the opportunity to present their final plans to supply chain professionals, which will allow them to gain an understanding of how their knowledge will interact with the real world and will serve as a de-facto screening process for a coveted role within the industry. The delivery of the project can be via strategic plan in a written document or by video conferencing, whichever the professor chooses to be most valuableThe Practicum is the third and final course in a three-course track designed by Rutgers Supply Chain Management Professor Rudolph Leuschnerin conjunction with faculty from Lasell. As global networks have continued to expand in the age of the internet, Supply Chain Management has become one of the most critical areas for companies with a global presence to create value.The goal of the course is to deliver students a full skill set in supply chain management, one of the fastest growing job segments at Fortune 500 companies across the country.Prerequisites: SCM I & II

BUSS341 - Social Media Marketing

This course takes an in-depth look at social networks, social media platforms and online advertising to offer students an advantage in many positions involving marketing, consulting and brand management, both on the buyer and seller side of social media. Students with an interest in entrepreneurship will also find the course useful as new businesses often rely on social media marketing. The course covers a number of topics including the differences and interaction between traditional and social media; two-sided markets and social media platforms (including verticals such as gaming, shopping and entertainment); basic theory of social networks online and offline (graph theory, sociology, information diffusion); consumer behavior and digital media; social media analytics and monitoring; brand strategies on social media; best marketing practices for paid and unpaid social media; and B2B marketing and social media. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to become Hubspot certified. Prerequisite: BUSS220

BUSS342 - Total Compensation Management

A study of the total compensation management function in business, as evidenced through the human resource framework. Major areas of activity will include job analysis, job evaluation, establishing pay structures, and benefits.

BUSS343 - Human Resource Risk Management

A study of the total compensation management function in business, as evidenced through the human resource framework. Major areas of activity will include job analysis, job evaluation, establishing pay structures, and benefits.

BUSS344 - Training and Development

An advanced course designed to develop knowledge and skill in the design, development, delivery and evaluation of organizational and job-related training and performance improvement programs.

BUSS345 - Employment & Labor Law

This course is an overview of various laws and regulations that determine the rights and obligations of employees and employers. Topics covered include the nature of the employment relationship and common law principles, prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of certain protected characteristics such as race and gender, wage and hour law, the Family Medical Leave Act, the National Labor Relations Act, and other similar areas of labor and employment law. The primary focus is on federal laws governing the employment relationship, but there will also be discussion of state and local laws.

BUSS346 - PMM II Project Planning

Any successful project starts with a plan. This course provides students with a deep understanding of project planning. Projects are a series of tradeoffs between scope, cost, and time, so you’ll need to learn how to balance them in order to create a plan which is realistic and achievable. You will also learn how to leverage resources, and how to manage risk, quality, and stakeholder expectations to ensure project success. This online class has optional synchronous option. Prerequ. BUSS240 or DSCI208

BUSS349 - Cost Accounting

This course focuses on a typical firm’s cost data and how that data can transformed into information for business analysis and decision making. Topics include how to identify fixed versus variable cost, cost volume profit analysis, flexible budgeting, Activity Based Costing, and standard cost systems with detail variance analysis. Process and job order costing systems are examined in terms of how these systems are used to accumulate cost to determine accurate product or service costs and why this is necessary in setting product/service selling prices to maximize profits. Other topics include the numerous cost allocation processes that take place in the typical manufacturing and service industries, and transfer pricing within companies that are doing business internationally. Prerequisite: BUSS202 with a grade of C or better.

BUSS350 - DMC V Viral and Organic Growth

“Going Viral” is the goal of most web-based marketing content. Companies which generate content that can spread through the internet organically are the most successful in growing their brand. This course will teach you what drives people to share content and how to build content that is shareable and meme-worthy. By the end of this course, you will understand what drives viral sharing, and learn how to facilitate it. This online class has optional live sessions.

BUSS351 - Distribution of Games

The role of a publisher in the games industry is to ensure that a game can get in front of its audience successfully. To do that, a publisher must consider a variety of distribution strategies and channels. This course explains the role of a publisher in game distribution and details the various channels by which a game can be distributed. This course is required for students majoring in Business Management in Esports & Gaming and is recommended as an elective for Supply Chain Management and Marketing students who meet the necessary prerequisites.

BUSS403 - Advanced Accounting

This course examines specialized topics in financial accounting. Problems associated with the partnership form of business organization, including partnership formation, division of income and losses, changes in ownership, and partnership liquidation are reviewed. Topics also include the subject of business combinations with emphasis on consolidated financial statements of parents and subsidiaries and elimination of intercompany transactions, accounting for foreign operations, and fund accounting as it relates to municipalities. Prerequsite: BUSS302 with grade of C or better and Senior Standing

BUSS406 - Financial Strategy

This is a capstone course utilizing lecture, discussion, and case analysis to define the process of financial management. The course of study presents the concepts of the advanced capital budget centering on decision-making concerning capital structure, dividend policy, leasing, mergers and acquisitions, reorganization, and international finance and exchange rates. Prerequisite: BUSS203 with a grade of C or better & Senior Standing

BUSS407 - Digital Branding

The art of good branding requires a meaningful promise, strong values and a consistent experience. As business is driven from traditional to digitally-driven models, brands must adapt and consider how they best respond without abandoning core principles. Students in Digital Branding will learn best practices on how companies translate brand tenets to a digitally-driven world, focusing on the online experience, social media and mobile platforms. In a team, project-based approach, students will also have the opportunity to apply best practices to develop digital branding strategies for those companies who may be falling behind. Prerequisite: BUSS220, COM221 or FASH310

BUSS408 - Auditing

This courses examines the impact of auditing on constituencies external and internal to organizations, especially stockholders and management. Students examine the role of both the independent public accountant and the internal auditor, and study various control and reporting techniques involved in auditing. Prerequisites: BUSS302 with a grade of C or better and Senior Standing

BUSS410 - Auditing

This courses examines the impact of auditing on constituencies external and internal to organizations, especially stockholders and management. Students examine the role of both the independent public accountant and the internal auditor, and study various control and reporting techniques involved in auditing. Prerequisites: BUSS302 with a grade of C or better and Senior Standing

BUSS413 - Advanced Accounting

This course examines specialized topics in financial accounting. Problems associated with the partnership form of business organization, including partnership formation, division of income and losses, changes in ownership, and partnership liquidation are reviewed. Topics also include the subject of business combinations with emphasis on consolidated financial statements of parents and subsidiaries and elimination of intercompany transactions, accounting for foreign operations, and fund accounting as it relates to municipalities. Prerequisites: BUSS302 with grade of C or better and Senior Standing.

BUSS420 - Marketing Research

Students in this course will examine the process and tools involved in collecting, coding, and analyzing data. The course further integrates the application of computer software in compiling and interpreting statistical data in relation to marketing decisions, such as those related to market segmentation and distribution. Prerequisites: BUSS220 and MATH208

BUSS422 - Global Marketing

The complexity of operating in the global marketplace makes many demands on the marketer. The globalization of marketing takes place after the company has international experience in multiple markets. The three fundamental areas of corporate globalization are covered in this course: (1) integrate sourcing, production, and marketing; (2) allocate resources to achieve a balanced portfolio and growth; and (3) coordinate marketing activities across countries and regions. Importing, exporting, and licensing considerations are also explored. Prerequisite: BUSS220 with a grade of C or better.

BUSS425 - Special Topics in Entrepreneurship

This seminar offers an in-depth exploration of advanced entrepreneurship topics of current interest and importance. Using case studies and actual entrepreneurial ventures, students explore entrepreneurship with a focus on leadership, marketing, development, management, and growth of new business ventures. Students learn the practical skills needed to succeed as an entrepreneur and how to apply best practices for planning, initiating, and growing new companies. The course also emphasizes the analysis and evaluation of actual entrepreneurial ventures. Subjects vary from semester to semester. Prerequisites: BUSS 337

BUSS431 - Branding Strategy

The purpose of this course is to create an understanding of the role of branding in driving business growth and the larger role of brands in popular culture. Students will study examples of both for profit and non-profit brands from the 20th and 21st centuries to see what constitutes success and how brands stay relevant in terms of social, cultural, and technological trends. Students will learn the key processes entailed in developing a brand strategy and the elements that drive brand admiration. Students will apply these principles utilizing a project-based approach for a brand in development or an established brand in need of repositioning. Prerequisite: BUSS220

BUSS432 - Marketing Strategy

This course is designed to facilitate the formulation and implementation of marketing strategy. The course builds upon topics and concepts covered in more junior marketing courses. As part of the learning experience, students will engage in a simulation program with teams taking charge of a company within a competitive environment. Prerequisite: BUSS220 with a grade of C or better

BUSS440 - Business Capstone

This capstone course requires students to apply a broad knowledge of management and administrative techniques to specific situations. An emphasis is placed on strategy formulation and implementation. This is a writing intensive course. Different sections offered are specific to majors and/or interests (Section A – General Business, Section B – Sport Management, Section C – Hospitality Management). Students can choose any section that they prefer, regardless of major. Prerequisite: Senior standing, Major within the School of Business

BUSS497 - Business Internship & Seminar

This internship for students within the School of Business is scheduled to take place during the student's senior year (juniors are permitted with permission). Students serve as interns for a total of 150 hours in a position related to their field of study. The hours are completed concurrently with weekly class meetings and course work. Detailed reports, reflective exercises, weekly journal entries, a final comprehensive project, and other written requirements are completed throughout the internship process. The internship supervisor monitors each student's performance and visits each internship site as needed. Different sections offered are specific to majors and/or interests (Section A – General Business, Section B – Sport Management, Section C – Hospitality Management). Students can choose any section that they prefer, regardless of major. Prerequisite: Senior Standing, Major within the School of Business

BUSS499C - Business Internship & Seminar II

This second internship for students within the School of Business should take place during the student's senior year. Students serve as interns for a total of 150 hours in a position related to their field of study. The hours are completed concurrently with weekly class meetings and course work. Detailed reports, reflective exercises, weekly journal entries, a final comprehensive portfolio project, and other written requirements are completed throughout the internship process. The internship supervisor monitors each student's performance and visits each internship site as needed. The concepts and assignment expectations from BUSS 497 Business Internship are expanded upon and addressed with more depth in this internship course, taking a deeper dive into student’s ultimate career aspirations and goals.Prerequisite: Senior Standing, Major within the School of Business

COM101 - Understanding Mass Media

This course surveys the theories, history, economics, audience, and regulations of the major forms of mass media, including newspapers, magazines, motion pictures, radio, television, and new electronic communication. Students develop a basic understanding of the roles of mass media and their effects on society and the individual. The course focuses on the relationship between mass media and society, so students can identify current trends that are changing the nature and function of traditional mass communication. Students examine and debate many current controversial issues concerning the mass media and their effects on our society and culture. Students discuss significant aspects of mass communication, including ethics and policy formulation that are playing key roles in the materialization of a new global communication era.

COM102 - Visual Media Toolkit

This course introduces?a practice-based?approach to visual communication design.?Through a series of projects, students develop?knowledge and techniques for communicating meaning visually using Adobe and other software for digital imaging, publication and web design.?They will expand their visual vocabulary while exploring topics including?typography, color,?photo enhancement and manipulation, and principles of graphic design for?print and digital media. By creating visual messages and a digital portfolio website, and?critiquing?their own and?others’?work,?students increase their?overall?visual literacy and understanding of effective visual communication.

COM103 - Human Communication (KP)

This course is a basic survey of human communication, especially interpersonal and group. Attention is given to perception, language and meaning, listening, theories of persuasion, verbal and nonverbal communication, small group discussion, interpersonal conflict, and interviewing. The course focuses on understanding how human communication is fundamentally related to issues of interpersonal relationships; the history of human communication and language development; perception and intrapersonal communication; leadership; group/team work; multicultural diversity in organizations; decision-making; power; public speaking; and ethical challenges. This course helps students to develop and practice skills that will guide effective action in their professional careers and interpersonal relationships. This course includes a Service Learning component.

COM105 - Writing for The Media

This course provides students with a basic introduction to and overview of communication writing that focuses on channels of communication (clients, audiences, formats); creating writing samples; conducting writing exercises; developing strategies for soliciting feedback; and engaging in peer editing exercises. Students learn about various media writing formats, such as news releases, features, profiles, columns, editorials, reviews, speeches, public service announcements, backgrounders, etc. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: COM 101.

COM203 - Effective Speaking

This course provides instruction and practice in preparing and delivering the various kinds of oral presentations encountered by professionals. Students learn how to analyze audiences, organize different types of presentations, prepare and use visual aids, deliver presentations to different audiences and respond to questions. Students are taught to express themselves in a clear, confident, responsible, and appropriate manner. The classroom environment is conducive to confidence building and overcoming the fear of speaking.

COM205 - Media Ethics & Society

This course explores such significant questions as: What constitutes sound, ethical communication practice in the mass media professions (TV, radio and internet), advertising, journalism and public relations? What are the moral and practical rules anyone involved in mass media professions must follow to maintain that all-important bond of trust between the client and the consumer of information? What constitutes ethical behavior in the news business, PR and advertising, and why is it vital to the functioning of a democratic society? This course uses two avenues of inquiry: one exploring the philosophical basis of media ethics and another outlining case histories from the media. Current trends in the news and popular culture’s view of the ethical lapses in the mass media, journalism, advertising, and public relations are also explored. The examination of media ethics is done from a constructively critical point of view, with a particular focus on the intersection of media and society. Prerequisite: COM101

COM206 - Professional Communication

This course is designed to provide an understanding of the most important communication and career-related formats of professional writing, including power point presentations, memos, business letters, reports, brief speeches, instructions, newsletters and brochures. Special emphasis is given to various writing processes one must complete on a tight deadline for a business audience of peers, customers or employers. Prerequisite: ENG 102.

COM208 - Public Relations

In this course, students explore the evolution, theoretical basis for, and practice of professional Public Relations. Students review the history and current practices of Public Relations and examine the differences between PR and advertising; press relations and public affairs; promotions and news events; marketing and media placements. Students gain insights into the Public Relations function for corporations, high tech companies, government agencies, politics, education, the entertainment industry, sports, and non-profit institutions. Lectures, case studies, readings, group work, guest speakers, and class discussions focus on techniques useful in such areas as local and national publicity, special events, and community and government relations for organizations. Prerequisite: COM101

COM209 - Journalism

Journalism is a fast changing industry and this course prepares students for the change. Students learn to report and produce a variety of news and feature pieces, for print and multi-media platforms, including Q and A interviews, news and feature stories, opinion pieces, reviews, photo galleries, social media campaigns and more. Assignments can be produced on sports, fashion, entertainment, arts and culture, business, politics and more. Students have the opportunity to publish their work in The 1851 Chronicle newspaper and website. Prerequisite: WRT102

COM212 - Intercultural Communication

This course examines communication issues that arise from contact between people from different cultural backgrounds in everyday life, social encounters, and business transactions. Interdisciplinary approaches are applied to the study of how verbal and nonverbal presentation, ethnic, gender, and cultural differences affect communication. The course provides exercises in participation, analysis, and criticism of interethnic and interracial communications in small group settings. Students examine factors of international communication such as the cultural, economic, political, and social influences and the role of communication in affecting social change in a wide variety of cultures and countries. Prerequisite: COM101 or SOC101 or PSYC101

COM213 - Writing for Public Relations

This course serves as a workshop in which students apply the fundamental skills of journalism to the different formats commonly used in writing copy for public relations and advertising, including press releases, public service announcements, profiles, brochures, and advertisements. In addition, students continue to sharpen their editing skills by revising their own work and by copyediting and critiquing the work of other students. Central to the objectives of this course is that students improve their ability to write clearly and concisely, avoiding common errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage. Prerequisite: ENG 102.

COM215 - Radio Production

Radio Production introduces students to the basics of radio production. Students learn announcing techniques, the fundamentals of microphones and sound mixing, as well as the skills to produce quality radio. The course also provides a general overview of the behind-the-scenes radio business and industry. Projects include a news announcement, radio interview, public service announcement, and a short music format radio show. Much of this class takes place outside of the classroom at the Lasell University Radio station. Finally, this course introduces students to the communication competency of speech.

COM216 - Entertainment Media

A focus on the entertainment media industry requires making sense of the material that captures the audience's attention, influences culture, and provides enjoyment to mass media consumers. Course topics include the business of entertainment media, the production and distribution of media content, and multimedia convergence. Students in this course examine the multiple genres for the content of entertainment media, such as drama, comedy, reality TV, and gaming. Students learn how the entertainment industry works, captures the interests of contemporary audiences, and influences our culture and values. Prerequisite: COM 101. Formerly - COM302

COM217 - Video Production

Video Production introduces students to the basics of video production from an EFP (Electronic Field Production) perspective. Students will learn the functionality and art of digital videography and digital editing by completing a roll test, editing project, photojournalism package, and a TV commercial. The course will also examine the business of video production. Finally, this course introduces students to the competency of visual communication.

COM218 - Digital Video Editing

Digital Video Editing teaches students the basics of editing digital media using the popular software program Adobe Premiere Pro. The aesthetics of editing are also discussed and analyzed through screening various types of edited media. Projects for the course include editing TV commercials, news packages, movie scenes, and music videos. It is recommended that students have acquired basic computer skills prior to taking this class. Finally, this course introduces students to the competency of visual communication.

COM219 - Social Media Management

Communication professionals must to be able to utilize different social media platforms to both engage audiences and increase brand impact and influence. This course is designed to introduce students to the key concepts and practices of managing social media channels. Through case studies, interactive assignments, and a social media project, students will learn necessary skills to managing a social media platform, including conducting a social media audit, developing a strategic social media plan, building an editorial calendar, identifying key metrics and using data analytics to assess and report the impact of social media posts and campaigns. Students will also earn Hubspot Certification in Social Media during the course. Prerequisite: Sophomore status.

COM221 - Advertising

This course introduces students to the field of advertising, including the role of promotional elements (advertising, direct mail, promotion, etc.) found in an advertising agency or in the communication program of an organization. In this course, students learn that advertising is more than just ads on television, on a web page or in print. Advertising is a process that starts with research and moves through analysis, planning, action, and evaluation. The development of an effective advertising strategy requires an understanding of overall communication processes and theoretical principles, how organizations organize and brand themselves for advertising and other promotional functions, consumer behavior, and how to set goals and objectives. A cooperative learning project requires students to engage in the kind of strategic thinking, planning and execution that is done by advertisers, researchers, media planners, and copywriters. The course also addresses how the advertising industry is regulated and how key social issues and various consumer constituencies can present problems for advertising professionals. Prerequisite: COM 101.

COM223 - Advertising: Copy & Design

This course approaches the design and content of advertising from a variety of creative perspectives —from art to copy to production. The aim is to create eye catching, stand-out advertising —the kind that requires concentration, creativity, and focus. Students don’t have to be skilled graphic artists, but they do need to be able to explain in detail how a storyboard works and what message is intended for the consumer through an emphasis on: visual effects of the design; use of color and placement; and the significance of slogans, copy, and dialogue. This class duplicates as closely as possible the experience of working in a creative group within a real ad agency. Prerequisite: COM 221 or BUSS220

COM224 - Elements of Film

In this introductory level course, students begin to appreciate film as a medium of communication and expression by watching a variety of classic and contemporary works which function as modes of entertainment, art, education, politics and social change. Using a media literacy approach, this course will focus on content analysis of motion pictures by examining elements of cinematic expression including form, narrative structure, editing, sound, acting/performance, and cinematography. Students will be responsible for learning proper terminology to discuss, analyze, and write about films for relevant assignments. Students will identify major trends and ideas important to the history of film as one of the most important forms of mass media; explore messages and themes highlighted by style and content, as well as the various effects of those messages in specific cultural or industry contexts including classical and contemporary Hollywood, European art cinema, Japan, Russia, and West Africa. Prerequisite: COM 101

COM225 - Producing

Producing introduces students to the basics of TV producing.  Students learn the process of writing a pitch, proposal, treatment, and budget.  They  also learn the fundamentals of basic screenwriting and production scheduling, as well as managing cast, crew and vendor relationships.  The course also explores the roles of the casting director, location manager, production coordinator, and script supervisor.  The course concludes with a preview of the production team and the role of the line producer, unit production manager, production manager and assistant directors involved in managing the physical production process of producing a television show.  This course emphasizes the competency of writing and research.

COM227 - Challenging Hollywood

This course focuses on the theme of innovative classic and contemporary films which challenge society and film industry standards. Beginning with the threats to society posed by early cinema and star scandals, leading to a universal censorship code, students will be introduced to how early films affected society and the future of Hollywood. Students will then watch, analyze, and think critically about popular, artistic, and influential American movies including the subversive film noirs of the post-WWII era such as The Maltese Falcon and Double Indemnity, and films from the 1960s and 1970s such as The Graduate, Easy Rider, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, as well as representations of African-American characters during segregation and the “LA Rebellion” and “New Black Cinema” movements which challenged those representations. We will also explore explosions of themes of violence and sex in contemporary Hollywood which further stretch and shape societal conventions in the US, including discussions of films like Bonnie and Clyde, Pulp Fiction, and Natural Born Killers.

COM229 - Photojournalism

This is an introductory course in photojournalism that will touch on basic photography skills (composition, focus, subject, and angle), but is not strictly a photography class. This course will use two methods of learning: one is a hands-on, connected learning where students will tell stories through cameras and video; and another is a survey approach, through reading, discussion, lectures, journals, and multimedia presentations which illustrate photojournalism history and current trends. The class supports the college’s minor in photography as well as the communication’s department concentration in journalism and media writing. In an effort to make the course accessible to students from all departments across campus, the first few weeks of the class will provide readings, lecture, and discussion on the background and history of the journalism field.

COM230 - Media, Sports & Society

This course introduces students to the various aspects of the sport-media relationship including its history, industries, audiences and societal impacts. Students will think critically about how sport and sport figures are represented in media and the roles that mediated sports play in society, and fandom. The course considers the relationship between sport media and social issues such as race, ethnicity, gender and social class. Students will emerge with a deeper understanding of mediated sports as more than business or entertainment entities, but as an influential part of society. Prerequisite: COM101

COM231 - Sports Communication

In this introductory class, students develop competency to communicate about sports in a variety of formats. The course explores sport journalism, sports information, radio and TV announcing and integrated marketing communications including public relations and advertising. Students also gain practical experience in writing for broadcast and digital media, managing social media campaigns for branding and impact, promoting athletic teams, and managing sports communication during a crisis. Formerly - COM309

COM232 - Radio Management Practicum

adio Management Practicum is a hands-on, workshop-style experience where students assume the role of Production Manager, Music Director, News Director, Sports Director, Social Media Manager, Booking Director, Graphic Designer/Webmaster, or Secretary/Photographer for one full semester at 102.9FM WLAS. Students complete weekly radio station tasks, attend Board of Director and staff meetings, assist with special events, and report directly to the General Manager. Prerequisite: Instructor permission

COM233X - Sport Broadcasting

This course offers a comprehensive look at the sports broadcasting industry, while teaching how to report, anchor and do play by play of live games. We’ll study the greats from the profession both past and present. Guest speakers will also teach how the business works and what they’ve experienced, throughout their careers.

COM235 - Television Production Practicum

As a connected learning initiative that focuses on 200-level television production work, this directed study allows students to proactively participate in producing community programming through LCTV (Lasell Community Television). Students will learn pre-production planning and participate in a full television crew to produce high quality programming for air. Each officer will assume one of the following roles: On-Air Talent, Production Coordinator, Social Media Manager, Program Editor, Studio Manager/Technician, News/Sports Director, or Field Videographer/Editor.Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor

COM237 - Journalism Practicum

Journalism practicum is a hands-on, connected learning experience where student journalists do the work of the field. Students help to put out The 1851 Chronicle student newspaper covering Lasell University, as well as creating content for an active website, ( and three social media platforms. Students assume the roles of all positions on the news media staff, including reporters, photographers, editors, designers, and digital storytellers and social media managers. Students complete weekly tasks in preparation for a monthly publication and 24/7, live website and social media platforms (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), attend weekly staff meetings, attend monthly layout and editing sessions, and report directly to the Editor-in-Chief and Faculty Adviser. Prerequisite: Instructor permission and sophomore standing.

COM240X - Health Communication & Behavior Change

There is an increasing recognition of the role communication plays in shaping the health and well-being of individuals. Communication, from the personal to mass and social media, have been demonstrated to have both beneficial and harmful effects on health and well-being. In this course, students will explore the theory and practice of health communication and behavior change. It will cover the role of media and technology, social scientific theories used in health communication and behavior change, as well as how these theories can be applied to the real-world. The course will aim to bridge theoretical knowledge with real-world examples, and is suitable for students with varying interests, especially those who are interested in harnessing the power of communication and health education for improving health and well-being in society.Understanding how and why facets of communication influence health outcomes is essential for students interested in developing effective solutions to improve people’s health and well-being. Some questions we will tackle include: What social, environmental, and media factors are effective in influencing people’s behavior? How should messages and environments be designed and molded? How do stories help people engage in healthier behaviors? How can communication help to foster better health and well-being in society?

COM246 - Introduction to Game Design

Everything in Game Development starts with the fundamentals of design. This course is intended as an introduction to the fundamental principles of game creation, game design and narrative design. Students will gain an overview of the game creation process, learn how to analyze games and game elements, and gain practical experience in the first steps of game creation - proposals, storyboards and paper prototypes.This course is created in accordance with the Unity Curriculum Framework and the IGDA 2020 education guidelines. This course requires no prior knowledge of game design or programming.

COM304 - TV Studio Production

TV Studio Production introduces the fundamentals of television production in a TV studio environment. Students learn pre-production planning, live-to-tape directing, and participate in full television crew rotations to produce high quality PSAs and their very own TV show to be submitted to local access television.  Throughout the semester, students develop a variety of production skills from hands-on television studio operation.

COM305 - Screenwriting

This course includes writing techniques for series and stand-alone productions in television and film. Students work both independently and collaboratively in order to understand industry procedures. Students experiment with several different genres and then develop a major project. Prerequisite: COM105 or ENG219

COM306 - Broadcast Journalism

This class introduces students to the basic skills in writing for radio and TV news, including beat reporting, writing, interviewing, and editing. Students critically evaluate newscasts and are introduced to the components of producing them. They also examine ethical challenges that arise when manipulation of images and sound can distort reality and compromise journalistic integrity. Prerequisite: COM 209

COM307 - Understanding Video Games

Understanding Video Games introduces students to the foundation, process, and impact of the video game industry.  Students evolve from merely riding the gaming highway to analyzing and deconstructing it.  The course pays particular attention to the history and breakthroughs in the technology, social and political impacts such as the ESRB, sex and violence in games, as well as past, present and future trends of the gaming market.

COM308 - Conflict Resolution & Negotiations

This course helps students to understand the theoretical assumptions, elements, and processes of interpersonal conflict and negotiation, to increase their ability to objectively analyze conflict situations, and to creatively and productively manage conflict. Alternative Dispute Resolution approaches to litigation for resolving conflicts such as mediation, arbitration, and negotiation are examined. Prerequisites: COM 101, LS 101 or BUSS 101; Junior or Senior standing.

COM310 - Political Communication

This course focuses on the complex ideas associated with the role of the press in a democracy. The nature and climate of our political processes, particularly elections, have changed dramatically in the past two generations, due in part to the extensive use and influence of the media. Also, media techniques and strategies used by government and political figures continue to change with the emergence of new technologies and the dominance of global media companies. Students learn how to think critically and analytically about the political press and how journalists and politicians frame public policy issues. This course looks critically at whether or not the American press is truly representative of the civic values of democracy, truth, and responsible citizenship. Prerequisites: COM 101 or POLS 101 or SOC 101.

COM312 - Digital Audio Production

Radio Production II brings students with basic radio production skills to a higher level of proficiency.  There is strong emphasis on radio as a digital medium and digital (nonlinear) audio editing with Adobe Audition.  Projects include editing music for radio play, writing and mixing radio commercials, creating a radio interview podcast, and the development of an Air Check radio demo for student portfolios.  Students also develop a deeper understanding of the radio business.  Prerequisite: COM 215.

COM313 - Digital Filmmaking

Video Production II takes students with basic video production skills to a higher level of expertise.  There is strong emphasis on pre-production planning, teamwork, lighting, sound and special effects.  The aesthetics of video production are also discussed by analyzing various film and video productions.  Projects include a special effects reel, television commercial, short documentary, and a short screenplay adaptation.  Throughout the semester, students develop a deeper understanding of the business of video production. Prerequisite: COM 217.

COM314 - Magazine and Digital Content

The magazine industry is evolving from print only to multi-media and digital. The skills needed to produce this type of content are also changing. This course focuses on producing feature and entertainment-oriented content across platforms, including print, video, digital and social media. Students engage in connected learning projects and produce photo galleries and videos, blogs and podcasts, as well as the creation of an original magazine and a social media campaign to build its brand. Writing is emphasized as students improve their skills across platforms, learn to target audiences, and curate content. Students will write profiles, reviews, and 1st person columns, among other projects. Students will also be encouraged to submit feature work to The 1851 Chronicle website as well as Polished and Tarnished Magazines. Prerequisite: COM209.

COM315 - Communication Research

This course introduces students to methods of social research that are applied to communication theory and practice. This includes both academic research on human communication and the kinds of professional research conducted in media industries, such as journalism, advertising and public relations. Students conduct individual and group research projects during the term. Prerequisite: COM101, MATH208 & Jr Standing

COM316 - Publication Editing

This course is designed as a workshop in which students learn the fundamentals of editing for print and online publications. Students study and participate in various editing roles, including editorial director, articles editor, copy editor, proofreader and fact-checker. Students examine case studies of existing publications. In keeping with Lasell's Connected Learning approach, students propose work for Lasell's two student publications, The 1851 Chronicle and Polished, or other publications. The course focuses on learning to prepare cohesive editorial products with clear, compelling, professional content while avoiding common mistakes in usage, grammar, and style. Prerequisites: COM 105.

COM317 - Media Relations

Managing media relations for public relations professionals is the focus of this course. The course is intended to increase students’ knowledge of the principles and methods of generating publicity and to introduce the basics of planning and writing media relations campaigns. The rapidly changing nature of global companies and the convergence of new information technologies are influencing the ways that communication professionals achieve their goals. Media relations can be a highly competitive and challenging field, where you must prove your productivity, accuracy, and creativity. Students discuss and experiment with successful strategies for gaining coverage in the press for clients, and they plan a comprehensive media relations program. Prerequisites: COM 101, COM 208.

COM319 - Advertising Planning: Media Campaigns

This course provides an environment for students to become engaged in a professional style media planning and buying campaign, which is an essential strategic focus of the advertising industry. Students develop a full advertising plan based on the current planning structure of a contemporary advertising agency. Working in teams, students conduct a detailed advertising analysis that allows them to provide strategic and creative solutions to problems they have identified in their research. Student teams construct an advertising plan that positions and promotes a product, a message, a politician, or a brand to a con­sumer audience. Each student team produces a comprehensive media campaign that identifies and targets the appropriate media outlets for advertising placements. The class has a modicum of pressure and intensity that reflects some of the challenges necessary to succeed in the advertising industry. Prerequisite: COM 221 or BUSS220

COM320 - Organizational Communication

This course focuses on both the theoretical understanding and practical knowledge of the context and application of organizational communication. Topics include: leadership, new technologies and their impact on organizations, organizational climate and culture, ethics, formal and informal channels of communication within organizations, management of diversity and conflict, relational communication (with interpersonal and group work), and issues of power and politics within the context of the organizational settings. Prerequisite: COM 103

COM321 - Media & Children

This course examines the uses and effects of mass communication among children and adolescents. By taking a developmental perspective, the course explores how youth at different stages of cognitive development watch, understand, and respond to media content. The first part of the course focuses on children’s uses and processing of media. The second part of the course reviews the effects of various types of content (e.g., advertising, stereotypes, violence). The final part of the course considers the role of interventions (e.g., media literacy, ratings, parental mediation) in preventing media-related outcomes that are harmful and promoting those that are positive. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to critically evaluate the role of media in the lives of children.COM 101 or PSYC 101.

COM324 - Investigative and Beat Reporting

This course requires students to do the work of the field by covering a campus or community beat like a professional reporter. Students learn how to come up with unique and powerful story ideas, how to cultivate sources, and how to tell stories across all platforms, such as print, digital, video and social media. This class also teaches students how to do the work of an investigative journalist, as portrayed in the Oscar winning “Spotlight” film. Students work in teams to research important campus issues to uncover the truth and produce multi-media packages to tell their stories. The course also examines global journalism trends. Prerequisite: COM209

COM327 - Digital Storytelling

This project-based course introduces students to the practice of digital storytelling to engage, inform and persuade audiences. Students will explore narrative structure and aesthetics of different storytelling media, with emphasis on micro, short form and episodic audio and video for social and online platforms. Students will develop story ideas, use desktop and mobile tools to acquire content in a variety of settings, and edit and repurpose content to maximize its usefulness. Through creation and analysis of their own and others’ digital stories, students will increase their understanding of effective digital storytelling. Prerequisite: COM101

COM328 - Video Games & Culture

Video Games & Culture brings students on a virtual tour around the globe for a look at the video game industry through the perspectives of numerous cultures.  Students will investigate subjects such as video game piracy in Italy & China, professional gaming in Korea, video game censorship in Australia & the Middle East, and much more.  The course also compares the North American market with other continents such as Asia, Europe, and South America.  The interplay between video games and culture will be discussed, and students will be given hands-on opportunities to sample video games from other countries that were never released in the US.  The course emphasizes the competency of ‘knowledge of the media’ and reinforces the competencies of writing, research, visual communication, and speech. 

COM329X - Marketing Communications for Non Profits

Non-profit organizations differ from for-profit enterprises across a wide range of areas. This is evident in the practice of marketing communications. In this course students will use integrated marketing communications (IMC) to research and plan a communication campaign for a nonprofit organization. Through the application of industry standards, students will develop a professional communication plan for the organization.

COM330 - Strategic Campaigns

This course integrates the knowledge students have acquired in previous courses in the field of marketing communications. Students will develop a strategic communication campaign that is grounded on both an organization’s objectives and a thorough understanding of a target audience. Students will work with a client (real or fictitious), on an actual campaign that includes marketing and communication objectives, primary and secondary consumer research, a target-centered strategy, tactical recommendations, execution of the creative brief, and an evaluation plan. Special emphasis will be placed on the strategic work that goes into developing, planning, and executing the campaign within industry standards. Prerequisites: COM208 Public Relations or COM221 OR BUSS220

COM331 - Media Literacy & Ethics

Mass media have become the primary and predominant storytellers of our time, and their messages can influence the way we see ourselves and the world around us. However, because messages are shaped by the corporate interests that control media organizations, their impact may not always be in the best interests of the public. It is the responsibility of audiences, therefore, to understand and to think critically about mass media messages. This course provides students with a framework to explore such media content critically. Students study the role mass media plays in communicating cultural values and its impact on society, by emphasizing how media companies shape public discourse. The course uses two avenues of inquiry; one exploring the philosophical basis of media ethics and another outlining case histories from the media. Current trends in the news and popular culture’s view of the ethical lapses in mass media, journalism, advertising, and public relations, are also explored. Special emphasis is placed on the diverse theoretical approaches through which ethical questions of media literacy can be explored. Prerequisite: COM101 and Junior standing.

COM332 - Television & Film Studies

This course explores TV and film as both art forms and artifacts of cultural communication. Students analyze TV and film through various perspectives such as narrative structure, genres, aesthetics, audience reception and social functions. Through these lenses, the course explores the interplay between industry developments, content, and delivery methods such as streaming, moviegoing, and broadcasting. Prerequisites: COM101.

COM334 - Comparing Cultures Through Film

By examining films from across the globe, students will gain exposure to various social, cultural, political, and economic systems, leading to discussion and exploration of other cultures as well as reflection about American culture. Students will engage in an interdisciplinary approach which adopts terminology and theories from film studies and criticism, sociology, and cultural anthropology, in order to study other cultures and cultural methods of visual storytelling. Ultimately, goals include increased intercultural competence and sensitivity accompanied by an empathy for the “other” and an increased awareness and raised consciousness of past and contemporary global issues. Prerequisite: COM101

COM335 - Corporate and Nonprofit Public Relations

his course builds on students’ existing knowledge of Public Relations (PR) and is intended to further develop their skills. The focus is on the distinct differences between the practice of PR in corporate and non-profit settings. Special emphasis will be placed on the centrality of PR as a management function, while also expanding students’ use and understanding of tools and techniques used by PR professionals. This course includes a theoretical and an applied component, providing students with the opportunity to develop PR plans for prospective clients. Subjects covered include corporate PR, non-profit PR, media relations and press agentry, crisis communication, community relations, and cause-related marketing.???Prerequisite: COM208 Public Relations.

COM336X - Analytics for Com Professionals

This course introduces students to principles, tools and methods for data-driven strategic communications. Through case studies and real-world projects, students will learn to use analytics tools to monitor, measure and evaluate communication efforts, and leverage their insights for improved media planning and campaigns. Students will emerge with a better understanding of how to use big data in public relations, advertising and other communication fields

COM399 - Pre-Internship Seminar

This seminar helps students to develop professional objectives and identify potential sites for their internships. In this seminar students identify their personal work style and strengths, will identify a good career match, will create an effective cover letter & resume, will develop effective networking, interviewing, and negotiation skills. This course will help students apply search tools for finding internships. A goal of this course is to secure an internship for the following semester. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

COM400 - Field Experience I

This course is the professional component of the capstone experience in the Communication Department. The course provides students with a work/skill development opportunity to practice communication theory and skills in a real work setting. The internship course is comprised of a minimum of 150 hours in the field, the weekly seminar, and its assignments, including an oral presentation. Students also write weekly reflections on their experience, complete written assignments, and do an oral presentation to a group of their peers. The field supervisor contributes to the student’s learning through guidance, feedback and evaluation of the students work. Prerequisite: COM399 Pre-Internship Seminar

COM402 - Field Experience II

COM 402 follows COM 400, in which students learned how to apply theory to practice in a work environment. This course will take those skills one step further and enhance the students understanding of the Communication discipline, the skills required to succeed in the job market, and how to conduct the necessary research to find a job and a career which is a good fit and will lead the student to professional success. Projects will include facilitating a workshop, conducting a focus group, developing a marketing strategy, creating a hard portfolio, a leave-behind piece, and an e-portfolio. Students should complete the internship in a different organization than the placement for COM 400.

COM418 - Media Literacy

This course encourages students to take the mass media seriously through critical analysis of media content. Students study the power of the mass media in communicating cultural values and other messages. This capstone course reinforces the tools needed to think critically about the mass media in order for the students to then help others to do the same. Throughout their time in the communication program, students have been introduced to a variety of issues in the media (e.g., media content, media effects, ethics, and regulation). This course helps emphasize how all of these issues relate to one another. In the capstone paper and presentation, students have the opportunity to demonstrate the important research, writing, and oral communication skills they have developed. This course serves as the theoretical component of their capstone experience and is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: COM315 and Senior standing.

COM495 - Capstone Project & Portfolio

In this capstone course, students will review and refine their digital portfolios to demonstrate knowledge and skills acquired through their studies. They will also apply their learning to produce a capstone project based on their area of specialization and career goals. These projects will involve research into the project topic, as well as integration of relevant communication theory, ethical issues and professional practices. Students will iterate projects from draft to final deliverable(s) based on presentation and critique of their work throughout the term. The course culminates with students exhibiting their projects and portfolios to program faculty. Prerequisite: Senior standing.

EXSC103 - Skills & Techniques for the Exercise Sci

The purpose of this course is to provide foundational skills in measurement techniques of health and physical activity that are necessary and relevant for a professional in the field of exercise science, fitness management and related disciplines. Students will learn how to screen exercise participants for health risks, to assess basic anthropometrics, body composition, cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, and flexibility in apparently healthy individuals, across the lifespan, using a variety of techniques and technologies. In addition, principles and techniques for recognition and management of non-life-threatening and life-threatening emergencies will be covered. Students will be exposed to evidence-based foundations within the discipline, as well as career options and the role of the exercise, health, and fitness professional in the health, wellness and sport disciplines.

EXSC104 - Principles & Problems of Coaching

This course provides students with an introduction to the profession of coaching. Students develop a base of knowledge through the study of principles and concepts from the areas of coaching philosophy, sport psychology, sport pedagogy, sport physiology, and sports management. Upon successful completion of the course, students have a thorough understanding and appreciation of possible solutions for those problems that are most frequently encountered in coaching, as well as the ability to apply principles of coaching to individual athletes and/or a team.

EXSC106 - Functional Anatomy & Resistance Trainig

This course applies principles of anatomy to the study of human motion and resistance training. The course will explore human movement through applied anatomy and biomechanics, as well as through the analysis of exercises and sport movements. Students will be able to identify, describe, execute, and progress common resistance training exercises for the upper extremity, lower extremity, and trunk that target specific musculature. Students will utilize their anatomical knowledge base to evaluate exercise technique and form.

EXSC107 - Healthy Lifestyles and Human Behavior

This course focuses on evaluating and implementing healthy lifestyles and human behavior for longevity of lifespan from adolescence through adult development. Focus will be placed upon cultivating a holistic approach to health and wellness that is rooted within strategies for implementing healthy lifestyle changes, as well as "living through prevention": a description relating to methods of preventing long term disease and disability.

EXSC108 - Group Exercise

This course will introduce students to group exercise instruction methods. Students will gain knowledge of and skill in planning exercise sessions for groups of exercisers using a variety of formats and instructional techniques. Communication, instruction, safety, motivation, organization, music selection, and choreography with be discussed and practiced. In addition, the application of common anatomy, physiology, and behavior modification principles will be used in designing and progressing group exercise sessions. A variety of fitness activities will be explored including sports conditioning, circuit training, boot camp, step aerobics, kickboxing, strength training, yoga and indoor cycling. This course will also prepare students to sit for national certification exams.

EXSC202 - Applied Coaching Techniques

The course is designed to help aspiring coaches teach the skills athletes need in order to perform effectively in team and individualized sports. Students will learn how to address the various issues faced by athletic coaches by thoroughly examining such concepts as individual differences exhibited by athletes; technical, tactical, and mental skills athletes need to learn; content and structure of skill practice; the art of providing feedback; and the preparation of athletes for competition. This exploration prepares coaches to work with athletes competently and confidently in most coaching settings.

EXSC209 - Performance Nutrition

This course studies the effects, benefits, and sources of major nutrients. It includes an overview of nutritional issues involved in disease processes and nutritional needs for an active population. Special focus on patient assessment and development of dietary plans based on energy expenditure. Prerequisites: BIO 205, BIO 206.

EXSC211 - Principles of Personal Training

This course prepares students for national certification exams as personal trainers. Each class addresses pertinent topics of the health fitness professional. These topics include health screening and assessment and comprehensive program design for multiple populations. The course empowers students with the skills necessary to become qualified fitness professionals.

EXSC213 - Coaching Practicum

This course provides students the opportunity to apply the principles and practices of coaching in a junior high, high school, or collegiate environment. Students participate actively in practical coaching experiences under the guidance and supervision of a qualified coach. Prerequisite: EXSC 104

EXSC222 - Kinesiology

This course examines the anatomical and mechanical concepts required for critical assessment, description, and analysis of human motion. The laboratory component includes analysis of human motion. Prerequisites: BIO205, BIO206, PHYS111. Corequisite EXSC222L

EXSC302 - Exercise Physiology

This course explores the acute and chronic effects of exercise on the structure and function of the body with an emphasis on the metabolic cardiovascular, pulmonary, and neuromuscular systems. Also discussed are the effects of environmental factors and ergogenic aids on exercise performance. The objective of this course is for the student to gain an understanding and working knowledge of how the body responds to exercise so that they may apply this knowledge to their chosen field. The practical applications of the major principles are demonstrated in a laboratory setting (EXSC 302L). Students are advised that the capability to exercise moderately and maximally may be required and documentation if a medical examination indicating cardiopulmonary status and exercise capacity may be requested by the instructor. Prerequisite BIO 205/BIO 206. Corequisite EXSC 302L

EXSC304 - Exercise Testing & Prescription

This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to engage in the application of physiological principles and development of practical skills for fitness evaluation and exercise prescription. Course content will emphasis: pre-test screening and assessment and prescription fundamentals for cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, body composition, and flexibility. Prerequisite EXSC302. Co-requisite EXSC304

EXSC305 - Strength Training & Conditioning

Lecture and practical sessions include principles of weight training and conditioning, orientation to different modalities, including free weights, weight machines (i.e., Nautilus), and circuit training and development of individual and group exercise programs. Students may be required to obtain medical clearance prior to participation. Pre-requisite: BIO206. Co-requisite EXSC305L.

EXSC307 - Func Assessment & Corrective Exc Pres

This course is designed to provide students advanced concepts in strength and conditioning. Emphasis is placed on the application of principles and theories covered in the Strength and Conditioning class. Students focus on the development of sports specific programs for the purpose of improving athletic performance. Prerequisite: EXSC305.

EXSC340 - Research Concepts

This course covers research concepts in the healthcare and fitness industry including the logic of experimental and correlational designs, issues of control, sampling, measurement of variables, ethical issues in research, use of online professional search procedures, and writing in APA style. Students engage in various aspects of the research process culminating in a research paper on a discipline specific topic. Prerequisite: MATH208.

EXSC401 - Professional Development Seminar

This course will prepare students to sit for the certification in the field of exercise science, with emphasis on the NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and the ACSM, Certified Exercise Physiologist certifications. Students will assess their current level of knowledge, and identify and actively improve upon areas of weakness. Students will develop a personal study plan, which will involve review sessions and practice tests both in and out of the classroom, Students will develop a post-graduation plan and prepare the necessary materials to carry out their individual plan, including GRE preparations, resume, cover letter, personal statement writing, as well as mock interview sessions. Prerequisite: Senior level standing

EXSC403 - Exercise for Special Populations

Exercise for Special Populations explores the role of exercise in health and disease and how the normal physiological response to exercise changes in the presence of disease. This course will specifically focus on pathophysiology, treatments and medications, acute and chronic effects of exercise, and exercise testing and prescription guidelines for individuals with cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, neurological and immunological diseases and disorders. This course will allow students to understand the effect of exercise, chronic diseases and conditions, and allow them to apply this knowledge in the field. Prerequisite: EXSC302.

EXSC405 - Org & Admin of Health & Sports Programs

This course presents the principles of managing physical education, intramural and athletic programs, commercial fitness and strength and conditioning/sports performance businesses, issues, scheduling, staff, financial planning and related duties of faculty mangers. Likewise, it is important to note that this is a writing intensive course. Prerequisites: Junior Standing

EXSC406 - Advanced Topics in Exercise Physiology

This course explores and evaluates current concepts in the understanding of physiological function and effects of exercise. Particular emphasis is placed on the understanding of current scientific literature, research methods, and clinical implementation of advanced exercise science topics. Students will take an interactive approach to critique and review research literature in a variety of topics in the field of exercise science. Students will also develop literature reviews and present their findings in areas of their interests as well as in assigned topics. Prerequisite: EXSC302

EXSC410 - Exercise Science Field Experience I

This is an off-campus experience in a hospital, clinic, corporate, university or commercial setting, as appropriate. Concepts, theories, and practices learned in the classroom are applied in a supervised setting. Students must successfully complete at least 150 hours of field experience in addition to written assignments. Prerequisites: EXSC302, EXSC305, current CPR/AED certification

EXSC420 - Exercise Science Field Experience II

This is an off-campus experience in a hospital, clinic, corporate, university or commercial setting, as appropriate. Concepts, theories, and practices learned in the classroom are applied in a supervised setting. Students must successfully complete at least 300 hours of field experience in addition to written assignments. Prerequisites: EXSC302, EXSC305, current CPR/AED certification

EXSC425 - Exercise Science Field Experience III

This is an off-campus experience in a hospital, clinic, corporate, university or commercial setting, as appropriate. Concepts, theories, and practices learned in the classroom are applied in a supervised setting. Students must successfully complete at least 150 hours of field experience in addition to written assignments. Prerequisites: EXSC302, EXSC305, current CPR/AED certification

EXSC430 - Exercise Science Capstone

The capstone course synthesizes theories and practices of exercise physiology into one culminating and progressive exercise program for a client. Students serve as subjects, technicians, and administrators. The primary goal is to better prepare students to engage in research at the graduate level and to create an opportunity for students to apply various concepts and theories attained throughout the curriculum. The content of this course focuses on opportunities for exercise program design and undergraduate research, with three course design option; development of original case study research, with focus on adhering to written and oral presentation standards within the field; development of an original research question, with focus on methodology, data collection and statistical analysis; or development of an understanding of the research process, with focus on review of the literature, defining the research question, and study methodology. Prerequisite: EXSC 340

EXSC701 - High Performance Science

This course examines the role that science and evidence-based practice plays in enhancing human performance, in high performance settings. A distinctive feature of the subject is its focus on developing student’s knowledge, decision-making, and applied research skills required to plan and deliver evidence-based interventions for athletes to enhance health and performance. There is a strong focus on preparing graduates with relevant practical skills that are used by high performance sport practitioners. Students will be taught to translate advanced concepts to professional practice through the application of critical thinking, independent learning and effective communication.

EXSC702 - Sports Performance Analysis

This course applies statistical learning methods for data mining and inferential and predictive analytics to the field of sports science. The course also introduces techniques for exploring and visualizing data, assessing model accuracy, and weighing the merits of different methods for a given real-world application. Emphasis is placed on the analysis, interpretation, and communication of data essential in creating a toolset for transforming large, complex sports science informatics datasets into actionable knowledge. Pre-requisite: Data Analytics

EXSC705 - Advanced Strength and Conditioning

This subject examines the role of resistance training, aerobic/anaerobic conditioning and other contemporary techniques that are used to prepare high performance athletes. Students develop a strong understanding of the fundamental principles which underpin the training response, as well as learn to critically evaluate emerging techniques within the strength and conditioning field. Additionally, this subject equips students with an in-depth understanding of training prescription that can be utilized in any field that prescribes exercise (e.g. exercise physiology, rehabilitation, and injury prevention). The strategies and interventions explored in this course focus on enhancing performance, and reducing the risk of injury for high performance athletes. Students will engage in problem solving and critical thinking activities for independent learning and the effective translation of expertise into practice.

EXSC710 - Advanced Exercise Physiology

This advanced course focuses on integrative physiology and physiological responses to exercise. The course includes three modules: I) Energetics, Metabolism, and Endocrine Exercise Physiology; II) Skeletal Muscle Excitation, Contraction, and Fatigue; and III) Cardiovascular and Hemodynamics Regulation; and IV) Respiratory Exercise Physiology. The course builds on principles and concepts learned in undergraduate courses in the area of physiology.

HEM101 - Hospitality Management

This course examines the Hospitality and Tourism industry with emphasis on individual sectors of the industry and their business functions. The infrastructure and interrelationships of lodging, tourism, food service, events, and entertainment organizations are examined. Career opportunities, current operational issues, and emerging trends in the hospitality industry are also explored. Students will have the opportunity to become Certified Guest Service Providers (CGSP) as part of the course.

HEM102 - Fundamentals of Event Management

Orders (BEO's), client management, vendor management and contract negotiations are introduced. This course is hands-on, allowing the student to apply basic skills and techniques for negotiating with suppliers and service contractors. This is a project driven course and includes industry certifications. Students will have the opportunity to become certified in Delphi event planning software, CVENT software and Social Tables event diagramming software as part of the course.

HEM103 - Economic Development & Mgmt in Tourism

This course offers a survey of trends and developments in the hospitality and tourism industry, including a total approach to lodging operations, events management, global tourism, and foodservice establishments. It offers an introduction to the broad fields of travel and tourism. Among the topics covered are cultural tourism, eco-tourism, sociology of tourism, tourism development, the economic role of tourism demand and tourism marketing. Prerequisite: HEM101

HEM108 - Distinguished Hospitality Speaker Series

Open to all students. This course offers a series of guest lectures by high-level hospitality industry executives covering all phases of hospitality and event management including strategy, marketing, brand management, operations, and finance across all sectors of the industry. Students are given the opportunity to learn about each distinguished speaker’s views of the current and future challenges and opportunities of the hospitality industry; the strategies their organizations will follow to meet these challenges; the career paths followed by these executives; and job opportunities available for hospitality program interns and graduates. Students complete assignments based on each week's speakers, their company backgrounds, opportunities available and the current industry climate.

HEM205 - Private Club Management

This course explores many areas vital to the success of club management, including business, finance, food, beverage, facilities, sales, operations, and multiple recreational activities while stressing the supreme importance of customer service quality. By taking this course, students will explore a field that covers all aspects of the hospitality industry. We are privileged to be in a great location, close to many of the area’s most notable private clubs, which provides students with employment experience and internship opportunities. Prerequisite: HEM 101

HEM206 - Lodging Management

This course provides an in-depth view of the various aspects and departments that fall under what is commonly known as Lodging Management or Lodging Operations. Some of the specific departments this course explores are - Front Office, Housekeeping, Human Resources, Security, Engineering, Maintenance, Food and Beverage, Recreation, and Accounting and Finance. Aside from the various operational procedures utilized, the course also addresses service philosophies, best practices, revenue management, and technology. Prerequisite: HEM 101 with a grade of C or better

HEM207 - Resort & Casino Management

This course provides students with an introduction to the hospitality management specialization of Resort and Casino Management. Subjects covered include operational infrastructures of resorts and casinos, organizational structures, service in resort and casino environments, securities, technologies, and revenue management and tourism. This course includes guest speakers and site visits. Prerequisite: HEM101 with a grade of C or better

HEM208 - Human Resources in Hospitality

This course examines management considerations for the successful operation of a major hospitality organization. Emphases is placed on the various departments and how each contributes to the recreation, ancillary and lodging areas including service experiences. This includes recreation development, risk management, visitor education, rental and retail operations, lodging, guest services, and human resources management. Students will learn how each of these departments function, along with the many skills required to address the issues and challenges faced in everyday operations. Course assignments focus on human resources operations, industry regulations and certification, risk management, guest service, and dealing with seasonality. These particular areas are studied in relation to resorts of different sizes and scales from all over the world so that comparisons can be made regarding different management and operational procedures, regulations, and guest expectations. Prerequisite: BUSS224.

HEM209 - Exploration of the Global Casino Market

Students in this course will study materials and case studies related to specific components of major casino markets as well as take part in both a day-long visit to the limited casino market in Connecticut and a 4-5 day site visit to Las Vegas during the college’s spring recess. The course will provide students who are interested specifically in the resort and casino segment of the hospitality industry direct exposure to the industry in the country’s largest casino market. Focus will be placed on current issues and events affecting the industry and, in particular, the companies that will be visited during the site visits. Students will study and meet with executives from different resort and casino departments at major resort/casino operations including Slots and Table Games Operations, Human Resources, Marketing, Security, Surveillance, Food and Beverage, and more. Prerequisite: HEM207 with a grade of C or better

HEM213 - Global Issues in Hospitality

In this course, students will examine the position of hospitality in the global market place. The course explores factors influencing the global environment and the contemporary struggle for economic/political power between world regions and the impact on the hospitality industry. The role and significance of hospitality multinationals in light of the current trend of sustainability is analyzed. In addition, the global drivers and industry strategies affecting multinationals are explored. Finally, students will analyze the role of culture and its impact on different management styles in an international industry. Prerequisite: HEM101 or HEM102 with a grade of C or better

HEM215 - Meeting & Convention Sales & Planning

This course provides an overview of conference planning and group coordination as it relates to the sale and final contract. Students become familiar with Meetings, Expositions, Events, and Conventions (MEEC), destination specialists, negotiating with suppliers and service contractors, meeting budgets, travel planners, and their place of importance within the industry. Site evaluations are analyzed as they relate to group needs. Emphasis is placed on the development of a group resume agendas, analyses of service options, and contractual and legal liability issues. Prerequisite: HEM 102 with a C or better.

HEM299 - Field Experience I

This course provides a supervised work experience in the hospitality or event management industry as a complement to academic coursework. Students earn 150 hours in the field, gain practical skills in a business environment, and begin to view the workplace from a management perspective. During the course of the field experience, students keep a personal reflective journal of critical incidents. In addition, they complete a detailed profile of the management systems and policies at their workplace for submission at the end of the field experience. Students participate in weekly discussion groups during the course of the semester to evaluate and compare their experiences. No Prerequisite.

HEM301 - Social Event Management

This course explores the complex area of special and social event planning, including non-profit, community, corporate, wedding, religious, holiday, and other major social events. The course provides students with a basis for using research as a tool to plan and organize special events. The class works toward understanding, practicing, and executing the elements of successful event planning such as budgeting, site-selection, food and beverage management, promotions, and site logistics. This is a project-based course and requires the execution of a successful event. Prerequisite: HEM 102 with a C or better.

HEM302 - Casino Regulation & Security

This course is designed to give an in-depth overview of the regulatory, legal, and security aspects of the casino industry including federal and local gaming laws and regulations, difficulties and liabilities surrounding those regulations, casino cage operations, surveillance operations, and security technologies. Prerequisite: HEM207 with a grade of C or better

HEM303 - Law & Ethics in Hospitality

This course provides a study of the nature and function of both legal and ethical issues as applied to the hospitality industry. Topics include operator relationships, contract law, torts, civil rights, wage and labor laws, gaming laws, property law, and insurable risks. This course also examines ethical issues in the hospitality industry. Prerequisites: HEM101 with a grade of C or better and HEM208 or BUSS336

HEM305 - Resort Management & Development

This course examines management considerations for the successful operation of a major resort. Emphases is placed on the various departments and how each contributes to the recreation, ancillary and lodging areas including service experiences. This includes recreation development, risk management, visitor education, rental and retail operations, lodging, guest services, and human resources management. Students will learn how each of these departments function, along with the many skills required to address the issues and challenges faced in everyday operations. Course assignments focus on human resources operations, industry regulations and certification, risk management, guest service, and dealing with seasonality. These particular areas are studied in relation to resorts of different sizes and scales from all over the world so that comparisons can be made regarding different management and operational procedures, regulations, and guest expectations. Prerequisite: HEM207 with a grade of C or better

HEM307 - Tech for Resort & Casino Management

This course explores principles of executive casino operations as they relate to technology. The course also provides hands-on opportunities for students to both observe and work within real programs including, but not limited to, casino operations business assessments, casino floor operations financial integrations, pit and floor statistics analysis, casino credit authorizer development, cage operations management software, casino accounting programs, table games accounting audits, currency transaction reporting, and surveillance technology. Students must be 21 years of age by April 1st of the year the course is running in order to enroll. Prerequisite: HEM207 with a grade of C or better and Permission of the Instructor.

HEM321 - Revenue Management & Technology

This course provides an advanced overview of the revenue management function in the hospitality industry. Revenue management is a method for managing capacity profitability. This course offers an integrated approach to maximizing revenue that includes capacity analysis, demand forecasting, differential pricing, and distribution technology. The objective of this course is to help students learn how to apply the principles of revenue management to maximize profitability in the hospitality industry. Topics to be covered include demand forecasting, competitive analysis, overbooking, distribution channels, reservations systems, information technology, process design, differential pricing, inventory control, performance measurement and related management and marketing issues. An academic certificate of completion in Revenue Management from American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute is also embedded in this course. Students learn to distinguish between tactical and strategic revenue management, addresses the proper use and importance of revenue management in hospitality operations, and describes a wide range of elements that must be considered in order to use revenue management effectively. Prerequisite BUSS226

HEM399 - Field Experience II

This course provides an additional supervised work experience in the hospitality or event management industry as a complement to academic coursework. Students earn 150 hours in the field, gain practical skills in a business environment, and begin to view the workplace from a management perspective. During the course of the field experience, students keep a personal reflective journal of critical incidents. In addition, students complete a detailed profile of the management systems and policies at their workplace for submission at the end of the field experience. Students participate in weekly discussion groups during the course of the semester to evaluate and compare their experiences. Students must have the company and position approved by the course instructor. Prerequisite HEM299

HEM401 - Managing Quality in Hospitality

This course explores the application of customer service quality as well as management theories and techniques in the hospitality industry with a focus on organizational effectiveness. Case studies and major projects with real hospitality companies facilitate students’ synthesis of previous knowledge with the principles of service quality and excellence. This is a research project driven course. Prerequisites: BUSS 224 & MATH 208.

HEM402 - Casino & Gaming Operations

This course provides students with an advanced look into the hospitality management specialization of Resort and Casino Management. Students learn advanced strategic management skills and theory as they relate to both resorts and casinos. Key topics include how to responsibly overcome common challenges in the industry, managerial and human resource challenges, marketing strategies, labor laws and disputes, operations strategies, and resort real estate development and planning. The goal of this course is to aid students in developing decision-making, financial, and strategic management skills appropriate for careers in the casino and resort industries. Students develop an advanced understanding of the stakeholders and industry practices necessary for success in managerial and executive positions. Prerequisite: HEM207 with a grade of C or better.

HEM403 - Food & Beverage Management

This course examines the details of food and beverage management, with an emphasis on running a profitable operation and understanding basic menu and beverage detail. It examines the impact of menu planning, purchasing, receiving, inventory control, production, pairing and service to the guest. Students apply commonly-used formulas and strategies for calculating appropriate selling prices and evaluating actual cost percentages. Special attention is paid to the use of management systems and tools to help minimize food, beverage and labor costs, to ensure collection of revenue, and ultimately to maximize profits. Topics include purchasing, safe-serving, receiving, storage, production, beverage management and appreciation, beverage service and cost control. The course also explores basic culinary and beverage menu building and appreciation topics. Case studies are incorporated into class discussions. Students must be 21 years of age prior to April 1st of the course year to register. Prerequisites: HEM101 or HEM102 with a grade of C or better and Permission of the Instructor

HEM405 - Hotel Franchising & Brand Management

This course overs an in-depth study of Hotel Franchising & Brand Management, particularly focusing of key advantages & disadvantage of franchising, evaluation of hotel brands & their fees, growth strategies, entry into new global markets, importance of franchisor & franchisee relationships, franchise & management contracts, & key insights of brand management in the hotel industry. Prerequisite: HEM401 with a grade of C or better.

HEM408 - Senior Hospitality Leadership Seminar

Open to all senior Hospitality Management, Event Management, and Resort and Casino Management majors and Event Management minors. This course is designed to allow a limited number of students to interact directly with several high-level hospitality leaders in an informal, intimate setting. The course offers a unique networking opportunity between students and high-level industry executives, including the opportunity to listen to seminars covering all phases of management including strategy, marketing, brand management, operations and finance across all sectors of the hospitality and event management industry. Students are given the opportunity to learn about the distinguished speaker’s views of the current and future challenges and opportunities of the hospitality industry; the strategies their organizations will follow to meet these challenges; the career paths followed by these executives; and job opportunities available for hospitality program interns and graduates. Students will interview industry executives one-on-one, host roundtable discussions with speakers, and complete a major research project based on these interactions, their background research, and their own career goals. Additional assignments given are based on the week's speakers, their company backgrounds, opportunities available and the current industry climate. Prerequisite: Senior Standing HM, EM or RCM majors or EM minors only

MATH106 - Mathematical Reasoning

This course is the foundational course for mathematical and quantitative reasoning at Lasell College. Mathematical reasoning is the critical skill that enables a student to solve real-world problems involving quantitative analysis by making use of particular mathematical skills. Through the development of their mathematical reasoning skills, students will recognize the power of mathematics in its own right as well as its relevance in the real world. Students will develop and enhance their mathematical reasoning skills through a project/application-based curriculum supported by readily available current technological tools and topics that will include, but not be limited to, the following: solving systems of equations, linear programming, statistical, and graphical data analysis.

MATH107 - College Geometry

This course is an introduction to the essentials of Euclidean geometry. Topics covered include: reasoning in mathematics, the relationship between algebra and geometry, analytic geometry, proofs and constructive triangles, circles, quadrilaterals, polygons, surfaces and solids and historical notes about famous geometricians. Prerequisite: MATH 106 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing.

MATH108X - Mathematics of Design

This course explores elements of mathematics within the design field from the incorporation of algebra to concepts of geometry. Students will have the opportunity to integrate numerical fluency, proportional reasoning, data interpretation, algebraic reasoning and communicating quantitative information through group problem solving and class discussions. Topics include pattern drafting, layouts cutting, revenue, cost, and profit modeling, measurement systems, Euclidean geometry, and spatial reasoning.

MATH110X - Introduction to Logic

An introduction to symbolic logic, including sentential and predicate logic. Its purpose is to familiarize you with certain formal methods for representing and evaluating arguments and reasoning. These methods can be used for any subject matter. The focus is on translating English statements into symbolic notation, and evaluating arguments for validity using formal proof techniques.This course is recommended for data science students, math majors, students who are contemplating graduate school admissions tests, and for general knowledge and application (so, for instance, all computer programming is based on fundamental logic rules and applications). s

MATH116 - Merchandising and Financial Mathematics

This course focuses on retail mathematics. Topics include simple and compound interest, the time-value of capital, annuities, amortization, sinking funds, bond and investment, business problem-solving and decision making. Other topics include profit, loss, and break-even analysis, pricing, inventory, and merchandise planning. The course introduces basic theories of statistics. Prerequisite: MATH 106 with a grade of C or better or through placement testing.

MATH202 - Applied Mathematics for Business

This course will be a “Choose Option across Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Event Management, Hospitality Management, Accounting and Resort and Casino Management Majors. This course will introduce a variety of mathematical principles and techniques that emphasize applications in business and economics. Topics covered include: systems of linear equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, linear programming, as well as the development and applications of rates of change. Prerequisite: MATH106

MATH203 - Precalculus

This course prepares students for the study of calculus, physics and other courses requiring precalculus skills. Included is solving systems of equations, the analysis and graphing of linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational functions, the unit circle, and triangle (right and non-right) trigonometry. Prerequisite: MATH 106 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing. Restrictions: not open to students who have completed 205, 206, or any 300 level mathematics course successfully.

MATH205 - Calculus I

This course is an introduction to limits, continuity, and methods of differentiation. Application to problems in business management and physical science is emphasized. Prerequisite: MATH 203 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing. Restrictions: not open to students who have completed MATH 206, or any 300 level mathematics courses.

MATH206 - Calculus II

This is a continuation of Calculus I. Includes graphical and analytic integration, partial differentiation, and solving differential equations. Applications include business, biological sciences, and physical sciences. Prerequisite: MATH 205 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing. Restrictions: not open to students who have completed MATH 320, MATH 328, or MATH 330.

MATH207 - Applied Trigonometry

This course is an in-depth study of trigonometry with attention to theory, proofs, modeling, and history. Trigonometric and related functions are used to model, analyze, and solve real-life problems. Applications are chosen from disciplines such as agriculture, architecture, astronomy, biology, business, chemistry, earth science, engineering, medicine, meteorology, and physics. Topics covered include a review of trigonometric functions, right triangle trigonometry, analytic trigonometry, vectors and dot products, complex number theory, trigonometric forms of complex numbers, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric models, Gaussian and logistic growth models, conic sections, and polar equations of conics. Prerequisite: MATH 205 with a grade of C or better.

MATH208 - Statistics

This is an introductory course in descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include: data analysis, and graphical methods of describing data, measures of central tendency and variability, probability, the normal distribution, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression analysis. Prerequisites: MATH 106 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing and ENG 102.

MATH209 - Business Statistics

This is an introductory course in descriptive and inferential statistics focused on applications in business. Topics include: data analysis, and graphical methods of describing data, measures of central tendency and variability, time-series analysis, trend and seasonality analysis, simple and multiple correlation and regression analysis, sales and cost forecasting, probability, expected monetary value, and the Normal distribution. Prerequisites: MATH 106 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing and ENG 102. With permission of the instructor only.

MATH212 - Finite Mathematics

The focus of this course is to develop mathematical models and to demonstrate the utility of various mathematical techniques that are most applicable to the creation of computer algorithms. Topics include functions and models, linear regression, solving systems of linear equations using matrices, matrix algebra and Leontief Input-Output models, linear programming (graphical and simplex methods), principle of duality, estimated and theoretical probability and Markov Chains. Prerequisite: MATH205 with a grade of C or better.

MATH215 - Discrete Math

Topics will include elementary logic and set theory, equivalence relations, functions, counting arguments, inductively defined sets, recursion, graphs and trees, Boolean algebra and combinatorial circuits, and countability arguments. Prerequisite: MATH203 with a C or better.

MATH303X - Problem Solving

This course will be an exploration into the mathematics exemplified in high quality high school and undergraduate mathematics competitions and mathematical research. The emphasis will be placed on building a repertoire of mathematical strategies and tactics, then applying these methods in unfamiliar situations. Topics will include: Combinatorics, Binomial Theorem, Conditional Probability, Roots of Unity, Symmetric Polynomials, Polynomial Interpolation, and topics in Euclidean and non-Euclidean Geometry. Students will hone their ability to solve mathematical problems through hands-on practice and obtain an understanding of the strategies, tactics, and tools of the problem solver as illustrated by the textbook and the instructor. Strategies and tools for solving problems include, but are not limited to: •Draw a Diagram•Systematic Lists•Eliminate Possibilities•Matrix Logic•Look for a Pattern•Guess and Check•Sub Problems•Unit Analysis•Solve An Easier Related Problem•Physical Representations•Work Backwards•Venn Diagrams•Finite Differences

MATH304 - Mathematics for Educators

This course engages students in mathematical concepts through examples, investigations, and active problem-solving explorations. Content is drawn from subject matter knowledge required for elementary and early childhood licensure, with emphasis on number theory and operations. This course is for students seeking elementary or early childhood licensure.

MATH305 - Advanced Statistics

Quantitative statistical tools for modern data analysis are used across a range of disciplines and industries to guide organizational, societal and scientific advances. Using data sets from across a variety of fields, the focus will be on applications and analysis. Topics include two sample confidence intervals, Chi Square tests, multiple regression analysis, ANOVA, non- parametric tests, sampling, and simulation. Prerequisite: Math 208 or Math 209

MATH306X - Mathematical Content Knowledge for Ed

This course engages students in hands-on, in-depth, practical applications of the mathematical reasoning and computational techniques taught in MATH 304. This course is for students seeking elementary or early childhood licensure. Prerequisite: Permission of Education Program Director

MATH307 - Calculus III

This course is an introduction to sequences and series, parametric and polar curves, vector functions, advanced techniques of differentiation and integration. Prerequisite: MATH 206 with a grade of C or better.

MATH320 - Differential Equations

This is an introduction to the many ways of solving various types of differential equations with emphasis on theory, methods of solution and applications. Topics include solutions of first, second and simple higher order differential equations, homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations. Prerequisite: MATH 206 with a grade of B- or better.

MATH322X - Special Topics in Mathematics

Special Topics in Mathematics

MATH325 - Linear Algebra

This is an introductory course in linear algebra blending the requirements of theory, problem solving, analytical thinking, computational techniques, and applications. Topics include in-depth treatment of matrix algebra, linear systems, vector spaces, linear transformations, determinants. Applications and modeling of real phenomena in transportation systems, economics, connectivity of networks, and graph theory. Prerequisite: MATH 206 with a grade of C or better.

MATH338 - Mathematical Statistics

In this introduction to statistical theory, the roles probability and statistics play in business analysis and decision making are investigated. Topics include probability distributions, statistical inference, sampling distribution theory, and applications. Prerequisite: Math 206 with a grade of C or better.

MATH399 - Capstone Seminar

In this capstone course, Students investigate mathematics from a variety of fields and choose a topic for a mathematics project in their Field of Application. Mathematical methods for analysis, modeling, prediction, and/or problem solving are discussed. Students demonstrate knowledge of a substantial area of mathematics and present their work at a department seminar or the Connected Learning Symposium.

MATH499 - Internship

The internship seminar is a work or research experience where students combine theory and practice.

MATH706X - Mathematical Content Knowledge for Ed

This course engages students in hands-on, in-depth, practical applications of the mathematical reasoning and computational techniques for teachers. This course is for students seeking elementary or moderate disabilities licensure.

PSYC101 - Psychological Perspectives (KP)

In this course, students learn to think like psychologists as they study classic and contemporary topics in human behavior, feeling, and thought. Students learn to apply psychological perspectives of thought, including biological, cognitive, sociocultural, humanistic, psychodynamic, and behaviorist, to better understand the human experience. Students will learn to use these perspectives to explore how individual behavior is influenced by and influences one’s biology, family, community and society. Topics may include human development, personality, psychopathology, human relationships, language, memory, perceptual processes, and intelligence, among others.

PSYC104 - Positive Psychology

Historically, much of Psychology has focused on decreasing maladaptive emotions and behaviors (neurosis, disorders, stress, aggression, etc.). This focus has largely ignored more optimal functioning like happiness, optimism, and life satisfaction. In recent decades more scientific research has aimed at promoting and sustaining psychological health. The emerging field of Positive Psychology is the study of how human beings prosper and overcome adversity. Its goal is to identify and enhance human strengths and virtues and allow individuals and communities to thrive. This introductory-level course will detail the history of this emerging field and focus on current research in social and positive psychology on happiness, virtue, and personal development. The course will explore research that has helped highlight factors that promote and sustain psychological health. Additionally, we will look at tools and techniques that have been shown to help cultivate thoughts and behaviors that effectively contribute to well-being. This course would substitute for PSYC101 (Psychological Perspectives) whenever that class is needed as a pre-requisite for an upper-level class but can be taken in addition to PSYC101.

PSYC111 - Generations in America

This course offers a social-developmental, multidisciplinary overview of issues related to the expanding age population in the United States. Students examine aging stereotypes, characteristics of aging populations, and the impact of age-related forces on individuals in American society. The course is geared toward students in a variety of disciplines and provides a knowledge base that can be applied to other areas of study.

PSYC201 - Psychology of Drugs & Behavior

The course examines the relationship between drugs and behavior, including evidence about the effects of drugs on the brain. Several classes of drugs, including chemically or psychologically addictive substances, psychoactive and therapeutic agents, as well as recreational drugs, are examined. Drug use is related to psychological variables such as personality structure and interpersonal relationships, and theories of addictive processes and factors influencing drug use are examined, as are treatment strategies. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.

PSYC202 - Psychology of Personality

This course introduces students to a variety of the most important theories of personality: i.e., Freud, Jung, Adler, Rogers, and others. Case studies are examined with the intent of making theories more practical and useful. Prerequisite: Any 200 level psychology course.

PSYC205 - Human Sexuality

This course is designed to introduce factual information about gender identity and gender role theories, sexual preference and sexual orientation, and psychosexual development. The course examines issues related to research on human sexuality and behavior, as well as sexual education, sexual disorders, and societal impacts on sexuality. Students are challenged to think critically about many issues surrounding human sexuality and all of its manifestations. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.

PSYC209X - Psyc of the Black American Experience

This course is an introduction to the psychological experience of Blacks in the United States, including the historical, sociopolitical, and cultural influences that shape personality and mental health in community, family, and individual contexts. Connections between Africa, the Caribbean, and Black America will be examined with respect to culture, belief systems, and values. At the same time, we will also explore the many differences in history, culture, and experience within numerous groups and individuals of African-descent in the U. S. Prerequisite: PSYC101

PSYC218 - Dynamics of Small Groups

This class examines the basic theory and application necessary to understand and facilitate small groups. Topics may include group types, formation, roles and stages; group process; cultural awareness; group interventions and ethics within the field of psychology and human service; therapeutic value of groups; and the family, classroom, and peers as small groups. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 or SOC 101.

PSYC220 - Social Psychology

This is an introduction to the study of social interactions from a psychological perspective. Research reviewed focuses on topics such as: social perception, group interaction, attitude formation, attitudinal change, aggression, conflict, and pro-social behavior. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.

PSYC221 - Child Development

This course examines the physical, cognitive, linguistic, social, and emotional development of the child from birth to adolescence. The contributions of social and cultural experiences as well as the role of biological factors in development are examined as are major theories of development. Students are introduced to the research approaches used to study human development and may be required to carry out observations in various settings. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.

PSYC223 - Adolescent Psychology

This course will provide you with an introduction to central concepts/issues related to the developmental phase of adolescence from historical, psychological, social, and cultural perspectives. The course will also focus on major problems and challenges facing adolescents in modern society. Prerequisite PSYC101

PSYC226 - Living & Learning with Dementia

Careers in aging are one of the fastest growing fields for students with a background in psychology, human services, and related areas. . Do you want to explore working with older adults? Do you have family members or friends who has experienced memory loss as they have aged and you want to learn why and how to help them? People in our society have the opportunity to live very long lives; however, with age comes the possibility that some individuals will experience cognitive changes like those associated with dementia (e.g., Alzheimer’s Disease). In this course, students will learn about the bio-behavioral determinants of these changes along with their social and personal implications. Drawing on a dementia-friendly framework, students will also learn to design and lead interactive activities with older adults living at Lasell Village who have experienced cognitive change, offering everyone an opportunity to learn from each other in a collaborative pre-professional class setting.

PSYC229X - Addictions


PSYC231 - Stress and Trauma

This course provides an overview of stress and trauma including physical, psychological and sociocultural implications. Emphasis is made on the stress-trauma response including the neurobiology of information and memory processing and attachment theory. Evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies are explored in consideration of mind-body research on stress and stress related disorders.

PSYC232X - Death & Dying

Death & Dying

PSYC240 - Sport Psychology

This course examines settings such as school, recreational, and professional where sport activities occur. It covers topics such as motivation, anxiety, competition, cooperation, gender issues, and age and developmental level in relation to sport activities. Behavioral problems such as substance abuse and eating disorders, along with psychological factors in prevention and treatment of injuries are included. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.

PSYC241 - The Psychological Life of Girls & Women

This course utilizes intrapersonal, psychosocial, and sociocultural perspectives to explore the psychological strengths and problems experienced by girls and women. Topics may include the mental health system, eating disorders, depression, women in families, violence against women, friendship, identity and diversity, immigrant experiences, biological influences, sexuality, issues at school and in the workplace, leadership, and research bias. Literature is examined critically for gender, racial, ethnic, and sexual preference biases, power dynamics, and limitations imposed on both females and males by gender imperatives. Prerequisite: PSYC 221 or PSYC 223, or permission of the instructor.

PSYC302 - Biological Basis of Behavior

This course examines current research in the fields of biology, neuroscience, and psychology that explain the role of neural mechanisms in evoking and controlling human behavior. Topics include: thirst and hunger, sleep and arousal, sexual behavior, emotion, aggression, learning, memory, and mental disorders. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.

PSYC304 - Sensation & Perception

It is estimated that our five senses take in 11,000,000 bits of information per second, yet we weed out much of this information. Our unique ability to sense but selectively perceive allows us to survive and live our life without being bombarded by information. In this class, students will experience and examine how humans sense and perceive the world. Topics covered will include the sensory pathways, perceptual processing, and how we create meaning from our senses. We will discuss the orienting senses, skin senses (such as touch and pain), chemical senses (such as smell), hearing, vision, and the perception of time. Perceptual processes will include physiological, psychophysical, ecological, motivational, and computational. Pre-requisite: PSYC101

PSYC307 - Forensic Psychology

This course deals with the application of psychological knowledge to the judicial process and the criminal justice system. Topics covered include effects of defendant, juror and case characteristics on verdicts, variables affecting eyewitness accuracy, identification and testimony, and the role of forensic psychologists in competency and criminal responsibility assessments as well as criminal profiling. Prerequisite: CJ 201 or PSYC 101.

PSYC308 - Black Psychology

This course is designed to introduce the varied psychological experiences of Black individuals, including the cultural, sociohistorical, and political influences that shape personality and mental health in community, family, and individual contexts. The course will examine the experiences of Black individuals living in the United States, but will also draw strong connections to the experiences of Black individuals throughout the African Diaspora including Africa, the Caribbean, South America, and Western Europe. Several topics will be explored within the Black psychology paradigm including racial identity, racism and discrimination, kinship and family, religion and spirituality, and achievement and schooling. Throughout the course, a central objective will be to consider how knowledge of such topics can be used to promote mental health and wellness among these populations. Students will be strongly encouraged to discuss current topics and controversies as they relate to the Black psychology paradigm, and to use course material to design a service learning project for the neighboring community. PSYC308X substitutes for PSYC316/SOC301 for Psychology, Sociology, and Human Services majors. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 or SOC 101 or permission of instructor

PSYC316 - Psychology of Diversity

This course explores diversity and its relation to identity, relationship, and power. Areas of diversity that may be a focus of the course include race, class, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, immigration status, disabilities, aging and/or health status. Students study diversity on micro, meso and macro levels including perspectives on individual and group identity, prejudice and discrimination, and psychological well-being. Students are challenged to explore their own identities and the assumptions they make about various forms of diversity. Prerequisites: Any 200 level Social Science course.

PSYC318 - Abnormal Psychology

This course examines the wide range of personality and behavioral disorders. Both traditional and contemporary theories of psychopathology are reviewed. Emphasis is also placed on the tools, techniques, and process of both the diagnosis and the treatment of various disorders. Prerequisite: PSYC 202 or PSYC 220.

PSYC322 - Abnormal Child Development

This course examines common psychological disorders that affect children and adolescents. Students review factors that contribute to emotional, behavioral, cognitive and social problems in children and adolescents, as well as specific diagnostic criteria of psychological disorders. In addition, treatment of childhood disorders is discussed. Prerequisite: PSYC 221.

PSYC323 - Brain Function & Dysfunction

This course provides a survey of contemporary knowledge of the human brain, examining normal developmental brain processes and common brain functions. The course also covers common disorders and emphasizes understanding the impact of atypical brain development and the consequences of brain trauma. Intervention strategies and treatment are included. Prerequisite: PSYC101

PSYC328 - Cognitive Processes

This course studies the ways that humans learn, remember, communicate, think, and reason. Emphasis is on the role of experimental data in development and evaluation of cognitive theories. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 & MATH 208

PSYC331 - Experimental Design in Psychology

PSYC331?–?Experimental Design in Psychology?This laboratory course covers concepts of the scientific method in psychology including the logic of experimental and correlational designs, issues of control, sampling, measurement of variables, ethical issues in research, use of online professional search procedures, and writing in APA style. As part of the lab,?students learn to use statistical software to create a database and perform statistical analyses. Prerequisites: MATH208 and either PSYC101 or SOC101 or approval of Program Chair.

PSYC333 - Research Assistantship

This course is designed to enable 1-3 students to assist a faculty member who is engaged in research. The faculty member mentors the student(s) through the research process. The process may involve some or all of the following components: Literature review of previous research on the topic, development of the research proposal and project design, development of any materials needed for the research, completion of IRB application, follow-through with the IRB recommendations and approval process, implementation of the research, analysis of the data, and presentation of the work through writing, conference presentation, or Lasell presentation. Prerequisites: SOC 331 or PSYC 331 and Permission of Department Chair. Students may enroll in the course for up to two semesters.

PSYC345 - Assessment of Individual Differences

This course studies a wide variety of tests and measurements used to assess intelligence, aptitude, achievement, and personality in clinical and counseling psychology, in education, and in business. Consideration of the history and theory of these tests is complemented by discussion of practical concerns related to their selection, their administration, and their interpretation in specific settings. Prerequisites: MATH 208 and PSYC 101.

PSYC714 - Psyc of Sport, Injury & Rehabilitation

This course is designed to provide an understanding of the theory and application of psychology of sport, injury, and rehabilitation. Topics covered include cognitive appraisal, emotional response, behavioral response, motivation, mental skills training and use, psychological antecedents of injury, adherence to rehabilitation/exercise, sociocultural factors and psychology of injury, and research methods related to the psychology of sport, injury, and rehabilitation.

Cristina Haverty

Associate Vice President of Workforce Development and Global Engagement

Office: Alexander STC

Jeffrey Corcoran

Associate Professor, Marketing and Management

Office: DeArment House

Janet Huetteman

Graduate Chair of Management and Marketing; Associate Professor of Marketing

Office: 23 Maple Street, Office #5

Ron Laham

Assistant Professor of Athletic Training/ Exercise Science

Office: Alexander STC

Bruce McKinnon

Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship

Office: 26 Maple

Matthew Reilly

Chair of Business and Interim Chair of Sport Management; Assistant Professor of Business

Office: DeArment

Donna Scipione

Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance

Office: DeArment

Anh Le Tran

Professor of Economics and Management

Office: DeArment

Nancy Waldron

Assistant Provost; Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management

Office: DeArment

Robert Zuar

Visiting Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance

Office: DeArment

BIO205 - Anatomy & Physiology I

This is a comprehensive course focusing on the structure and function of the human body. The course introduces students to aspects of human biology ranging from the chemical basis of life and cell biology to the anatomy and physiology of the major organ systems. Topics covered include: cell biology, major body tissues, and the structure and function of the following systems: skin, skeletal, muscular, and nervous. The laboratory component includes dissection. Students should have successfully completed one year of at least secondary (high school) level Biology before electing this course. Corequisite: BIO 205L.

BIO206 - Anatomy & Physiology II

This course is a continuation of BIO 205. The following systems are covered during the semester: endocrine, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, urinary, and reproductive. The laboratory component includes dissection. Prerequisite: BIO205 with a C or better. Corequisite: BIO206L.

BUSS101 - Fund of Bus in a Global Environment

This course is designed to familiarize students with various aspects of the business world. Areas covered include: private enterprise; forms of ownership; legal aspects; management practices in a diverse and global business environment; marketing; human resources; global operations management; labor relations; and finance. In addition, students become aware of how business functions are integrated into an organization to achieve specific goals both locally and internationally.

BUSS205 - Business Law

This course provides a working knowledge of everyday law as it applies to both business and personal needs. The primary focus is on contract law and property law. Different sections offered are specific to majors and/or interests (Section A – General Business, Section B – Sport Management, Section C – Hospitality Management). Students can choose any section that they prefer, regardless of major.

BUSS220 - Principles of Marketing

In this course, the fundamentals of marketing are explored for practical application in today's business environment. The process of creating value for customers by utilizing the tools of marketing -- market segmentation, targeting and positioning, marketing research and communications, product development, channels of distribution, and pricing -- are explored with a project-based, interactive approach. Additionally, there is a service learning component included in this course that enables students to further apply the course concepts while working to advance a participating non-profit organization. Prerequisites: BUSS101, COM101, HEM101, HEM102, FASH101, or SMGT102 AND ENG102 or WRT102.

BUSS224 - Org Behavior in the Global Workplace

In this course, students study individuals and their interactions within group settings as they affect efficiencies in diverse business organizations. Group dynamics and intergroup dynamics are emphasized in relation to productivity and work satisfaction along with the examination of specific aspects of organizations that influence behavior on a global scale. Areas covered include structure, leadership, and change as they affect a multitude of cultures. Teaching modalities include case studies and role-playing. This is a writing intensive course.

BUSS226 - Financial Accounting

This course provides students with the fundamentals of accounting processes and procedures used in business. Students learn how to identify and record business transactions. In addition, students learn how to create financial statements and how to become intelligent users of financial information. Prerequisite: BUSS105.

BUSS231 - Entrepreneurship & Venture Creation

Entrepreneurship drives global innovation and economic growth. This course exposes business students to the study of entrepreneurship and the venture-creation process. Topics include analyzing new business opportunities, developing business propositions, new venture planning and financing, marketing activities, financial controls, and other topics relevant to the entrepreneurial process. Students interact with faculty, local entrepreneurs, and small business owners/managers. As a culmination activity of this course, students are responsible for the development and presentation of a business plan. Prerequisite: BUSS101, HEM101, HEM102, FASH101 or SMGT102.

BUSS232 - Global Operation Strategies

This course examines how operations can be used as sources of competitive advantage in international business. The class will focus on understanding the need to formulate an operational strategy (long-term plan) and making strategic operational decisions. The old view of operations management as the task of maintaining a comparatively static production or service facility has given way to one characterized by a need for renewed flexibility, relentless improvement, and the development of new capabilities at the operating unit level. As a result of this changing environment, the skills required of operations managers across the globe have changed as well. This course is based primarily on case studies supported by conceptual frameworks.

BUSS336 - Human Resource Management

In this course, students will examine the staffing function of management including planning, recruitment, selection, training, motivation, appraisal, compensation, labor laws, and organizational development. The course also addresses current issues affecting the human resource manager, including the changing work force and need to increase productivity, as well as changes in the area of unions and affirmative action. Both class discussions and case studies are used to prepare students for the personnel and related tasks involved in a management position. Prerequisite: BUSS224

COM103 - Human Communication (KP)

This course is a basic survey of human communication, especially interpersonal and group. Attention is given to perception, language and meaning, listening, theories of persuasion, verbal and nonverbal communication, small group discussion, interpersonal conflict, and interviewing. The course focuses on understanding how human communication is fundamentally related to issues of interpersonal relationships; the history of human communication and language development; perception and intrapersonal communication; leadership; group/team work; multicultural diversity in organizations; decision-making; power; public speaking; and ethical challenges. This course helps students to develop and practice skills that will guide effective action in their professional careers and interpersonal relationships. This course includes a Service Learning component.

ECON101 - Principles of Econ-Micro

This course is an introduction to the principles of the economic behavior of individuals, firms, and industries in the mixed economic system. Topics include consumer demand; elasticity; supply and costs of production; the allocation of economic resources; international trade; and the role of government in promoting economic welfare.

EXSC103 - Skills & Techniques for the Exercise Sci

The purpose of this course is to provide foundational skills in measurement techniques of health and physical activity that are necessary and relevant for a professional in the field of exercise science, fitness management and related disciplines. Students will learn how to screen exercise participants for health risks, to assess basic anthropometrics, body composition, cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, and flexibility in apparently healthy individuals, across the lifespan, using a variety of techniques and technologies. In addition, principles and techniques for recognition and management of non-life-threatening and life-threatening emergencies will be covered. Students will be exposed to evidence-based foundations within the discipline, as well as career options and the role of the exercise, health, and fitness professional in the health, wellness and sport disciplines.

EXSC106 - Functional Anatomy & Resistance Trainig

This course applies principles of anatomy to the study of human motion and resistance training. The course will explore human movement through applied anatomy and biomechanics, as well as through the analysis of exercises and sport movements. Students will be able to identify, describe, execute, and progress common resistance training exercises for the upper extremity, lower extremity, and trunk that target specific musculature. Students will utilize their anatomical knowledge base to evaluate exercise technique and form.

EXSC108 - Group Exercise

This course will introduce students to group exercise instruction methods. Students will gain knowledge of and skill in planning exercise sessions for groups of exercisers using a variety of formats and instructional techniques. Communication, instruction, safety, motivation, organization, music selection, and choreography with be discussed and practiced. In addition, the application of common anatomy, physiology, and behavior modification principles will be used in designing and progressing group exercise sessions. A variety of fitness activities will be explored including sports conditioning, circuit training, boot camp, step aerobics, kickboxing, strength training, yoga and indoor cycling. This course will also prepare students to sit for national certification exams.

EXSC209 - Performance Nutrition

This course studies the effects, benefits, and sources of major nutrients. It includes an overview of nutritional issues involved in disease processes and nutritional needs for an active population. Special focus on patient assessment and development of dietary plans based on energy expenditure. Prerequisites: BIO 205, BIO 206.

EXSC211 - Principles of Personal Training

This course prepares students for national certification exams as personal trainers. Each class addresses pertinent topics of the health fitness professional. These topics include health screening and assessment and comprehensive program design for multiple populations. The course empowers students with the skills necessary to become qualified fitness professionals.

EXSC340 - Research Concepts

This course covers research concepts in the healthcare and fitness industry including the logic of experimental and correlational designs, issues of control, sampling, measurement of variables, ethical issues in research, use of online professional search procedures, and writing in APA style. Students engage in various aspects of the research process culminating in a research paper on a discipline specific topic. Prerequisite: MATH208.

EXSC405 - Org & Admin of Health & Sports Programs

This course presents the principles of managing physical education, intramural and athletic programs, commercial fitness and strength and conditioning/sports performance businesses, issues, scheduling, staff, financial planning and related duties of faculty mangers. Likewise, it is important to note that this is a writing intensive course. Prerequisites: Junior Standing

EXSC410 - Exercise Science Field Experience I

This is an off-campus experience in a hospital, clinic, corporate, university or commercial setting, as appropriate. Concepts, theories, and practices learned in the classroom are applied in a supervised setting. Students must successfully complete at least 150 hours of field experience in addition to written assignments. Prerequisites: EXSC302, EXSC305, current CPR/AED certification

HEM205 - Private Club Management

This course explores many areas vital to the success of club management, including business, finance, food, beverage, facilities, sales, operations, and multiple recreational activities while stressing the supreme importance of customer service quality. By taking this course, students will explore a field that covers all aspects of the hospitality industry. We are privileged to be in a great location, close to many of the area’s most notable private clubs, which provides students with employment experience and internship opportunities. Prerequisite: HEM 101

MATH208 - Statistics

This is an introductory course in descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include: data analysis, and graphical methods of describing data, measures of central tendency and variability, probability, the normal distribution, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression analysis. Prerequisites: MATH 106 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing and ENG 102.

PSYC101 - Psychological Perspectives (KP)

In this course, students learn to think like psychologists as they study classic and contemporary topics in human behavior, feeling, and thought. Students learn to apply psychological perspectives of thought, including biological, cognitive, sociocultural, humanistic, psychodynamic, and behaviorist, to better understand the human experience. Students will learn to use these perspectives to explore how individual behavior is influenced by and influences one’s biology, family, community and society. Topics may include human development, personality, psychopathology, human relationships, language, memory, perceptual processes, and intelligence, among others.

BUSS440 - Business Capstone

This capstone course requires students to apply a broad knowledge of management and administrative techniques to specific situations. An emphasis is placed on strategy formulation and implementation. This is a writing intensive course. Different sections offered are specific to majors and/or interests (Section A – General Business, Section B – Sport Management, Section C – Hospitality Management). Students can choose any section that they prefer, regardless of major. Prerequisite: Senior standing, Major within the School of Business

EXSC430 - Exercise Science Capstone

The capstone course synthesizes theories and practices of exercise physiology into one culminating and progressive exercise program for a client. Students serve as subjects, technicians, and administrators. The primary goal is to better prepare students to engage in research at the graduate level and to create an opportunity for students to apply various concepts and theories attained throughout the curriculum. The content of this course focuses on opportunities for exercise program design and undergraduate research, with three course design option; development of original case study research, with focus on adhering to written and oral presentation standards within the field; development of an original research question, with focus on methodology, data collection and statistical analysis; or development of an understanding of the research process, with focus on review of the literature, defining the research question, and study methodology. Prerequisite: EXSC 340

PSYC218 - Dynamics of Small Groups

This class examines the basic theory and application necessary to understand and facilitate small groups. Topics may include group types, formation, roles and stages; group process; cultural awareness; group interventions and ethics within the field of psychology and human service; therapeutic value of groups; and the family, classroom, and peers as small groups. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 or SOC 101.

PSYC220 - Social Psychology

This is an introduction to the study of social interactions from a psychological perspective. Research reviewed focuses on topics such as: social perception, group interaction, attitude formation, attitudinal change, aggression, conflict, and pro-social behavior. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.

PSYC240 - Sport Psychology

This course examines settings such as school, recreational, and professional where sport activities occur. It covers topics such as motivation, anxiety, competition, cooperation, gender issues, and age and developmental level in relation to sport activities. Behavioral problems such as substance abuse and eating disorders, along with psychological factors in prevention and treatment of injuries are included. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.

PSYC302 - Biological Basis of Behavior

This course examines current research in the fields of biology, neuroscience, and psychology that explain the role of neural mechanisms in evoking and controlling human behavior. Topics include: thirst and hunger, sleep and arousal, sexual behavior, emotion, aggression, learning, memory, and mental disorders. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.

EXSC302 - Exercise Physiology

This course explores the acute and chronic effects of exercise on the structure and function of the body with an emphasis on the metabolic cardiovascular, pulmonary, and neuromuscular systems. Also discussed are the effects of environmental factors and ergogenic aids on exercise performance. The objective of this course is for the student to gain an understanding and working knowledge of how the body responds to exercise so that they may apply this knowledge to their chosen field. The practical applications of the major principles are demonstrated in a laboratory setting (EXSC 302L). Students are advised that the capability to exercise moderately and maximally may be required and documentation if a medical examination indicating cardiopulmonary status and exercise capacity may be requested by the instructor. Prerequisite BIO 205/BIO 206. Corequisite EXSC 302L

EXSC305 - Strength Training & Conditioning

Lecture and practical sessions include principles of weight training and conditioning, orientation to different modalities, including free weights, weight machines (i.e., Nautilus), and circuit training and development of individual and group exercise programs. Students may be required to obtain medical clearance prior to participation. Pre-requisite: BIO206. Co-requisite EXSC305L.