"Along with race and gender, people commonly use age to categorize—and form stereotypes about—others. Of the three categories, age is the only one in which the members of the in-group (the young) will eventually join the out-group (the old). Although ageism is found cross-culturally, it is especially prevalent in the United States, where most people regard growing older with depression, fear, and anxiety. Older people in the United States are stigmatized and marginalized, with often devastating consequences." from Ageism: Stereotyping and Prejudice Against Older Persons, Todd D. Nelson (Editor)
Teach your students more about ageism with these resources.
Ageism in America
Dr. Robert Butler coined the term "ageism". This special report co-authored by Butler and other aging experts defines ageism and describes ways in which it manifests itself in personal and institutional settings, providing an agenda for action.
IAT Implicit Association Test
The age - Young - Old IAT - requires the ability to distinguish old from young faces. This test often indicates that Americans have automatic preference for young over old.
Ageism: Stereotyping and Prejudice Against Older Persons
Two comprehensive volumes about various aspects of ageism, including social and developmental origins, discrimination in different contexts, the effects of ageism, reducing ageism, and new directions for research.
AARP Magazine Covers
Explore themes and images over time in the archive of AARP covers
Office of Minority Health (OMH)
US Department of Health & Human Service site provides the opportunity to examine information about the health of racial and ethnic minority populations and explore issues faced by older adults.
National Center on Elder Abuse
U.S. Administration on Aging site provides in-depth information on types of elder abuse, risk factors, and typical abusers of elders, along with prevention and intervention guidelines.
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Detailed information on the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 with a link to prohibited employment policies and practices describing various areas of discrimination.
Sloan Center on Aging & Work
Search publications for reports and briefs about age-focused work attitudes and employment practices along with information on workplace impact.
National Center for Victims of Crime
Search for "elder victimization" to find a report and overview of data and facts on how older adults are victims of crime
Media Takes: On Aging
Styleguide for Journalism, Entertainment and Advertising (pdf)