Evaluating Outcomes
Explore resources to assist you in evaluating age-related teaching and learning goals.
How Do You Know that Intergenerational Practice Works? (pdf)
A guide to get you started on evaluating intergenerational practice. Made available through the Beth Johnson Foundation.
Evaluating Intergenerational Projects (pdf)
A practical guide illustrating how existing toolkits can be used for evaluation. Made available through the Beth Johnson Foundation.
Resources for Assessing Age-Related Attitudes
The evaluation of interventions and programs aimed at changing students' and others’ age-related attitudes has entailed a variety of explicit and implicit measures. Below are examples of these measures.
Fraboni Scale of Ageism
- Fraboni , M. , Saltstone , R. , & Hughes , S. ( 1990 ). The Fraboni scale of ageism (FSA): An attempt at a more precise measure of ageism . Canadian Journal on Aging , 9, 56 - 66.
- Sandy K. Wurtele, S. K., & Maruyama, L. (2013). Changing students' stereotypes of older adults. Teaching of Psychology, 40, 59-61.
Palmore's Facts on Aging Quizzes
- Palmore, E. B. (1977). Facts on aging: a short quiz. Gerontologist, 17, 315-437.
- Palmore, E. B. (1981a). More on Palmore's Facts on Aging Quiz. Gerontologist, 21, 115-116.
- Palmore, E. B. (1981b). The Facts on Aging Quiz: Part two. Gerontologist, 17, 315-437.
- Harris, D, K., Changas, P. S., & Palmore, E. B. (1996). Palmore's first facts on aging quiz in a multiple-choice format. Educational Gerontology, 22, 575-589.
- Seufert, R.L., & Carrozza, M.A. (2002). A test of Palmore's Facts on Aging Quizzes as alternate measures. Journal of Aging Studies, 16, 279-294.
- Palmore's FAQ Online - Test your knowledge about aging and older adults, see how your knowledge may be biased
Aging Anxiety Scale
- Lasher, K. P. & Faulkender, P. J. (1993). Measurement of aging anxiety: Development of the anxiety about aging scale. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 37, 247-259.
Drawing Measure
- Barrett, Anne E. and Cantwell, Laura E.(2007) Drawing on stereotypes: Using undergraduates' sketches of elders as a teaching tool, Educational Gerontology, 33, 4, 327- 348.
Implicit Association Test (IAT)
- Hummert, M. L., Garstka, T. A., O'Brien, L. T., Greenwald, A. G., Mellott, D. S. (2002). Using the Implicit Association Test to measure age differences in implicit social cognitions. Psychology and Aging, 17, 482-495.
- IAT Online - The age - Young - Old IAT - requires the ability to distinguish old from young faces. This test often indicates that Americans have automatic preference for young over old.
Semantic Differential
- Rosencranz, H. & McNevin, T. (1969). A factor analysis of attitudes toward the aged. Gerontologist, 9, 55-59.
- Polizzi, Kenneth G. (2003) Assessing attitudes toward the elderly: Polizzi's refined version of the Aging Semantic Differential. Educational Gerontology, 29, 197-216.
- Gonzales, E., Tan, J., & Morrow-Howell, N., (2010). Assessment of the refined aging semantic differential: Recommendations for enhancing validity. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 53, 304-318.