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2021 - 2022 Academic Catalog

Healthcare Administration and Management Minor

The Healthcare Administration program was designed to provide students with the skills they need to succeed within the modern healthcare workforce. This minor is online only.

Total Credits- 18

RIZE Healthcare Admin and Management Minor Course Descriptions:

HAM I- Health Systems of the United States
This course is your introduction to the US healthcare system and the practice of healthcare management. You’ll learn how the healthcare industry functions and explore the roles and impacts of its various stakeholders and organizations. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to compare and contrast the US healthcare system with that of other nations and evaluate its performance. By the end of this course, you’ll know the ins and outs of the American healthcare system and be prepared for further study in healthcare administration.

HAM II- Health Law and Ethics
This course is your overview of healthcare law in the United states. You’ll learn about the ethical and legal issues that healthcare providers and administrators are confronted with in the modern workforce. By the end of this course, you’ll understand how the legal environment shapes the medical profession and how to analyze and respond to a range of ethical and legal issues.

HAM III- Health Data and Analytics
This course is intended to help you understand the process of analyzing patient data, operational information and electronic health records to drive change and achieve greater efficiencies in healthcare systems. You’ll learn how to use the R programming language (no prior experience needed) to analyze and explore data sets. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to perform statistical analyses of healthcare data and turn it into actionable information to improve healthcare systems.

HAM IV- Healthcare Finance
This course teaches you how to apply concepts of finance and accounting to healthcare. You’ll learn how to track and evaluate the financial status of a healthcare organization. Additionally, you’ll learn how healthcare systems finance growth, and other projects. By the end of this course, you will be able to be able to analyze issues and trends in healthcare finance and use financial information to support healthcare decision-making.

HAM V- Healthcare Service Operations
This course is your introduction to healthcare operations. You’ll learn about operations and systems management within the context of healthcare systems, how hospital supply chains work, and how to analyze operational processes to improve efficiencies. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to evaluate and optimize hospital processes.

PHM III- Health Services
Health Services - the means by which healthcare is provided - is a critical concept in Public Health that impacts all of us. This course will introduce you to the modern history of healthcare in high, middle, and low-income countries and explore the evolution of health services. Students will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of particular systems and policies and examine their ideal version of a health service in the context of current events. This online class has optional live sessions.